JUNE 6, 2006
The Pitman Board of Education’s Annual Recognition Program was held on Tuesday, June 6, 2006 in the Auditorium at PitmanHigh School. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with the following in attendance:
Gail L. ToddPresident
Thomas DeGeorgeVice-President
Robert J. BazzelMember
Thomas C. HahnMember
Joseph F. MartinMember
Robin MollenhauerMember(absent)
Donald W. PalliesMember
Michele D. RoemerSecretary
Thomas F. SchulteSuperintendent
Esther PacittiAsst. Supt. for Curriculum & Instruction
Notice of this Action Work Session of the Pitman Board of Education was mailed to the Gloucester County Times, posted at Borough Hall and a copy thereof delivered to the Pitman Borough Clerk. Further, notice was posted and filed as required by Law stating that the meeting would begin at 7:00 p.m. for Student and Staff Recognition in the Pitman High School Auditorium. The President shall entertain any objections, with supporting reasons, to the conduct of this meeting on the grounds that it violates the Open Public Meetings Act.
The board dispensed with opening activities.
-Mr. Schulte welcomed the honorees and their family members to the meeting. He thanked all parents for their support of our students and the school district.
-Mrs. Todd, Board President, also thanked the parents. She also informed the attendees that on Wednesday, June 7that 7:30 pm the Board would be receiving a report on the Strategic Plan that community members and staff have been working on during the 2005/2006 school year. She invited everyone to attend.
The awards were presented as followed by the Pitman Board of Education members.
The following teachers, support staff and community volunteers were recognize by the Pitman Board of Education.
Retiring Teachers
Jane CatlinConnie OwensDorinda Timberman
Retiring Support Staff
Cheryl Reichardt
Community Volunteers
Karen Lynd – High School
Ann Finn – Middle School
Kelly Gipe – MemorialSchool
Jennifer Quinn – WallsSchool
Ron Stanwood – KindleSchool
Board of Education Member
Barry Owen
PRINCIPAL’S LIST – Fifth grade students (All A’s first three marking periods for 2005/2006)
Jayme CapannaKarlie CrispinBryan Fluck
Josh LloretCaiden Lopez
Kristy BeckettCourtney BresnyanKaitlyn Cattafi
Andrew SlackKristen Weaver
John GalloDanielle Williams
ALL SOUTH JERSEY ELEMENTARY HONORS BAND: Selection is based on nomination from band director and auditions. The most qualified applicants are selected from the South Jersey area. This band will perform in the Honors Band Festival.
Kristy BeckettJohn GalloAlexis Leash
DARE ESSAYISTS: Students wrote an essay discussing how DARE affected their lives. One student from each elementary school was selected as the essay winner.
Kathryn Pepe – Walls
Chelsea Richmond – Kindle
Kristen Weaver – Memorial
ALL SOUTH JERSEYJR. HIGH CONCERT BAND: Students must audition for this honor, and then play as part of the All-Star Band of South Jersey at a regional concert.
Reilly Rattigan
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 2006 TALENT SEARCH – DISTINGUISHED: These seventh and eighth grade students earned Distinguished Level scores on the SAT, taken as part of a national program for Middle School students sponsored by the Center for Talented Youth and JohnsHopkinsUniversity.
Kathleen MacIntoshRobert McCarthyJeremi Perkowski
SITE COMPETITION WINNER (Student Inventions through Education): Student Inventions Through Education is a state-level competition among Middle School students, who must design a new invention or make significant improvements to an existing project. Rose also placed 2nd place in South Jersey.
Rose Lloret
PRINCIPAL’S LIST (All A’s first three marking periods for 2005/06)
Grade 6Grade 7
Samya Abu-OrfMichelle Stafford
Jordan Daminger
Hayden Delia
Ariel EvansGrade 8
Allyson FranchiChelsea Cioffi
Maura GodfreyClayton Cozzan
Taylor GroffAmanda Rosebery
Kacy MillarMolly White
Ramsey Walker
PITMAN ROTARY SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS: Students solve a problem or answer a question using the scientific method. The local Rotary sponsors and judges this competition.
1st Place – Kyle Collins
2nd Place – tie – Donald Pierpont and Clayton Cozzan
3rd Place – Reilly Rattigan
PRESIDENTIAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD:Eighth grade students with all A’s and B’s (with no more than 25 B’s) for6th, 7th, and 8th grade – major subjects only (with a 3.58 grade point average); no grades lower than a C in other areas; and score in the 80th percentile or above on the 7th grade standardized testing.
Alissa AmbacherChelsea CioffiClayton Cozzan
Brianna DeWittRyan DillEden Evans
Stephanie KensilKathleen MacIntoshAmanda Rosebery
Molly White
AWARD WINNER: Student selected to represent PitmanMiddle School. Student exemplifies good citizenship and scholarship.
