Onipede WUSU
Senior Lecturer and Ag. Head of Department of Sociology
Department of Sociology,College of Development Studies, Covenant University, PMB 1023, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. Mobile: 234-8025750341, 8139666866. Email: ; .
Population Studies, Sexual and Reproductive HealthBehavior and Poverty Reduction.
2003PhD, Sociology(Specializing in Population Studies), University of Ibadan
2000M.Sc., Sociology (Specializing in Population Studies), University of Ibadan
1998M.Sc., Dept. of Geography & Planning (Population Studies), Lagos State University
1992B.Sc. Second Class Upper, Geography & Planning, Lagos State University
2009Methodological workshop on proposal writing, tools of analysis and pedagogy in the social sciences, organized and hosted by Faculty of Social Sciences, Lagos State University, held 14th – 16th January.
2008Two weeks training in Monitoring and Evaluation, organized by Philliber Research Associate, USA, held in Lagos 5th – 16th May.
1998Social research methodological workshop by Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Senegal, held in Lagos
2009Winner of the fourth Professor Olikoye Ransome-Kuti Research Fellowship offered by the Women’s Health and Action Research Center (WHARC), Benin City, Nigeria.
2009International Union for the ScientificStudy of Population (IUSSP) grant to attend the 26th International population conference at Marrakech, Morocco.
2008Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation Support for Reproductive Health Project in Nigeria (anchored by the Obafemi Awolowo University and University of Ibadan) grant to attend the Investing in Young People’ Health and Development: Research that Improves Policies and Programs at Abuja, Nigeria.
2007Union of African Population Studies (UAPS) grants to attend its 5th International Conference at Arusha, Tanzania.
2005International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) grant to attend the 25th International population conference at Tours, France.
2004Laureate at the 2004 Session of the CODESRIA Gender Institute, Dakar, Senegal.
1998Best Master student in the department of Geography and Planning, Lagos State University, Nigeria.
1992Best graduating student in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lagos State University.
Current:2010- dateSenior Lecturer, Covenant University
Demography & Social Statistics.
Previous 2008- 2010 Senior Lecturer, Lagos State University
2004-2006 Lecturer Grade I, Lagos State University
2000-2003 Lecturer Grade II, Lagos State University
1998-1999Assistant Lecturer, Lagos State University
1995-1997Graduate Assistant, Lagos State University
1. Wusu, Onipede (2003) Family Structure, Spousal characteristics and Reproductive Health Decision-Making among the Ogu of South-western-Nigeria. Adissertation Submitted to the Department of Sociology, Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, for the Award of Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (specializing in Population Studies).
2. Wusu, Onipede (2000) Family Decision-making, Contraception and Fertility Transition in Ojo District. A thesis Submitted to the Department of Sociology, Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, for the Award of Master of Science in Sociology (specializing in Population Studies).
3. Wusu, Onipede (1998) Rural-Urban Differentials in the Use of Contraceptives and Implications for Fertility in LagosState. A thesis Submitted to the Department of Geography and Planning, Faculty of the Social Sciences, Lagos State University, for the Award of Master of Science in Geography and Planning Department (Population Studies).
A. Journals
1. Wusu, Onipede. 2011. “Adolescents HIV Risk Perception and Sexual Behavior in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria.” Ife PsychologIA, 9 (2): 227-245.
2. Wusu, Onipede. Religion, Religiosity and adolescent risky Sexual Health Behaviour in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. Inkanyiso, Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 3 (1): 48-55.
3. Wusu, Onipede. 2011. “Indecisive Population Policy and Socio-Economic Development Challenges in Nigeria.” International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Review, 2 (2):81-86.
4. Wusu, Onipedeand Okoukoni, S. 2011. “The role of HIV Counseling and Testing in Sexual Health BehaviorChange among Undergraduates in Lagos, Nigeria.” Tanzania Journal of Health Research,13 (1): 27-32
5. Wusu, Onipede .2009. “Correlates of Fertility in a Low Contraception Setting: A Study of Ogu of South Western Nigeria.”The Nigerian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (NASA), 7 (3): 29-42.
