Highrock Spiritual Guides

Questions about “Love God”

  1. “Love God and do what you like.” What do you think of this idea?
  2. What role is God playing in this time of discernment?
  3. Where do you think God is in this?
  4. Where do you sense God may be leading you?
  5. What do you think God wants you to remember most as you make this decision?
  6. The purpose of discernment is not to make “right” decisions but to grow closer to God. How do you think you can grow closer to God during this time of discernment than you were before it?
  7. What would it look like for you to fall more in love with God as you make this decision?
  8. Regardless of the decision you make, what would look like to really glorify God either way?
  9. What’s your relationship with God like right now? What effect does this decision have on your relationship with God?
  10. How have you been bringing this to God in prayer? How might God be inviting you to pray with him about this in the future?

Questions about “Do What You Like”

  1. What do you want to do?
  2. If you knew you couldn’t fail, or if you had no restrictions at all, what would you do?
  3. What’s your gut reaction about what you think you should do? What do you think that says?
  4. Which option gives you the most energy and life?
  5. Which of these dreams leave you filled with holy and wholesome desires?
  6. Which leavesyou with a sense of closeness to God? Which leaves you with a sense of distance from God?
  7. Which leaves you filled with faith, hope, and love? Which leaves you without these things?
  8. Which makes you want to go out and share it with the people you love? With your mentors and friends? Which is the dream you’re not excited to talk about with my mentors and friends? Which are the ones that I avoid mentioning to them?
  9. Which leaves you with a deep-down peace and tranquility? With a sense of rightness? With a fits-like-a-glove sort of feeling?
  10. Which leaves you feeling disquieted or agitated? Which fills you with deep-down anxiety and fear? Which leaves you with no passion and zeal? With a sense of boredom and tepidity? With no energy? Feeling deflated?
  11. Imagine you’re at the very end of your life, on your death bed. What do you wish you had done?