Registered Charity no 1004105

1356 2015


May 2015


It is with great sadness that we report the death of Kate Taylor. After a short illness Kate died on Tuesday 5th of May at the age of 81.

Kate has been the driving force of the Friends of the Chantry Chapel for many years. Her dynamic personality and immense knowledge of local history (the result of many hours of painstaking research) together with her attention to detail drew many hundreds of people to visit this beautiful and historic Chapel. She has given many talks nationwide to create interest in the Chantry and moreover to raise much needed funds for its maintenance and upkeep. The Chantry stands as a symbol and legacy of her many years of work. Friends passing the Chantry will have noticed the flag of St. George flying at half mast in her honour.

Kate is survived by her son Simon Jenkins, his wife Carole, and grandson Barnaby also her sister Enid Barron.

The Funeral will be held at Westgate Unitarian Chapel on Friday 5 June at 12.30 pm; followed by interment at SugarLaneCemetery at 2.00 pm. The family would like to invite her friends to come and celebrate Kate’s life then to join them for refreshments at Create, the café attached to the Library at Wakefield One. (It just seemed the most appropriate place, since Kate so loved books!)

In the interests of practicality, it would help if you could indicate if you are able to attend and whether you will be joining the family for refreshments. Please contact or by phone on 01924 373923.

There will be a memorial service in the Cathedral in the near future, details yet to be announced.

The Annual General Meeting, Monday 6 July, 8.00pm

You will note that the date of the AGM has been altered as the original date was thought to be too close to Kate’s funeral. Some nominations have been received for the election of officers: Chairman David Royston (nominated by Kate), Vice Chairman Brian Holding and Secretary Ann Kendall. If there are any further nominations please send details to . Following the meeting, there will be a talk and presentation given by Peter Taylor.


Subscriptions for 2015-6 became due at the beginning of April. If you have not already done so we greatly hope that you will continue to support our work in ensuring the maintenance of our iconic building. You will find a form enclosed with this Newsletter for you to return to our Treasurer. Huge thanks in advance for all your support. Without you, we could not ensure the Chantry’s upkeep.

Tuesday Open Days

Brian Holding is opening the Chantry at lunch time on Tuesdays throughout the summer.

We continue to open the Chapel on Bank Holidays and other days throughout the year mostly in the summer and in association with particular events at the Hepworth gallery. We desperately need volunteers to help steward at these open days. No previous experience or expert knowledge about the Chantry is required as help and a “crib” sheet will be provided. If you feel able to help please contact David on 07810 448185 or or Brian on 01924 376282 . Your help would be very gratefully appreciated

The Party on the Bridge, 11 July

There has been a disappointing response to our appeal for help on 11 July (see previous Newsletters). If you live in the Wakefield area, do please look in your diary to see if you can give your time then.

Group visits

We continue to receive many requests from groups across the country for visits to the chapel. We shall need more volunteers who are willing to host them and (if possible) to speak about the history of the Chantry

Forthcoming Events

As part of the Festival of Archaeology 2015, there will be a talk by John Goodchild in the Chantry on Thursday 16 July at 2.30 pmon BarnsleyCanal – the origins and history of this coal-carrying waterway.

Another planned event is a Lunchtime Concert on Tuesday 25 August at 12 noon by Michael Graham who performs on the “koto” a Japanese instrument with a delicate sound. Tickets are not required for either of these events.

Later in the year there is Nativity of the Blessed Virginon Tuesday 8 September at 7.30 pm and Latin Requiem for Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, on Wednesday 30 Decemberat 7.30 pm. Admission for these events is free but by ticket only, please contact or (07810 448185) if you require tickets. We also hope to repeat the concert by St Austin’s Choir later in the year.


It is vital that we try to keep our organisation up-to-date with information about the Chantry, its members and the various events arranged. However the cost of postage for these newsletters is becoming prohibitive; this year alone so far it has been in the region of £150.00, from money raised by you from subscriptions and kind donations and intended for the upkeep of the Chantry. In order to reduce these costs it is intended, wherever possible to send these newsletters and bulletins by email. We would be very grateful if you could let us have an email address to which we could send these messages. Please forward to or . However, we will of course, continue to send Newsletters by post where requested.

Information is also available on the Chantry Chapel website –