6. Wusu, Onipede .2009. “Mass Media and Sexual Health Behavior of College Students in Nigeria: A Study of Lagos State University.”East Africa Journal of Public Health,6 (3): 306-311.
7. Wusu, Onipede and Isiugo-Abanihe, C. Uche .2009. “Understanding Sexual Negotiation between Marital Partners: A study of Ogu Families, South-western Nigeria.” Demography India, 38 (1):53-65.
8. Wusu, Onipede and Isiugo-Abanihe C. Uche. 2007. “Gap in Knowledge and Use of Contraceptives in South-Western Nigeria: A Study of the Ogu.” UNILAG Sociological Review, 8: 83-106.
9. Wusu ,Onipede and Isiugo-Abanihe C. Uche. 2007. “Interconnections of Changing Gender Role, Socialisation and Youth Sexual Behavior in Badagry: Youths’ View.” LASU Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (1 & 2): 244-262.
10. Wusu, Onipede and Ahiadu, O. H. 2006. “Interface of Fertility Rate and Household Poverty in Nigeria.” Knowledge Review,12 (1): 33-40.
11. Wusu, Onipede and Isiugo-Abanihe, C. Uche .2006. “Interconnections among Changing Family Structure, Childrearing and Fertility Behavior among the Ogu, Southwestern Nigeria.”Demographic Research, 14: 139-156.
12. Wusu, Onipede and Ahiadu, O. H. (.2004) “Regional Differentials in Contraceptive Use, Age at Marriage and Prospects of Fertility Decline in Nigeria”. Nigerian Journal of Research and Production, 5 (3): 33-45.
13. Wusu, Onipede .2004. “Determinants of the Desire to Limit Family Size among Ogu Marital Partners.” Nigerian Journal of Social Sciences, 3 (1): 125-133.
14. Wusu, Onipede and Ahiadu, O. H ( 2004) “The Quality and Significance of Census Data in Nigeria: Lessons from 1991 Age Data”. Nigerian Journal of Research and Production, 5 (2): 1-8.
16. Wusu, Onipede and Isiugo-Abanihe, C. Uche . 2003. “Family Structure and Reproductive Health Decision-Making among the Ogu of South-Western Nigeria: A Qualitative Study.” African Population Studies, 18 (2): 27-45.
17. Wusu, Onipede .2001. “The Dynamics of Childbearing and Childrearing in Nigeria: The Case of Ilogbo Community”. Ibom Journal of Social Issues, 6 (2): 13-29.
18. Wusu, Onipede.2000. “Population, the Labor Market and Socio-Economic Development: The Case of Nigeria.” Journal of Business and Economic Research, 1(1): 177-181.
19. Wusu, Onipede .1998. “Rural-Urban Differential in the Use of Contraceptive and Implication for Fertility in Ojo District of Lagos State, Nigeria.”African Population Studies, 14(2): 117-127.
B. Book Chapters
20. Wusu, Onipede. 2010. “Reproductive Health Issues among Undergraduates.” In Olurode, Lai (ed.) Reciprocal Impact: A Study of LASU and Its Neighbours. Lagos: Department of Sociology, Lagos State University: 130-155.
21. Wusu, Onipede .2004. “Measurement”. In Adedokun O. and Fadeyi, B. (eds.) Research Methods. Lagos State University: Department of Sociology: 54-60.
22. Wusu, Onipede .2004. “Research Methods in Crime and Law Enforcement Studies.” In Adedokun, O. and Adewole, Atere (eds.) Crime Management in Nigeria. Lagos State University: Department of Sociology: 23-45.
23. Labisi, Biola and Wusu, Onipede. 1997. “Environmental Impact of Sand mining in the Lagoon Waterfront of South-Western Lagos”. In Olajuwon, T. and Noah, A. O. K. (eds.) Perspectives of Education, Women and Environment. Lagos: Communication Education Services: 317-320.