Mary Craft
BOYS’ STATE DELEGATE: Students are selected, male/female, by the American Legion to attend a weeklong seminar on leadership.
Stephen Sirisky
BOYS’ STATE ALTERNATE: Students are selected, male/female, by the American Legion to attend a weeklong seminar on leadership.
Eric DybeckEric Kenvin
ACADEMIC HONOR AWARD = 93 and above – Any student who receives a cumulative grade point average of 93 during first three marking periods of the current school year shall be named a recipient of the Academic Honors Award and will receive an appropriate recognition in the spring.
CLASS OF 2006James Atkinson
Stephanie Bartosh
Robert Conova
Kenneth D’Amato
Sarah Donofrio
Stephanie Frost
Amanda Giorno
Samantha Greene
Tanya Harmer
Shannon Henry
Christine Kehner
Caitlin Levins
Stuart Lynd
Maria Marquez
Eric Mazzola
Megan Mook
Jessica Naval
Samantha Nealer
Mallory Pladus
Markus Rak
Deviney Rattigan
Michael Roberto
Molly Saville
Katie Schlegel
Ally Smallwood
Julie Stutzbach
Stephanie Taglianetti
Mathew Thomas
Christine Ward
Catharine Whitley
Alexander Zebrowski / CLASS OF 2007
Abigail Bazzel
Ryan Blass
Caitlyn Collins
Sean Covely
Margaret Dutill
Eric Dybeck
Brittany Fearon
Alyssa Gillon
Julia Glassman
Amanda Gurchick
Jullian Hill
Matthew Kaiser
Kevin Knorr
Shannon McNeely
Jonathan Mundell
Jennifer Parisi
Mark Peterson
Kaitlyn Rattigan
Eugene Reid
Danielle Roberts
Steven Sauler
Allison Saville
Gabrielle Sees
Stephen Sirisky
Daniel Thomas
Theresa Yurick / CLASS OF 2008
James Aspras
Vincent Chiaro
Danielle Collier
Jennifer Collins
Scott Cunningham
Allison Daminger
Dana Demiduke
Natalie Diblasio
Kelli Foster
Michelle Gotti
Julia Grimm
LeeAnn Kelley
Cristina Kelly
Belinda Kopko
Amanda Latkis
Asher Lansdowne
Nia Marciante
Tara Milward
Rebecca Minter
Scott Myers
Jacquelyne Nesbit
Jill Patrick
Kaitlin Patterson
Lauren Peterson
Amelia Pfeiffer
Casey Pladus
Amanda Rencher
Brooke Stokes
Melissa Stutzbach
Crystal Uhl
Christine Woodell
Meghan Wright
Aimee Yarmark / CLASS OF 2009
Leila Abu-Orf
Ashlyn Atkinson
Aneda Balakhan
Emily Carr
Marcus Corbitt
Caitlin Craft
Robert Cressman
John Franchi
Kevin Gibbs
Megan Guarni
Stephanie Hines
Danica Jovanovic
Nicole Kelly
Nicholas Leypoldt
Tyler Lovelace
Sean Matteo
Edward Matthews
Kaitlyn McIlvaine
Charlotte Nolan
Holly Salvia
Samantha Sheridan
Courtney Shimkus
Alexander Sprengle
Erin Summers
Bethaney Wald
Sloane Walker
Daniel Ward
Joseph Yacono
ALL-SOUTH JERSEY CHOIR – SR. HIGH: Students audition with all South Jersey schools and they audition for a position in an honor’s choir. Winners are chosen by a panel of teachers.
Sarah DonofrioTanya HarmerStuart Lynd
David Riley
ALL-SOUTH JERSEY CHOIR – JR. HIGH: Students audition with all South Jersey schools and they audition for a position in an honor’s choir. Winners are chosen by a panel of teachers.
Daniel DeGeorge
ALL-SOUTH JERSEY ORCHESTRA: A group of auditioned band or choir students who rank among the best musicians in the State of New Jersey. These students perform several times throughout the year under the baton and direction of elite conductors and composers.
Abigail Bazzel
ALL STATE SYMPHONIC BAND: A group of auditioned band or choir students who rank among the best musicians in the State of New Jersey. These students perform severaltimes throughout the year under the baton and direction of elite conductors and composers.
Allison Daminger
ALL-SOUTH JERSEY WIND ENSEMBLE: A group of auditioned band or choir students who rank among the best musicians in the State of New Jersey. These students perform several times throughout the year under the baton and direction of elite conductors and composers.
