8th Grade Math

Ms. Munson Ms. Turek

Welcome to your eighth grade mathematics class at James Hart! We are excited to work with you and look forward to learning more about you. We want you to be enriched by your experiences in this mathematics class therefore we will do our best to provide opportunities for you to learn mathematics with understanding.

We have a lot to cover over the next year. Expectations will be high, so get ready to work hard. The following will give you a brief overview of what you will need in order to be successful this year.

Learning Materials and Tools

In order to be successful in this class, please be prepared to learn each day with the following learning materials and tools:

·  student agenda

·  math binder(1.5-2 in) with dividers

·  pencils/eraser/red pen

·  textbook

·  calculator (scientific required, starting in January 2018)

·  loose leaf paper


Note-taking will be very important. I expect you keep all notes organized. They will help you with homework assignments as well as reviewing for tests and quizzes.

Grading and Evaluation

Effort and work completed for individual assignments, group activities, class participation, quizzes and tests earn points in our mathematics class.

Your grade will be based on the following weighting system:

IXL 10% Homework/Classwork 25% Tests/Quizzes 65%

The grading scale is as follows:

98-100%= A+ 87-89%= B+ 77-79%= C+ 67-69%=D+

93-97%= A 83-86%= B 73-76%= C 63-66%= D

90-92%= A- 80-82%= B- 70-72%=C- 60-62%= D-

59% and lower = F

Homework Philosophy and Policy

I believe homework in mathematics is essential for understanding how you think. It is a way for you to see how you solve problems independently and realize what you do not understand. Therefore, please read carefully my policies on homework:

1)  All homework must be completed in your math binder in pencil.

2)  Homework will be assigned daily and will be due the following class period unless a later date is given. Each assignment is worth at least 5 points.

3)  Show your problem solving steps and calculations. Homework that shows only the answers will neither help you or I figure out any mistakes.

Therefore, homework with answers only will not receive credit!

4)  Daily homework/classwork scores will be based off both effort of completion as well as correct responses.

5)  All homework mistakes must be corrected in order for learning and understanding to happen.

Late Assignments/Absent Work

Late assignments are not acceptable. There is a standard in 8th grade that your work be completed by the due dates.

If you are absent, see me as soon as you return for your missing assignments, or phone a responsible friend for the assignments. You will receive the time allotted in your student handbook if you miss class due to illness. It is your responsibility to make up the work!


Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are found to be cheating you will receive an automatic zero for the assignment and phone call/email to your parent. Remember, giving someone else your assignment to “look at” or copy is still considered cheating.

Do your own work and take pride in it as well.

What if I don’t understand?

Mathematics can be difficult to ask at times. Please do not wait to ask me questions. I am more than willing to set up a meeting time to help you. Please make plans 24 hours in advance.