GA/BS (______) (XX-O/17)

Secretariat for Administration and Finance (SAF)

Budgetary Statement

República Bolivariana de Venezuela

General Statement:

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is pleased and honored to be a current member of the Organization of the American States (OAS). This delegation is delighted to represent five resolutions that will greatly benefit the western hemisphere as a whole.This delegation believes that all resolutions should abide by the statement "To achieve an order of peace and justice, to promote their solidarity, to strengthen their collaboration, and to defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity, and their independence”[1] set forth in the OAS Charter. Therefore, all resolutions should promote the mutual benefit of the entire western hemisphere by providing opportunities for all children in the OAS, promoting renewable energy, promoting civil registration, lowering the statistics of rape and domestic violence, and combating delinquency.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela would like to applaud the work that all other delegations have put forward to create various resolutions for the purpose of benefiting the western hemisphere. This delegation hopes that all resolutions presented today will abide by the general goal of the OAS and works on the issues at hand. By putting inthe work to create resolutions to better the OAS, member states will need to take action on the issues at hand and will applaud them for the completion of the work they have done. We, the OAS, will analyze, discuss, and debate these proposed resolutions with the hope that with these we will collectively create a better life for people throughout the hemisphere.

General Committee, Resolution 5:

The resolution “Lowering The Statistics of Rape and Domestic Violence” is necessary to keep both men and women protected from sexual assault and domestic violence. It will do so by introducing a new program titled Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Program in the Western Hemisphere. This program will be established in every major city with a population of 250,000 or more and rural areas and small cities will fall under the jurisdiction of the nearest city with the program in place. The mayor of the major city will be in charge of implementing the program and have all responsibility over it. The Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Program in the Western will consist of eight distinct divisions to insure that operates effectively and efficiently.

The Delegation of Venezuela recognizes that a program on this scale will require a considerable amount of financial contributions. For this reason, this delegation request that the program be made up and administered mostly by volunteers and supported by donations from wealthy individuals. The resolution will request funding from non-pertinent NGOs and only fall onto the OAS’s budget if deemed absolutely necessary. All volunteers will be trained by other volunteers for a minimum of fifty hours to become certified. Only certified volunteers being permitted to work with victims directly without supervision.

General Committee, Resolution 26:

The resolution “Renewable Energy Revolution For The Future Betterment of Hemispheric Energy Efficiency” is aimed to increase the use of renewable energy throughout all member states of the OAS. It will also encourage that a committee be established and run by leaders in the renewable energy sector so that they can lead and inform other member states in the success in the burgeoning field of renewable energy. This resolution will also increase awareness of the numerous faults that come along with being dependent on non-renewable resources like oil, coal, and natural gas. We, the OAS, will also see a move towards economic stability and job creation in every member state. This resolution will also help to better develop the lives of indigenous people, constitutes in rural areas, and help areas with low income by adding jobs, energy, and communication.

This resolution will be funded by any member states that are willing to contribute a small percentage from non-renewable energy production and investment via taxation, user fees, or severance fees. The investment will be devoted to the eco-friendly development, renewable energy, and further investments into the field of renewable energy at-large. Funding will also be asked from NGOs such as Blue Share and Green Blue. The Delegation of Venezuela recognizes that the OAS is on a limited budget and does not wish to pose any financial burden if possible. Therefore, this delegation is not asking for any amount of the OAS’s budget.

General Committee, Resolution 33:

The resolution “Combating Delinquency With Experience" is being presented because of the fact that there is a consistent increase in the amount of juvenile delinquents whom are in the regions that are consumed with negatives like poverty and never ending drug war. This resolution’s seeks to correct the increasing problem by initiating a works program for all newly released juvenile delinquents in the Americas. It proposes to create a subcommittee that will develop programs that will help lead to a crime-free life citizens of the hemisphere. It will hopefully achieve this aim by establishing an incentive program that will entice juveniles to pledge to public works programs as opposed to a life of crime. This resolution also encourages all member states to take and implement the same approach that the Republic of Nicaragua did in order combat crime and creating longer-lasting relationships with local law enforcement.

This resolution will be requesting funding by member states, observer states, and non-governmental organizations though voluntary donations. The NGOs would include ones such as Coordinator for the Defense of Children’s Rights (CODENI), Belize Grassroots Youth Empowerment Association, Save the Children Sweden and Norway, and Save the Children UK. This resolution will not require funding from the OAS’s budget and therefore rely on donations as stated above.

General Committee, Resolution 47:

The resolution “Providing a Space For Cross-Cultural Youth Dialogue” would be extremely beneficial to the OAS. It highlights major problems regarding lack of opportunities to the large amount of adolescents in the western hemisphere. It would create the Inter-American Panel on Cross-Cultural Youth Dialogue (PCCD) that would help member states fix the bridge between adolescents in different countries. This panel would also help to decrease racial discrimination and promote cross-racial tolerance.

This resolution will be funded from voluntary donations from member states of the OAS, observer states, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other relevant parties. Examples of possible NGOs that would have an interest in providing funding could be the Indian Council of South America (ICSA) and the International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism. A substantial portion of this funding would go to create the PCCS while the rest would create other programs to combat racial discrimination as well as increasing cross-racial tolerance across the OAS.

General Committee, Resolution 53:

The resolution “The Civil Registration Conference of The Americas” focuses on increasing civil registration and having active constituents. The resolution will achieve this by creating the Civil Registration Conference for all OAS member states, which will be an international conference for all member-states. This conference will let the member states share statistics and research, cooperate to find regions where civil registration is low, recognize weak points of individual systems, and help to develop solutions to any and all obstacles faced by any of the member state’s systems. In other instances other than the conference, this resolution will strengthen civil registration, public institutions, foster international cooperation and also help support legislation on this matter. The resolution will also emphasize cooperation between all member states of the OAS and help those with lower registration rates in order to improve rates across the western hemisphere.

This resolution will be requesting that any aid needed for it besecured through the Universal Civil Identity Program of the Americas (PUICA), as well as the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and any other NGOs that may have a legitimate interest in participating. Therefore, by doing this, no funding will be needed by the OAS’s budget and therefore none shall be requested.

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