18thMarch 2018

5thSunday of Lent


Gracious Father, you gave up your Son out of love for the world: lead us to ponder the mysteries of his passion, that we may know eternal peace through the shedding of our Saviour’s blood, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Old TestamentJeremiah31. 31-34

New TestamentHebrews5. 5-10

GospelJohn 12. 20-33

Today is often known as Passion Sunday and marks the beginning of the costly two weeks leading up to Easter. The focus is on the cost of discipleship.

In today’s Gospel reading Jesus is talking about the cost of discipleship in the place where he will lose his life very shortly. His disciples are around him and he has become a person whom many want to meet. Today’s Gospel reading begins with some Greeks wanting to meet Jesus and asking the disciples to help arrange it. The city of Jerusalem has been filling with people coming to celebrate the Passover and some have been intrigued by stories of Jesus’ activity. There is an expectation of change, of new possibility around him, and yet Jesus here resolutely talks of death. His glorification is approaching but not in the way the disciples or inquirers expect, for the Gospel writer gives us that momentous phrase “‘And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.’ He said this to indicate the kind of death he was to die.”

So there is the cost of our discipleship laid out in uncompromising fashion. We must die to ourselves in order to produce the rich abundance of God’s goodness for the world. Our salvation cannot be a selfish and painless affair, because that’s not how people or movements grow. Choosing to be important cannot be the way for Christians to help God’s kingdom to grow. The kingdom is God’s gift to a world which gets stuck in greed and selfishness, carelessness and a fixation on scarcity. The world’s fear – that there is not enough of everything, that only the rich can prosper, that to be counted you have to be important, that God is a harsh task master who is never satisfied – needs to be dissolved in the love of the God who calls for a depth of self-sacrifice but in whose kingdom we come to see that there is abundance for everyone and no need for the poverty and misery that afflict so many lives. David

Services Next Sunday – 25th MarchPalm Sunday

Weston-under-Penyard / Service and start of Walks / 5.30p.m.
Hope Mansel / Parish Communion / 9.30 a.m.
The Lea / Children’s Church / 10.00 a.m.
Aston Ingham / Holy Communion / 8.00 a.m.
Linton / Family Communion / 11.15 a.m.
Upton Bishop / Parish Communion / 9.30 a.m.

Forthcoming Services & Events

Confirmation 20th May @ St Marys, Ross. Anybody wishing to be confirmed please contact David at the Rectory 01989 568736

Lent Lunches. Share soup, bread and cheese and conversation.

Donations to church funds. All welcome.

Wed 21st March… Brynhyfryd,hostedby Jane Ayres

Contact me by email or phone 07989 572356 for directions and numbers.

Lent Courses, Aston Inghamare running daytime courses at the Village Hall on Mondays @ 2.30pm& Westonwill be running the Evening courses at The Olde Shoppe on Wednesday’s @ 7.30pm.

Upton BishopDaffodil Day at Upton Bishop Church, Saturday 24th March 10am to 4pm.Teas, raffle, plants, home-made sweets and cakes.

Lea"Sponsor A Lily” Lea Church are again running their popular 'Sponsor a Lily' appeal for Easter. You are invited to sponsor a lily to celebrate the lives of departed ones or to give thank to God for special times. In preparation for Easter the church will be decorated with the flowers on Easter Eve (31st March) and a record of remembrance will be produced and placed in the church during Eastertide. A minimum donation of £3.00 is suggested. Please contact Marion on 01989 750808 for more details or pick up a form from Lea church or Lea shop and garage."

Linton For Lent we are giving money which would otherwise have gone on stuff we don’t really need – chocolate or wine perhaps, and collecting it ina jar to give children something they really DO NEED, fresh clean water! Or every time we drink water, clean our teeth or flush the lavatory we can give a thank offering for such an essential blessing!

For jar labels or more info please contact Helen Morris 01989 762221

“Wanted: German conversation with Michael Fass! Call: 01989-780339”

Please be aware that if you have any events you would like to advertise here, do please contact Debs directly (details below) and she will be pleased to include them.

Please pray for all who are sick,

And remember all who have died: Joyce Ballinger (Lin)Rosemary Bushell

Rev David Howell 01989 568736 email:

If you would like to receive this pewsheet via email please email Debs