Seventh Grade BIBLE Mrs.Chason
Route 66
Course Guidelines
Welcome to middle school! I am so excited about the opportunity God has blessed me with to teach Bible this year. We are going to explore God’s Word and strive to grow spiritually as we get to know God better.
Course Overview:of time.
This year will provide a basic introduction to the structure and themes of the Word of God. As students journey through this survey, they will discover the truths and applications that God has provided in each book of the New Testament. God’s gracious work is clear—from creation to the cross to the consummation of time.
Required Supplies:
Route 66 Workbook
½” three ring binder
3 tab dividers
NIV Bible
Quarter grades will be calculated according to the following percentages:
Tests 40%
Quizzes 30%
Daily Grades 30%
A quiz will be given after each lesson in our text. After a group of lessons, a test will be given. Bible tests will be given on Mondays.
Scripture Memory Verse (SMV) TESTS will be given on a weekly basis, usually on Fridays. The Scriptures will follow our lessons and the tests will be given as the lessons progress.
Homework will be given 2-3 times per week. Homework will be graded for completion and effort and will count as a daily grade. If a student doesn’t finish classwork in class, I will expect it to be finished for homework. Homework is due at the beginning of class and will not be accepted late. Students will not be allowed to leave class to go to his or her locker to get forgotten assignments.
All assignments will be posted on INOW and the school website Your INOW login information will be sent home this week. On the school website, click on “School Staff” in the menu to the left. Find the teacher’s name to go to their page and see classroom updates and information.
Student Absences:
If a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to find out what was missed and make it up according to the policy in the student handbook. Missed assignments must be made up within the appropriate time period or credit will not be given.
Classroom Rules:
1. Treat others with kindness.
2. Treat others with respect.
3. Allow my teacher to teach.
4. Allow others to learn.
5. Respect property.
6. Be responsible for my actions.
7. Be responsible for my own learning.
Consequences for breaking rules:
1st offense: Warning
2nd offense: parent notified
3rd offense: office referral
Rewards for good behavior:
- homework passes
- awesome awards
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to meet with you. I can be contacted through email- , or you can call the office to schedule a time to meet with me. I look forward to serving you and your family this year!
SchoolWay App:
This is a great communication tool that I can use throughout the year to send reminders and messages to you on your cell phone or via email. Students and parents are free to sign up! Check the school website (click the SchoolWay icon on the far left) for more info on how to sign up.
Please fill out and return this page. You may keep the rest for reference.
Student ______
Mother’s Name ______Phone ______
Father’s Name ______Phone ______
Email address ______
*you may list more than one
Please number in order the ways you would like to be contacted regarding your student.
______phone call
______text message
My signature acknowledges that I have read and understand the policies and procedures for Mrs. Chason’s classroom.
Parent signature Student signature