-Using Eduphoria to Reserve Campus Resources-

Many of you are familiar with the district Help Desk system, Eduphoria. Using the same system, teachers and staff are also able to request certain resources for class use, in this initial case being the reservation of a computer lab.

Start by opening a web browser of your choice, and going either to the district homepage or our school’s homepage, and hovering your mouse over the “Staff” link. A dropdown menu will appear, with the listing for “Help Desk” in it. Click to be taken to the login page.

Next, enter your district login, then sign in. It’s the same set of credentials you use to login to your computer/email account.

That will bring you to the “myapplications” window of Eduphoria. Click on “facilities&events”, shown by the red arrow.

At the next screen, you will have a few options to choose from. The only option we are interested in is the reservation creation button, shown below. Click on it.

Next, choose Mission High School.

That will bring you to a list of categories. Click on the listing for computer labs. Currently, the only listing is for computer labs, but more resources should be added to this menu soon. The area around it will turn a tan color, in addition to the quantity of the resource that you would like to reserve appearing to the right. Since these are classrooms, the most you will need to reserve is 1. Click on “Next” in the lower right corner of the screen.

Next up is the filtering options. With option 1, you can tell the system which dates and/or times you’d like to search for an open reservation (i.e. entering 2/15/2014 with 8am to 4pm here will show all available rooms that can accommodate your class during that time frame), then click on the “Next” button in the lower right corner. Choosing option 2 will instead display all rooms and current reservations.


The results of the search you performed with option 1 will appear on the next screen. Click once on the room you’d like to reserve (as indicated by the yellow highlighted band), then click “Next”.

Finally, enter a few words describing the objective for the day under title. You can optionally fill out the reason field. Click “Next” once more, and your reservation has been made.


If you instead chose to browse all dates, you will be brought to a screen that appears like this. To begin, make sure all of the checkboxes on the right have checks in them. You will start out on a weekly or monthly view. Clicking on any day will take you to an hour by hour timeline.

A.  – These buttons change the range of time you can see. To get a broad overview, choose Month.

B.  – You can jump straight to a listing for any day of the month here.

C.  – These checkboxes help you choose specific rooms to review.

D.  – This is how a previous reservation will appear.

E.  – Clicking anywhere in an area with no previous reservation will bring up a window like the one shown below.

Make sure your start and end times are correct, and enter a few words describing the objective for the day under title. You can optionally fill out the reason field. Click “Submit”, and your reservation has been made.