Selfie English Grade 5




Unit 1: Hello

1 / 1. c; 2. f; 3. i; 4. l; 5. o; 6. r; 7. u; 8. x; 9. z
2 / 1. Lily; 2. Robbie; 3. Emre; 4. Jerry;
5. Julia; 6. John; 7. Tom; 8. Alex
3 / 1. your; 2. I’m; 3. Hello; 4. What’s
4 / 1. Hello; 2. Hi; 3. OK; 4. Bye; 5. Goodbye
5 / 1. a; 2. b
6 / 1. ’s; 2. ’s; 3. ’m; 4. ’s; 5. ’m; 6. ’m
7 /
A: Hello.
B: My name is Tom. What is your name?
A: I’m Jane.
8 / 1. Hello, I’m Alex. 2. Hi, Alex. 3. What’s your name?
4. My name’s Tom. 5. OK, goodbye Tom! 6. Bye, Alex!
9 / 1. E; 2. H; 3. L; 4. M; 5. T; 6. Y
10 / 1. Hello, I’m Pete. 2. Hi, Pete. 3. What’s your name?
4. My name’s Tom Brown. 5. Tom Brown? Hi, Tom!
11 / Students’ own answers
12 / 1. brother; 2. father; 3. grandfather; 4. uncle;
5. aunt; 6. grandmother; 7. mother; 8. sister
13 / 1. uncle; 2. brother; 3. mother; 4. sister; 5. cousin; 6. aunt
14 / 1. Tony; 2. Jane; 3. Eric; 4. Sally; 5. Jerry; 6. Maria;
7. Marry; 8. Peter; 9. Pat
15 / 1. he; 2. she; 3. He’s; 4. His; 5. She’s; 6. he
16 / 1. he; 2. she; 3. He; 4. She; 5. she; 6. He
17 / 1. His; 2. Her; 3. Her; 4. His; 5. Her; 6. His
18 / 1. Who’s he? – He’s my grandfather. –
What’s his name? His name’s Jerry.
2. Who’s she? – She’s my sister. –
What’s her name? – Her name’s Jane.
19 / 1. MO+TH+ER; 2. GR+AND+FA+TH+ER; 3. SIS+TH+ER;
4. FA+TH+ER; 5. MO+TH+ER; 6. BR+OTH+ER
20 / 1. ’s my father; 2. brother; 3. grandmother;
4. aunt; 5. mother; 6. sister
21 / 1. Question: Who’s Romeo? – Brooklyn: He’s my brother.
2. Question: Who’s Lynne? – Brooklyn: He’s my aunt.
3. Question: Who’s Victoria? – Brooklyn: He’s my mother.
4. Question: Who’s Ted? – Brooklyn: He’s my grandfather.
22 / Students’ own answers
23 / 1. Monday; 2. Tuesday; 3. Wednesday; 4. Thursday;
5. Friday; 6. Saturday; 7. Sunday
24 / 1. 12; 2. 14; 3. 25; 4. 36; 5. 41; 6. 50; 7. 8; 8. 20
25 / 1. b; 2. e; 3. a; 4. d; 5. f; 6. c
26 / 1. Monday; 2. Thursday; 3. Friday; 4. Wednesday;
5. Tuesday; 6. Sunday; 7 Saturday
27 / 1. Monday; 2. Tuesday; 3. Wednesday; 4. Thursday;
5. Friday; 6. Saturday; 7. Sunday
28 / 1. fifteen; 2. thirty-three; 3. eighteen; 4. nine;
5. forty-seven; 6. twenty-one; 7. thirty-six
29 / 1. How old I am? 2. What day is it today? 3. How old is she?
4. How old are you? 5. It’s my birthday today.
30 / 1. ’s; 2. are; 3. is; 4. is; 5. ’s; 6. am
31 / Students’ own answers
32 / 1. birthday; 2. Really?; 3. no; 4. Wow!; 5. Cool!
33 / 1. eight and five is thirteen;
2. thirty-eight and twelve is fifty;
3. seventeen and twenty-seven is forty-four;
4. nine and twenty-nine is thirty-eight;
5. fourteen and eleven is twenty-five;
6. fifteen and eighteen is thirty-three
34 / 1. How old is your aunt? 2. She is thirty. 3. What day is it today?
4. It is my birthday! 5. How old are you? 6. I am thirteen.
35 / 1. Her name’s Kristen Stewart. 2. Her mum’s name’s Jane.
3. Her dad’s name’s John. 4. Her brother’s name’s Cameron.
36 / Students’ own answers
1. his/her name; 2. old is he/she; 3. his/her --- name;
4. his/her --- name; 5. his/her --- name
37 / 1. A; 2. A; 3. B; 4. B; 5. B; 6. B
38 / 1. is; 2. your; 3. My; 4. you; 5. she; 6. his
39 / 1. are; 2. am; 3. is; 4. is; 5. am; 6. are; 7. am
40 / 1. is it; 2. It’s; 3. It’s; 4. It’s
41 / 1. He’s; 2. his; 3. his; 4. She’s; 5. her; 6. Her
42 / 1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a
43 / 1. True; 2. True; 3. False; 4. False; 5. True; 6. True
44 / 1. What’s your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Who is he?
4. Who is she? 5. How old is he?
45 / 1. ’s; 2. ’m; 3. ’s; 4. ’s; 5. ’m; 6. ’s
46 / 1. Antonia; 2. Thomas; 3. Dawn; 4. Anton; 5. Rita; 6. William