C. Book
24. Odubunmi, A.S., Wusu, Onipede and Wahab E. O.1999. An Introduction to Statistics, Statistical Concepts, Analysis, Presentation and Inferences. Lagos: Atomic Publishers. 159pp.
D. Papers Under Review
25. Wusu, Onipede. Exposure to Media Content and Sexual Health Behaviour among Young People in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. Africa Journal of Reproductive Health.
Wusu, Onipede. 2011. Sexual Health Content of Mass Media in Nigeria: An Exploratory Study. Being a paper presented at theNigerian Anthropological and Sociological Association (NASA) National Conference, University of Ilorin, Kwara State (9th to 11th August, 2011)
Wusu, Onipede .2010. Correlates of Fertility in a Low Contraception Setting: A Study of Ogu of South Western Nigeria. Being a paper presented at theNigerian Anthropological and Sociological Association (NASA) National Conference, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State (6th to 8th April, 2010.
Wusu, Onipede .2009.Change in Sexual Behaviour among Undergraduates in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria: The Role of Voluntary Counseling and Testing. Being a poster presented at the26th International Population Conference of the IUSSP, Marrakech, Morocco, 27th September to 2nd October, 2009.
Wusu, Onipede .2009. In-Decisive Population Policy and Socioeconomic Development: The Nigerian Experience. Being a paper presented at the 3rdAnnual Faculty of Social Science Conference on Nigeria: Towards Stability and Consolidation, 24th to 25th of March, 2009.
Wusu, Onipede .2008. Effects of Mass Media and Internet Utilization on Sexual Behavior of Young People: A Study of Young Single Undergraduates in LASU. Being a paper presented at the Bill and Melinda Gate’s 2008 International Youth Conference (Investing in Young People’s Health and Development: Research that Improves Policies and Programs), Abuja, 27th – 30th , April, 2008.
Wusu, Onipede and Isiugo-Abanihe C. Uche .2007. Understanding Sexual Negotiation between Marital Partners: A study of Ogu Families, South-western Nigeria. Being a paper presented at the 5th African Population Conference, Arusha, Tanzania (10th – 14th December, 2007).
Wusu, Onipede .2007. Do Societal Values Count in Young People Sexual Health Behavior in Nigeria? Being a paper presented at theNigerian Anthropological and Sociological Association (NASA) National Conference, University of Ibadan (September 26-27, 2007).
Wusu, Onipede and Isiugo-Abanihe, C. Uche .2005. Changing Family Structure and Childbearing: Implication for Male Fertility Behavior among the Ogu, Southwestern Nigeria. Being a paper presented at the IUSSP 25th International Population Conference, Tours, France (July 18th - 23rd, 2005).
Wusu, Onipede .2005. Interface of Fertility Rate and Household Poverty in Nigeria. Being a paper presented at the International Conference on Human Development, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria (June 27 – 30, 2005).
Wusu, Onipede .2004. Changing Gender Roles and Care in the Family: Implications for Youth Sexual Behaviour in Badagry, South-western Nigeria. Being the Research Paper Presented at 2004 Session of the Council for the Development of Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA)’s Gender Institute, Dakar, Senegal (June17 - July14).
Wusu, Onipede .2003. Elements of Writing Research Project: An Overview. Being a seminar paper presented at the methodological seminar organized for the post-graduate students of the Centre for Planning Studies, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria (30th of November, 2003).
Wusu Onipede .2001. Household Decision-Making and Fertility Transition in the Ojo District of Lagos State. Being a paper presented at the Population Association of Nigeria 10th Annual Conference, Held at the University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria (October 14-17, 2001).
Wusu, Onipede .2001. Population Data Acquisition, Analysis and Development Planning In Nigeria: A Lesson for 2002 Census. Being a paper presented at the Nigerian Geographical Association 44th Annual Conference, Held at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria (July 29- August 2, 2001).
Wusu, Onipede .1999. Analysis of Rural-Urban Differential in Use of Contraceptive: A Study of Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. Being a paper presented at the Nigerian Geographical Association 42nd Annual Conference, Held at the Ogun State University, Agowoye, Ogun State, Nigeria(16th – 20th, 1999).
