Timescale of Mankind

Years Ago

500,000,000 Sponges 400,000,000 Land plants

300,000,000 Reptiles 200,000,000 – 66,000,000 Dinosaurs

50,000,000 Recognizable mammals, fowl

10,000,000 Mountain building, apes

7,000,000 Sahelanthropus, ape man

6,000,000 Orrorin, original man

5,600,000 Ardipotherus, chimp-like

3,700,000 Australopthecus to 2Mya, Lucy, upright . Found only in Africa

2,500,000 Homo Habilis to 1.5M. Start Paleolithic (Old Stone, pebble)

2,000,000 Homo Erectus1 to 500,000, control fire, words, old world-wide

1.800,000 Dmanisi (H.e.georgicus) {H.e.naledi ?}

1,200,000 Start Pre-Pasonian Glacial

1,000,000 Homo Antecessor1 to 250,000. Hair loss, darken skin, Asia

1,000,000 Note: Asia-N.Am were joined by Beringia, exchanged animals

800-680K Pastonian Warm

680-620K Gunz Ice

630-500K Günz-Mindel interglacial warm -- tools, make fire

500,000 Proto-Neanderthal

400,000 Homo Heidelbergensis1 (Europe, 800K to 250K?) Sima huesos pre-Denisonvan

455-380K Mindel Ice

300,000 Homo Neanderthal (Europe and adjacent Asia), spearhead

300-200K Interglacial (warm period) H. Rhodesiensis1 (Afr H.h to 125ka)

200,000 Homo Denisovan (East Asia, 125Ka-40K)

200-130K Riss Ice. H.s.omo1 194Ka.

170,000 Eve - all Homo Sapiens.

160,000 Homo sapiens idaltu1 in Africa, stone blades, language.

130,000 End Riss Ice.

130-110K Riss-Wurm interglacial or Eemian (warm)

100,000 Beginning of Würm Ice. (Last Ice Age, to 12,000)

100,000 Homo Antecessor dies out. (See 12,000 Hobbit.)

80,000 Of a human pop of 10,000, 150 people crossed “Out of Africa”

60,000 Homo sapiens from Africa to India. Bow&arrow

60,000 Adam in Africa. San people still exist.

45,000 Homo sapiens to Australia

40,000 Homo sapien cro-magnon1, spread to Asia to Europe

25,000 Homo Neanderthal goes extinct

22-15K H.s. isolated in Beringia to Americas.

15,000 Final chill of Wurm Ice Age, extinction of many large mammals

13,000 Start Little ice age in Europe

12,000 End of Wurm ice age.

12,000 Isolated Homo floresinensis (Hobbits) die out on Flores, Sundaland

11,500 Start Mesolithic Period (Hunter-gatherer,microlith,bow,canoe

Pop 3 million.

11,000 Jericho, first town ; Gobekli Tepe temple

10,000 Homo sapiens sapiens1 (modern mankind, replace Cro-Magnon culture) Oct'15

Modern” Timescale

Years Ago (Date=~Ya-2k)

10,000 homo sapiens sapiens (modern mankind, replace Cro-Magnon culture)

Mesolithic Period (Hunter-gatherer) World pop 5 million.

9,000 Start of Holocene Warm Age.

8,500 Neolithic Period. Agriculture, husbandry, pottery.

8,000 Cave paintings in Europe. Second wave to American west coast

7,600 Black Sea formed from rising Mediterranean waters. Flood myths? 7,500 Start of Sahara desert, 20-fold increase.

7,000 Proto-Indo-European language develops on Caspian steppe.

6,500 Middle European solar circles (wooden Stonehenges)

6,000 Tamed horse. PIE spreads to India to Iceland. Cuneiform. Cart

5,000 Copper Age. Pyramids, Stonehenge. End of Warm Age.

4,000 Bronze Age. Localization of language. Spoked wheel

3,000 Iron age. Troy. Celtic Europe, Abraham, Zoroaster

2,500 Greece, Alexander Buddha, Confucius

2,000 Rome. Pop 200M Jesus

1,500 Dark Age. Rome dies. Byzantine. Muhammad.

1,200 Muslim conquest. Battle of Tours Start Medieval Warm

1,100 Middle Ages. Charlemagne.

1,000 Leif Eriksson Pop 500M

900 Start Crusades. Battle of Hastings

800 Genghis Khan.; Magna Carta End of Medieval Warm

700 Ottoman Empire. Marco Polo. Start Little Ice Age

650 Plague decimates Europe. Chaucer

600 Renaissance. Fall Constantinople. Printing. Columbus.

500 Di Vinci, Luther, Michelangelo, Copernicus. Little Ice Age

400 Shakespeare, Brahe, Galileo, Kepler.

300 Newton

250 Industrial Age. Franklin.

240 American Revolution. Watt.

200 Rumford, Napoleon Pop 1,000M

150 Civil War, Darwin End Little Ice Age

100 Radio, aeroplane, WWI, Einstein

50 Vietnam, Pill, Great Society, our children

For variations on this theme:




This page is also on the internet and updated from time-to-time

http://www.manorweb.com/creative/2008/timescale.html as a web page

http://www.manorweb.com/creative/2008/timescale.doc as word.doc

http://www.manorweb.com/creative Other presentations for Cre.Retirement.


Seven Daughters of Eve -- female DNA

Deep Ancestry, 2007 -- male DNA

TV Documentaries

The Journey of Man – 2003 youtube

The Search for Adam - 2005