Abigail BazzelAllison Daminger
AMERICAN CHORAL DIRECTOR’S ASSOCIATION ALL-EASTERN HONOR’S CHOIR: Students audition (send in tape) with all of South Jersey schools and they audition for a position in an honor’s choir. Winners are chosen by a panel of teachers.
David Riley
DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION CITIZEN AWARD: Sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Students in their senior year are nominated by the faculty. The top three students nominated are then voted on by the senior class for the Good Citizen Award.
Mallory Pladus
EDWARD J. BLOUSTEIN DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR: Students must be either 1, 2 or 3 in the class or be in the top 10% of their class and have a combined S.A.T. of 1260 by the end of their junior year.
Sarah DonofrioDeviney RattiganSamantha GreeneChristine Kehner Caitlin Levins Maria Marquez
Molly SavilleJulie StutzbachStephanie Taglianetti
THE GEORGEWASHINGTONUNIVERSITY APPLIED ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MEDAL: A student in their junior year is selected by the Math and Science departments. The student is selected as a result of outstanding performance in both Math and Science.
Eric Kenvin
GIRLS’ CAREER INSTITUTE DELEGATE: Students are nominated by the facultyand interviewed by the Pitman Woman’s Club. The student selected attends a week long seminar at DouglasCollege.
Gina Brentari
GIRLS’ CAREER INSTITUTE ALTERNATE: Students are nominated by the faculty and interviewed by the Pitman Woman’s Club. The student selected attends a week long seminar at DouglasCollege.
Christina Romano
GIRLS’ STATE DELEGATE: Students are selected, male/female, by the American Legion to attend a week long seminar on leadership.
Shannon McNeely Jennifer Parisi
GIRLS’ STATE ALTERNATE: Students are selected, male/female, by the American Legion to attend a week long seminar on leadership.
Caitlin CollinsLindsay Larson
AWARD WINNER: Student selected to represent PitmanHigh School. Student exemplifies good citizenship and scholarship.
Robert Conova
GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS DELEGATE: Student applies to the High School committee who then makes a selection. The student is then selected by the county committee. Student is then required to have a live performance audition in Trenton.
Abigail Bazzel
HUGH O’BRIEN AWARD– LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE - DELEGATE: One sophomore student selected to attend a weekend conference dealing with leadership issues.
Natalie Diblasio
HUGH O’BRIEN AWARD– LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE - ALTERNATE: One sophomore student selected to attend a weekend conference dealing with leadership issues.
Amanda Latkis
NEW JERSEY ALL-STATE MIXED CHOIR: Students audition with all South Jersey schools and they audition for a position in an honor’s choir. Winners are chosen by a panel of teachers.
Sarah DonofrioTanya HarmerDavid Riley
PRINCIPAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS LEADERSHIP AWARD: Student exemplifies good leadership qualities in school activities.
Samantha Greene
PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARD: Student is selected by committee for outstanding community service to the Pitman community.
Jessica Naval
RENSSELAER MEDALLIST – NOMINATION: Sponsored by RensselaerUniversity, a student in their junior year is selected by the Math and Science Faculties and for outstanding performance in the Math and Science curricula and plans a career in engineering.
Eric Dybeck
ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP – RYLA: Students are selected by the (Rotary Youth Leadership) Rotary to attend a week long leadership conference.
Sean CovelyConstance Redfield
SEMPER FIDELIS AWARD FOR MUSIC EXCELLENCE : Students must be a senior, hold a “first chair” position in the band, be capable of performing as a soloist with the high school band, and be recognized as both an outstanding performer and a truly outstanding young citizen.
Annastacia Gresko
SENIORS OF THE MONTH: Selection is based on those seniors who consistently demonstrate meeting the expectations for PitmanHigh School.
Samantha Nealer – MarchMaria Marquez – April
Kristian Nesbit – May
TOP 5 SENIOR CLASS OF 2006: GPA (weighted) after seven (7) semesters.
Samantha GreeneChristine KehnerDeviney Rattigan
Julie StuzbachStephanie Taglianetti
TOYOTA COMMUNITY SCHOLARS PROGRAM: Student is selected for outstanding scholastic achievement and service to school and community.
Jessica Naval
UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER HUMANITIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE: Student is selected by faculty committee for outstanding academic and social performance in the humanities field.
Danielle Roberts
WENDY’S HIGH SCHOOL HEISMAN AWARD: One male and one female student are selected for demonstrating outstanding achievement in academics, athletics, and sportsmanship.
Justin CastagnaDeviney Rattigan
WPVI BEST OF THE CLASS OF 2006: Student is selected based on GPA after seven (7) semesters.
Stephanie Taglianetti
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Michele D. Roemer, Board Secretary