Dauphin Junior High

Ms. Dennis’ Lesson Plans

8th Grade Physical Science

Monday 02-09-15

ALCOS 8: Identify Newton's three laws of motion.

·  Defining terminology such as action and reaction forces, inertia, acceleration, momentum, and friction

·  Interpreting distance-time graphs

CCRS STANDARD: [RST.6-8.1] Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.


Students will identify Newton’s First Law and Second Law of Motion.


Before: ““Question Building” – Students will take knowledge and create test questions about Ch. 10 Section 3

Lesson: “Jot Notes” – Ch. 10 Section 3

After: “Rotating Stations” – Demonstrations on Newton’s First and Second Law


Computer, PowerPoint, TV, LCD Projector, Textbook

ASSESSMENT: Rotating Stations

Homework: Study for Chapter 10 Vocabulary Test on FRIDAY!

Tuesday 02-10-15

ALCOS 8: Identify Newton's three laws of motion.

·  Defining terminology such as action and reaction forces, inertia, acceleration, momentum, and friction

·  Interpreting distance-time graphs

CCRS STANDARD: [RST.6-8.1] Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.


Students will review Newton’s First and Second Law of Motion.


Before: Pop Quiz – Identify Newton’s First and Second Law of Motion

Lesson: Chapter 10 Section 2 & 3 Guided Reading

After: “I Do, You Do, We Do” – Calculating Newton’s Second Law


Computer, PowerPoint, TV, LCD Projector, Textbook


Homework: Study for Chapter 10 Vocabulary Test on FRIDAY!

Wednesday 02-11-15

ALCOS 8: Identify Newton's three laws of motion.

·  Defining terminology such as action and reaction forces, inertia, acceleration, momentum, and friction

·  Interpreting distance-time graphs

CCRS STANDARD: [RST.6-8.1] Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.


Students will discover Newton’s Third Law of Motion.


Before: “I Do, You Do, We Do”’ – Review Newton’s Second Law Practice Problems

Lesson: Jot Notes – Chapter 10 Sec. 4

After: “Quickwrite/Observation” – Newton’s Third Law demonstration


Computer, PowerPoint, TV, LCD Projector, Textbook

ASSESSMENT: Quickwrite/observation

Homework: Study for Chapter 10 Vocabulary Test on FRIDAY!

Thursday 02-12-15

ALCOS 8: Identify Newton's three laws of motion.

·  Defining terminology such as action and reaction forces, inertia, acceleration, momentum, and friction

·  Interpreting distance-time graphs

CCRS STANDARD: [RST.6-8.1] Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.


Students will demonstrate how to calculate momentum.


Before: Pop Quiz – Newton’s Laws

Lesson: “I Do, You Do, We Do” – Calculating Momentum

After: Q & A Session – Newton Scooter Project Instructions


Computer, PowerPoint, TV, LCD Projector, Textbook

ASSESSMENT: “I Do, You Do, We Do”

Homework: Study for Chapter 10 Vocabulary Test on TOMORROW!

Friday 02-13-15

ALCOS 8: Identify Newton's three laws of motion.

·  Defining terminology such as action and reaction forces, inertia, acceleration, momentum, and friction

·  Interpreting distance-time graphs

CCRS STANDARD: [RST.6-8.3] Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.


Students will demonstrate knowledge of the terminology associated with forces.


Before: “Talk and Turn” – Study for vocabulary test

Lesson: Chapter 10 Vocabulary Test

After: Complete Chapter 10 Study Guide


Computer, PowerPoint, TV, LCD Projector, Textbook

ASSESSMENT: Vocabulary Test

Homework: Chapter 10 Study Guide. Chapter 10 Test Friday, Feb. 20.