Minutes of theMeeting of the
Moresby Parish Council
held on the 3rd April 2017
Moresby Rugby Club
1. Attendance: Chairman Cllr Lawson, Cllrs Boyes, Coward, Dixon, Kelly, Horricks, Ogilvie, Parke, Pritchard, County Cllr Troughton and the Clerk.
2 Apologies and Announcements: There were apologies from Cllrs McGuirk, and Troughton and from Ward Cllr Barbour. 6 members of the public were present.
3. Approval of the last minutes: The minutes of the March 2017 meeting were agreed
4. Declaration of Member’s Interests: It was agreed that should a declaration be appropriate in any item it would be made when the item was reached.
5. Public Participation
a) Ward Councillor/County Councillor County Cllr Troughton said that she had met Doug Coyle a manager in the Economy and Highways division responsible for flood resistance who had promised to look into the flooding issue especially around Churchill and Eden Drives. She said she had reported the damaged signpost at the junction of School Brow and the U4008 It was said that the post was now in a dangerous state. County Cllr Troughton said that she hoped that more humps would be installed and she suggested that the parish council request humps around School Brow junction with Moresby Parks Road because the possibility of a pelican crossing at this point was very slim. She said that enquiries about the escape lane at the foot of Rectory Brow indicated that no work had been undertaken for many years and she would now press for the signs to be removed.She said that the new reporting system was now operating and councillors should look at the county council website and use it if necessary.
b) Members of the Public. The council were asked if they would take action about general soil which had been tipped onto the public right of way which was the old railway line towards the new footbridge. It was noted that a road accident had occurred at the top of School Brow on the 23rd March 2017 and this was the latest of accidents at this junction. It was said that the dips on the U4008 made sight difficult It was agreed to ask the county highways to look at the junction with a view to extra road markings. Concern was expressed about cars parked on the footpath obstructing passage. In answer to a question the clerk said that the decision letter for the outline planning permission on the School Brow development had not yet been issued. It was noted that the board walk was still in need of repair. It was noted that the vegetation from the Golf Course was overgrown on to the footpath.
6. Police Report There was no report and the one issue that was raised concerned the safety camera and training for use of the speed gun. The county councillor said her colleagues on the Copeland local committeehad raised the same issue as was regularly raised by Moresby about the inappropriate time when the safety camera appeared. She suggested that the Police and Crime commissioner should be approached. The clerk said he would arrange for a PCSO to attend to give training with the speed gun.
6a Traffic and Highways Mrs Ogilvie said she believed that the traffic count had been completed on the B5306 through Howgate. It was said that that scrambler bikes were using the Old Pit Lane during the late evenings and at weekends
7. Defibrillator The clerk said that asmall group had met Martin Fagan who had attended the March 2017 parish council meeting and taken the matter forward. He said that the grant from the County Council had been received It was agreed that Mr Kelly should construct a note to be circulated through the village making residents aware of the progress and that there would be awareness sessions once the unit had been installed It was agreed that the group should arrange to meet Mr Fagin to consider progress and whether work should be undertaken to clean the kiosk.
8 Litter Picking The clerk said that he had made arrangement with the district council to supply pickers High Vis jackets Road signs and bags Mr Kelly said he would collect the items and a number of councillors indicated that they would join the team.
9. Planning Applications The clerk said that there were four applications to be considered including two that were not on the agenda having only been received in the last day or so. It was agreed to consider these two applications.
i) Conservatory and raised decking Whinrigg Drive
ii) Removal and Rebuilding of outbuilding Moorgate Quality Corner
iii) Reinstatement of dwelling and erection of two story extension Canada Farm
iv) Change of use of land and creation of new access Canada Farm
There were no objections to applications
10. Clerk’s report
a)Rosehill Theatre eventThe clerk said that Ms Boyes and Mr Kelly had volunteered to attend the event but Mr Kelly had subsequently dropped out and it was not possible to substitute another councillor
b)Workplace PensionThe clerk said that whilst a scheme would not apply to him there was a requirement that the parish council register with the Pension Regulator. It was agreed that the council would join the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) scheme.
f) Dog Bin Steel Brow The clerk said that whilst the district council would empty the bin at a cost the land owner (CCC) asked that other arrangements be considered. Following a discussion it was agreed to proceed with the original plan to site a bin
c) Allotments Mrs Dixon said that the person who was considering taking one of the unused allotments had decided that too much work was needed The clerk said he would contact the firm at Kells for a quote to improve the plot
d) Winter Warmth Fund The clerk said that no application had been made by any resident of the parish. The officer at Cumbria Community Foundation suggested that the council contact Age UK who had an officer who would speak to appropriate groups.
i) Dog Fouling It was agreed that the clerk should request new pavement transfers in a further attempt to eliminate this anti-social behaviour
11. Correspondence
a) Both Zurich Insurance and Norris and Fisher had written offering to quote for the councils insurance
b) Product information from Glasdon had been received.
c) Connecting Cumbria had asked that a poster be displayed on the council’s notice boards.
12 Cheques to be approved for payment
101227Copeland B C (Landscape)£60.00
101228Copeland B C (Footway Lights)£240.00
101229Parton Village Hall (Play Area Maintenance)£200.00
101230J C Shaw(Salary March 2017)£200.00
101231J C Shaw(Expenses)£48.50
13 Parish Councillor’s Items
a) Mr Kelly asked for progress on the building site on Moresby Parks Road.
c) Mr Kelly asked whether the mower was ready for use. The chairman said it was. d) Mrs Ogilvie asked about grass cutting at Howgate The clerk said he was meeting the Parks and Open Spaces manager at the district council and would raise this matter.
e) M/S Parke asked that action be taken about inappropriate parking at the junction of Solway Road.
f) M/S Parke asked that dog fouling transfers be renewed.
f) Mrs Coward asked that action be taken to clear the path behind 1-3 Dent Road. She declared an interest in this issue.
The meeting closed at 8.15 pm.
Thenext meeting was fixed for the8th May 2017
Chairman...... Date......