Shrewsbury Library minutes, 12 April 16
Librarian/Director: Donna Swartz, Trustees: Marge Benini, Judy Emerick,
President: Joan Aleshire, Jessica Giffin, Pam Grace, Recording Secretary: Dirk Thomas, Richard Keene, Chryl Martin,Vice-President and Co-Treasurer: Lisa Sharrow, Trish Norton, CedelleSirjane, Treasurer: Debbie Blecich, Corresponding Secretary: Gail Hartigan
Present: Joan, Lisa, Gail, Jessica, Dirk, Pam, Dick, Donna(skype), Trish
Minutes: Lisa moved to accept, Dick seconded, all in favor
Treasurers’ Report: No report, but the septic tank has been pumped, thermostat in mechanical room has been repaired and elevator has been serviced.
Quilt Raffle: Discussed briefly whether to plan an event for the drawing, to no conclusion.
Children’s Com.: Special Story Hour/Celebration of Spring next Wed. Hope to restart Story Hours in May, 1 or 2 Fridays per month.
Building Com.: Trying to find a cleaner. Discussed options. Joan will check with Woody about work on back of building. Discussed the school bell: Do we want it back? Would we build a belfry? Committee will investigate.
Program Com.: Gardeners’ Round Table was good but poorly attended. Should it be in April? Snake Program good and well-attended. Book Clubs ongoing. Presented proposed event schedule for year. Gail moved to accept, Trish seconded. All in favor.
5 Year Plan: More discussion of process needed (how to incorporate changes to proposed plan) when more of the Committee is here. Discussed policy on weeding the collection: One item removed for each item acquired? E-books of classics or current best-sellers? Weeding at discretion of Librarian rather than according to circulation? Lisa noted that the current policy on weeding addresses our needs and moved to remove the proposed policy from the plan. Trish seconded. 7 in favor, 1 abstention. Discussed Goal 4 and decided to try to increase the number of volunteers instead of forming a committee, per motion by Trish and second by Gail. All in favor.
Statistics: Patrons and Circulation are up.
Adjourned at 8:40pm, Gail moved, Pam seconded, all in favor.