550 Baltimore Street

Charlestown, MD 21914

Phone: 410-996-6240

Fax: 410-996-6242

Rose W. Clark, Principal Kim Eller, Assistant Principal

Important Dates and Information

September 1, 2015

A Message from Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Eller…

Thank you for assisting us in welcoming the students back to school with flexibility and patience. Every new school year brings several days of adjusting and establishing routines at school and at home. The children have helped the adults at Charlestown as well as each other. Their respect and signs of responsibility are only possible when you are positive and upbeat with them and when you take the time to call us to share any concerns that you may have. It looks to be another exciting year. As we reflect on our first eight days of school we would like to share the following information with you. We will send home a monthly newsletter with general information and upcoming important dates. Please look for it on the first school day of each month. 

ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL PROCEDURES – Thank you for your help in making our arrival drop-off and dismissal pick-up procedure efficient and safe. We have several important reminders for you.

  1. When you drop students off in the morning an adult will be present to assist them beginning at 8:40 a.m. Students should remain in the car until an adult is present. Please do not stop, drop, and leave a child. There is no coverage for the children until 8:40.
  2. The official time to report to homeroom is 8:45 a.m.; therefore, the closer you are to 8:45 a.m. is appreciated. We would like all students here by 8:50 a.m. so they have time to eat breakfast with their classmates if they wish. Breakfast ends at 9:00 a.m. and the instructional day begins.
  3. At the end of the day students will exit beginning at 3:35 p.m. Please wait in the car loop line; do not go around the line or enter the exit area to come into the building as this creates an unsafe process.

Updated Car Rider Information –If a bus is available for your child’s transportation to and from school it would help us tremendously if you would use the service.

All students - AM DROP-OFF TIME: 8:40 – 8:55 (After this time, please park and escort your child to the main office.)

All students - AM DROP-OFF LOCATION: Sidewalk area on the far side of the gymnasium where the steps are located. Students will travel via the sidewalk and enter at the main lobby.

PK only - AM PICK-UP TIME: 11:50 EXCEPT Wednesdays – Wednesdays are 11:00

PK only - AM PICK-UP LOCATION: Sidewalk area at the beginning of the brick wall of the gymnasium.

PK only - PM DROP-OFF TIME: 12:50 EXCEPT Wednesdays – Wednesdays are 12:00 (After this time, please park and escort your child to the main office.)

PK only - PM DROP-OFF LOCATION: Sidewalk area at the beginning of the brick wall of the gymnasium.

All students - PM PICK-UP TIME: 3:35 – 3:45 (1:55 – 2:05 on Wednesdays)

All students - PM PICK-UP LOCATION: Sidewalk on the far side of the gymnasium where the steps are located. Students will be leaving from the gymnasium.

DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS INCLUDING BIRTHDAY INVITATIONS– This is just a reminder that Cecil County Public Schools follows specific guidelines for distributing materials to students. As part of the policy schools do not permit students to hand out party invitations at school or on the school bus. Invitations need to be distributed outside of the school setting. Also, please remember we cannot give you the addresses of your child’s classmates. Our PTA is putting together a school directory which will include contact information for interested families. Please be sure to complete the information sheet which came home the first day of school. We appreciate your support and understanding as we implement this county expectation.

LUNCH CONCERN – Students have been bringing sodas to school in their lunch boxes. Sodas are not permitted. If a child brings a soda we will provide milk and make a phone call home to notify his/her parent.

PARENT PORTAL – Power School Parent Portal gives parents and students access to on-line information including attendance, grades, detailed assignment descriptions, school bulletins, and even personal messages from the teacher. Everyone stays connected. Students are able to stay on top of their assignments, parents are able to participate more fully in their student’s progress and teachers can share information with parents and students. We invite all new families as well as families who have not used this product to stop by the main office or call to pick up the necessary log-on information.

PARENT RESOURCE CENTER FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION– The Parent Resource Center is located at 2535 Singerly Road in Elkton. Contacts: 410.996.5637 or .

PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES – CCPS has moved away from having designated conference days built into the school calendar. Teachers use the CCPS Regulation IKAE-RA (Procedures for Elementary Grading and Reporting) as their grading criteria. The Regulationserves as a guide for communicating students’ progress with parents. It states that communication with the parents/guardians and teachers can take the form of written notes, e-mails, phone conversations, interim reports, and conferences. Although, there is no expectation that teachers schedule conferences with parents to discuss their children, teachers should be communicating with parents if their children are struggling or if there is a decline in student performance. The purpose for this shift is so parents and teachers don’t wait until the end of the marking period to have discussions about struggling students. These discussions should happen when parents and teachers feel the need and as often as the parents and/or teachers request a conference. This will allow for much more timely and/or frequent meetings to discuss students’ progress. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher if you would like to schedule a conference.

Please Note: Grade Level Grading Criteria will be provided during each Open House session.

SCHOOL CASH ONLINE – This is the address for you to use to go online to create an account for your child. You do not need your child’s identification number used at school. You will be prompted to add your e-mail address and create your own unique password. Remember you will be able to put money on your child’s account for lunch, field trips, etc.

IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES – Please mark your calendar.

September 1PTA Membership Drive begins (ends October 6th)

PTA Meeting – 5:30 until 6:30 in the Media Center

Band/Strings Parent Night – 6:30 until 7:15

September 4SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR STUDENTS – Professional Day

September 7SCHOOLS CLOSED – Labor Day Holiday

September 8Boys and Girls Club After School Program begins

September 9School Advocacy Group meets at the Board Office – 6:00

September 10Volunteer Orientation – 9:15 in the Cafeteria

September 11Picture Day

Directory Forms due

PTA Spirit Wear Clothing Sale begins (ends October 6th)

September 14Board of Education Meeting

September 15Bus Evacuation Drills

Open House for Grades 3/4/5 only – 6:30 until 7:30

September 16Bus Evacuation Drills

September 17Open House for Grades 1/2 only – 6:30 until 7:30

September 21Board of Education Planning Meeting

September 22Interims come home today

September 28Board of Education Work Session

September 29PTA Rita’s Dessert Night Out – 5:00 until 8:00

September 30PTA August/September Birthday Celebration

Last Day to order yearbook with a 15% discount

Last Day for PTA Summer Box Top Collection

October 1PTA Fall Box Top Collection begins

October 6PTA Membership Drive ends

PTA Spirit Wear Sale ends

PTA Meeting 5:30 until 6:30

Open House for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten – 6:30 until 7:30

October 9Fire Prevention Events sponsored by Charlestown & Perryville Fire Departments

PTA Laps for Learning/Fall Fest Event – 6:30 until 8:30

October 13First Grade Field Trip to Cherry Crest Farm


October 23PTA Yankee Candle Fundraiser begins (ends November 6th)

Red Ribbon Week Kick-off Event for Students (Activities: 10/27 – 10/30)

End of First Marking Period


October 27Beginning of Second Marking Period

PTA October Birthday Celebration

Our Vision for Students & Adults: Achieving, Believing, Succeeding!