Seventh Grade English Summer Reading

Seventh Grade English Summer Reading

Seventh Grade English summer reading:

Wonder by R.J. Palacio & a book of your choice

Reading Instructions:

You will read this book differently than other books you’ve read in the past. As you read, you will be marking places in the book you’d like to discuss once school starts. Please have at least 1 post-it note for every 5-7 pages. The post-it note can contain thoughts or questions that you’d like to pose to the class. You may also note allusions or figurative language.


  • We will have one objective (fact-based) test over the book on the first Friday (August 21st) of school. We must do this so I can see who actually read the book.
  • You will receive a quiz grade for your post-it note annotation within the book. You can show your participation by asking a question, contributing an opinion, or privately writing interesting things on your post-its and showing them to me. For example, a student may have many post-its that illustrate thought and reflection, but the student doesn’t contribute any questions or thought to the class discussion. That student will receive a grade in the B range. A student who has many post-its and respectfully contributes to the class discussion will receive a grade in the A range. A student with few post-its and few contributions during class will receive a grade in the C range. Books will be turned in on the day of the test.
  • You will receive a test grade on a project that you will complete after reading the book (directions attached).
  • You will also receive a writing grade for an essay you will prepare. (directions attached).

Personal Precept Project/ Essay Directions (Due Monday, August 24th)

Name: ______


While reading Wonder, you will be introduced to the concept of precepts. For this project, you will need to first identify your own personal precept, just as the students in Wonder did for Mr. Browne over the summer. Your precept should also be written on the last page of Assignment. Your precept can come from a book, poem, song, saying, the internet, movie, or from yourself (see the Appendix of Wonder for examples).

Your project must include the following information:

1. Your precept (with citation)

2. How you chose this precept

o Where did you find it?

o What made you choose it?

3. What this precept means (your interpretation)

4. How the precept relates to your life?

o How do you live your life by this “rule”?

o Provide examples from your life when you acted according to this precept

o Explain why this precept is important to you

5. How the preceptcan relate to others’ lives

o What can others learn from your precept?

o How will their lives be bettered by it?

6. Pick a character from Wonder that you think lives according to your precept OR someone who should

o How does this character’s words/actions/thoughts exemplify the precept?

o OR How would this character’s life be improved by following this precept?

o For BOTH, you must include textual evidence (quote with page #)—make sure that you refer to and explain specific situations from the novel.

What you must create (must be turned in on the day of your presentation):

A written essay that includes all of the information above (#1-6)

o Length: a minimum of 5 paragraphs

o Must have a creative title (not “Precept Essay”)

o Format: Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced, one-inch margins, MLA heading in upper left corner

A poster board or 1 – 2 slide powerpoint that displays the following:

o (your name)’s personal precept: “______”—citation (if needed)

o Images/symbols that represent the meaning of the precept

o Text (complete sentences):  What the precept means  How you live your life by this precept  The precept’s significance: Why is this important?

*You will present the information in #1-6 above, using your poster/powerpoint slide as a visual aid on your presentation date. Presentations should be 2-3 minutes in length.

A second book choice is now a requirement for seventh grade English in order to encourage reading for enjoyment. Students must select a book that is at least 6th grade reading level and has 150 pages or more. They will need to bring a copy of the book to class on a designated day during the first full week of school (August 24-28). This book can be in hardback or electronic form. We will have a written in-class assignment .

As a side note: Please do not choose the sequel of the Wonder series as your second book (“The Julian Chapters”). We will be reading and discussing it during our first literary unit.

If you have any questions regarding the summer reading, you may email me at


I’m looking forward to seeing you in August! Enjoy the break!

Kelli Squires