Courses Taught:
1. Soc 112 Elements of scientific thought and method I
2. Soc 113 Elements of scientific thought and method II
3. Soc 203 Social Statistics
4. Soc 205 Elements of Social Change I
5. Soc 206 Elements of Social Change II
6. Soc 301 Methods of Social Research I
7. Soc 302 Methods of Social Research II
8. Soc 317 Sociology of Urban Life
9. Soc 403 Methods and Materials of Demography
10. Soc 411 Sociology of Third World
11. Soc 413 Applied Demography: Population and Development
12. DSS 111 Introduction to Population Studies
13. DSS 211 Introduction to Demographic Techniques
14. DSS 311 Introduction to Data Evaluation I
15. DSS 312 Sources and Nature of Social Statistics Data
16. DSS 325 Statistical Analysis in Social Sciences
17. DSS 422 Population Trends and Policy
18. CBS 121 Statistics for Business and Social Sciences I
1. Soc 802 Research Methods in Sociology
2. Soc 803 Advanced Quantitative Techniques
3. Soc 321: Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
4. Soc 821 Demographic Techniques
5. Soc 823 Demographic Aspects of Socio-economic Development
6. MSW 853 Comparative Health Care Delivery
7. MSW 869 Dynamics of Nigerian Family System
8. MSW 867 Social Work in Health Care
9. MSW 864 Dynamics of Health and Illness
10. PSW 701 Introduction to Research Methods
11. PSW 705 Introduction to Population Studies
12. MPA 802 Quantitative research methods
Note: SOC- Sociology courses; DSS- Demography courses; MSW- Master in social work courses; PSW- Post graduate in social work courses; MPA- Master in public administration courses.
Externally Sponsored
- Wusu, Onipede & Amoo, Emmanuel “African Children and Adolescents: Debt or Dividend.”
This study is part of the African Census Analysis Book Project being coordinated by Prof. Clifford O. Odimegwu and sponsored by the South African Government through Statistics South Africa. Data analysis workshop on the project held in South Africa in May 2011. Final paper is being prepared.
- Wusu, Onipede “Contraceptive Use and Poverty Reduction among Women in Seven West African Countries.”
The main objective of this study was to examine the relationship between the use of modern contraceptives and the level of poverty among women in the region. The latest DHS data for seven West African countries selected for the project have been analyzed and extended abstract prepared has been accepted for oral presentation at the 6th Union of African Population Studies International Conference coming up in Bokinafaso in December, 2011. .
Externally Sponsored
- Wusu, Onipede “Mass media and adolescents’ sexual health behaviour in Lagos Metropolis.”
This project was sponsored by the Women Health and Action Research Center, Benin City, Nigeria, under the auspices of the 4th Professor Olikoye Ransome-Kuti sexual and reproductive health fellowship (US$2000). The study was commissioned to examine the qualitative and quantitative relationship between the mass media (electronic and print media) and adolescents’ sexual health behavior in the study area. The study was concluded in 2010. The research report in form of a journal article has been prepared for the African Journal of Reproductive Health for peer review.
- Wusu, Onipede “Effects of Female Education and Employment on Fertility in Nigeria: A Re-Assessment”
The main objective of this study was to re-examine the interconnections between female education, employment and fertility in Nigeria in the context of the prospects of fertility transition in the country. In this paper I analyzed the 2008 Nigeria DHS data on the interaction amongst the variables using multivariate regression analysis. It has been accepted for paper presentation at the “Education and Global Fertility Transition” conference at the Vienna Demographic Institute, Austria, coming up in November, 2011.
Professor Uche C. Isiugo-Abanihe, Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, , +234-08037135054
Professor Clifford O. Odimegwu, Demography Program, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, South Africa, , +27 828215503.
Dr. Patrick A. Edewor, Deputy Dean, School of Human Development, Covenant University, PMB 1023 Ota, Ogun State.