Session 31 11/9/10 Hangman Questions
1. The active form of pepsinogen.
2. The area of the GI system in which the majority of protein is broken down.
3. The term for the rhythmic contractions of smooth muscle that aids in digestive motility.
4. The cells that produce the chemical that decreases stomach pH.
5. The relative pH level necessary for lingual lipase to activate.
6. The term for the relatively high basic pH level associated with bicarbonate and the production of HCl.
7. The enzyme that catalyzes the reaction for the production of carbonic acid.
8. The cells that produce a hormone also found in the inhibition of growth hormone, insulin, and glucagon.
9. The feedback system associated with protein digestion.
10. The largest of the accessory digestive organs.
11. The digestive process that includes segmentation.
12. The buffer found in saliva.
13. The type of secretions in which the messengers diffuse to nearby target cells.
14. The phase of deglutition involving voluntary contraction of the tongue.
15. The large category of drugs that are able to be digested by the stomach.
16. The term for the invaginations in the stomach wall that contains several of the cell types.
17. The cell responsible for secreting the glycoprotein required for absorption of vitamin B12.
18. The relative pH level that stimulates G cells.
19. The three cells responsible for protein digestion.
20. The typical number of hours necessary for the stomach to be emptied after a meal.
21. T/F The emptying of the stomach seems to be connected to caloric intake.
22. The typical amount of chyme ejected from the stomach to the duodenum with each contraction.
23. This nerve associated with the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the cephalic phase of gastric function.
24. Name the three hormones that suppress gastric secretion.
25. The reflex caused by acid and semi-digestible fats in the duodenum.
26. The phase in which the duodenum regulates gastric activity through hormones and nervous reflexes.
27. The portion of the tongue with a high concentration of sweet detecting taste buds.
28. Semi-digested protein ______pH.
29. The neurons stimulated by chemoreceptors and stretch receptors.
30. A lack of intrinsic factor producing red blood cells causes this.