Yourname, QuickTime & QuickCam

Making QuickTime Movies

using the QuickCam & HyperStudio

Vasu, ECI 715


Using the QuickCam mini-camera to make QuickTime black and white movies with sound for HyperStudio stacks is simple! Just follow the directions that follow. QuickMovie is an application used to capture video, stills, and sound with the QuickCam. In order to use the QuickCam, the software that accompanies it must be installed on your computer. To see if it is installed on your hard drive do a Find File (under the File menu) for QuickMovie. If it is not installed on your hard drive, there is a copy in the ECI 715 folder on the AppleShare server that can be copied to your local hard drive.

Making a QuickTime movie with QuickCam

1. Plug the QuickCam camera cord into the phone port on the back of the PowerMac. (If you do not get an image try plugging it into the printer port). Place the camera on its stand on the top of the PowerMac and aim it at what you want to record.

2. Plug the microphone into the microphone port on the back of the PowerMac and set the sound (under the apple - upper left-hand corner of the screen) so that the volume is loud enough. Under Sound-In - click on (options). Make sure microphone is selected, and make sure playthrough is NOT selected.

Under Volumes - adjust the volume so that it is louder.

3. Launch the QuickMovie application that resides on the hard drive of the PowerMacs in the lab, by double-clicking its icon.

4. You should be prompted for the name of your movie, and the place that you want to save it. You can save it on your own disk, or in the 7-day storage folder on the hard drive.

5. Once you name your movie, a screen similar to the following should appear:

6. Adjust the brightness by clicking and dragging on the small “sun” icon under the picture.

Under the Settings menu choose Video, and choose Compress while recording so that your file will take up less space.

To record a movie click on the Record button. The Record button will change to a Stop button. To stop recording click on the Stop button.

7. To view your movie click on the QuickCam icon and it will change to Edit Video mode:

You can now view the movie as you would videotape, by pressing the play button under the picture. Refer to the QuickCam reference guide for further information about movie editing.

8. When you are finished recording and editing your movie, choose Produce Movie from the File menu. This command creates a new file that contains all movie references and data. Always use this before sending a video file to someone else, or prior to moving or copying it to another machine.

9. When you are done, select Quit from the file menu.

Playing a QuickTime movie with HyperStudio

You can play QuickTime movies in HyperStudio by creating a button with the button action Play a move or video.... First navigate to the stack where you would like to place the QuickTime movie or create a new stack.

1. Add a button to the card by selecting Add a button... from the Objects menu.

- In the Button appearance dialog box, choose a rectangular shape for the button. For the name of the button type in Play Movie. Then click OK.

- You should now see the button “twinkling” on the screen. This means that it has been selected. At the card level, click and drag your Play Movie button to the bottom of the screen.

2. Click on the card away from the button, and the button Actions dialog box should appear. Select Play a movie or clicking in the box beside it.

3. You will be asked “Where do you want to get your movie? Click on Disk File (QuickTime movie). Click OK. Navigate to the location of your movie. In this example the movie Demo1 Movie is located in the 7 day storage folder in the Poe Lab Hard Drive. Open the file by clicking on Open (or double-clicking on the movie’s name).

4. The first frame of your movie will appear “twinkling” (selected) on the screen. Click on the surface of the card away from the movie and the following dialog box should appear.

5. Click on movie controller, so that the play, rewind, and stop buttons will appear under the movie in your stack. You can choose from the selections on the screen if you like. Click OK when you are done. In the button Actions dialog box click on Done.

6. To test the button click on it with the browse tool.

- If you want to change the size or shape of the movie, click on the button with the button tool.

- In the Button appearance dialog box, click on to Actions...

- In the Actions box double-click on Play a movie or video...

- You should get the screen pictured in #4 above. Click on position. To move the movie, click and drag it to a new location. To resize it, grab it by the bottom right hand corner.

- Click on the card away from the movie when you are finished moving and resizing. Click OK when you are done, and test your button with the browse tool.


Remember to keep your movie in the same folder as your stack when you move or copy the stack so that HyperStudio can find it.


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