6th Grade Science Policies and Procedures

Miss Lindsay Elcock

McCulloch Intermediate School- B313

Tutorial Times


●Monday 3:40 - 4:10

●Tuesday 3:40 - 4:10

●Thursday 7:40 - 8:10

Absences: Students have a period equal to the number of days missed to complete make-up assignments. Students can find daily lesson plans and assignments on Miss Elcock’s Science or Science TAG Google calendars on her MIS webpage. A “We Missed You” form will also be filled out in class for absent students.

Assignments: A Google Calendar event on Miss Elcock’s and the Think Tank Team webpages will describe the daily lesson plans and assignments for Science and Science TAG. Necessary attachments, links to other websites, and homework will be included in the events. Please note that Miss Elcock has 2 different calendars, a Science calendar for Periods 1, 3, and 5, and Science TAG calendar for Period 2. Homework assignments will also be posted on the whiteboard in the classroom and recorded in agendas.

Grades: Students receive 2 grades in 6th Grade Science- a content grade and a works habit grade. The content grade is broken down into two categories- major summative assessments and minor summative assessments.

Major summative assessments count for 60% of the content grade and include unit tests, projects, and lab reports. Final submission of projects, oral presentations, labs, and major essays are not eligible for redo. MIS-HPMS will allow redos for other types of major summative assessments (i.e. unit tests) in which a student scores a grade below 85%. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher immediately after the grade is posted if he/she wants to participate in a reteach and reassessment. After a reassessment, the teacher will record the higher of the two grades, up to a maximum grade of 85% on the second assessment.

Minor summative assessments count for 40% of the content grade and include (but are not limited to) lab conclusion questions, exit tickets, and quizzes. Leading up to a minor summative assessment, there will be ample chances for students to practice the content and attend tutorials. Homework will not count as a minor summative assessment grade, it will be used as part of the practice leading up to a minor summative assessment. MIS-HPMS will allow redos for minor summative assessments in which a student scores a grade below 85%. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher immediately after the grade is posted if he/she wants to participate in a reteach and reassessment. After a reassessment, the teacher will record the higher of the two grades, up to a maximum grade of 85% on the second assessment.

Major and minor summative assessments completed after the due date will receive a maximum grade of 85%.

The work habits grade reflects timeliness and completion of work. Late and/or incomplete assignments will be communicated to parents and guardians through the Think Tank Comment Card and on the assignment itself. The work habits grade will be reflected on the report card as a conduct grade (Excellent, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, or Unsatisfactory).

Personal Electronic Devices: Students are welcome to bring their personal electronic devices to Science class for accessing the internet. An internet-enabled computer/laptop or an Apple iOS or Android iPad/tablet can be useful. The use of these devices in class is “at your own risk”; however, every effort to keep devices safe and secure will be encouraged.

*PLEASE NOTE: Data plan charges from your wireless carrier will apply any time you child’s device is not accessing HPISD or free wi-fi.

Supplies: Science notebook, pencil bag, yellow homework folder with comment card, agenda

Tests and Quizzes: Unit test and quiz dates will be posted on Miss Elcock’s Science and Science TAG Google calendars and on the whiteboard in the classroom. Students will record these dates in their agendas. Students will be provided with a review for unit tests. Miss Elcock will go over the review with students at least 1 day prior to the unit test in class. In the days leading up to a test or quiz, Miss Elcock will host additional tutorials before and after school. The times and dates of the additional tutorials will be posted on her MIS webpage and on the whiteboard.