Unit 2: My favourite things

1 / 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. No
2 / 1. pen; 2. pencil case; 3. jacket; 4. dictionary;
5. mobile phone; 6. notebook
3 / 1. a; 2. a; 3. an; 4. a; 5. a; 6. an
4 / 1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. B; 5. C; 6. A
5 / 1. f; 2. e; 3. a; 4. g; 5. c; 6. b
6 / 1. No, it isn’t. It’s a dictionary. 2. No, it isn’t. It’s a comic.
3. No, it isn’t. It’s a pen. 4. Yes, it is.
5. No, it isn’t. It’s a pencil case. 6. Yes, it is.
7 / 1. book; 2. dog; 3. fish; 4. T-shirt; 5. cat; 6. team
8 / 1. It’s a black and white shirt. 2. It’s a blue football.
3. My pet is a dog. 4. My address is 14 Forest Road.
5. My favourite thing is my bike. 6. I’m from London in the UK.
9 / 1. morning; 2. computer; 3. address; 4. Road;
5. number; 6. Welcome
10 / 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. No; 6. Yes
11 / 1. Isabella; 2. eleven; 3. camera; 4. colour; 5. Patch
12 / 1. A; 2. A; 3. B; 4. B; 5. A; 6. B
13 / 1. English club; 2. Sean; 3. twelve; 4. 15 Kew Road;
5. 0987 234256; 6. Friday
14 / 1. Danny; 2. is; 3. brother is; 4. is; 5. mother is; 6. is
15 / 1. B; 2. A; 3. B; 4. B; 5. A; 6. B
16 / 1. It’s an eraser. 2. It’s a cat. 3. It’s an umbrella.
4. It isn’t a white dog. 5. This isn’t a TV. 6. It’s an apple.
17 / 1. My; 2. I’m; 3. I’m; 4. is; 5. His; 6. He’s;
7. is; 8. Her; 9. She’s; 10. my; 11. It’s
18 / 1. pen; 2. pencil case; 3. jacket; 4. dictionary;
5. mobile phone; 6. notebook
19 / 1. It’s a jacket. 2. It’s a bag. 3. No, it isn’t. It’s a book.
4. It’s an apple. 5. Yes, it is. 6. It’s an ice cream. 7. It’s an eraser.
20 / Students’ own answers
21 / 1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b; 5. a; 6. b; 7. a; 8. b; 9. b
22 / 1. computer; 2. ice cream; 3. bag; 4. book; 5. football; 6. apple
23 / 1. a; 2. an; 3. a; 4. a; 5. a; 6. an; 7. a; 8. a;
9. a; 10. a; 11. a; 12. an; 13. an; 14. a
24 / 1. A; 2. A; 3. B; 4. A; 5. B; 6. A
25 / 1. B; 2. A; 3. B; 4. B; 5. A; 6. A
26 / 1. Yes, I am. 2. It’s Amy Green. 3. A-M-Y 4. It’s 14 Market Road.
5. It’s 960 9894.
27 /
28 / 1. A: Is it a dictionary? B: No, it isn’t. It’s a comic.
2. A: Is it a pencil case? B: Yes, it is.
3. A: Is it a bag? B: No, it isn’t. It’s a jacket.
4. A: Is it a mobile phone? B: Yes, it is.
5. A: Is it a pencil? B: No, it isn’t. It’s a pen.
6. A: Is it a book? B: Yes, it is.
7. A: Is it a skateboard? B: No, it isn’t. It’s a umbrella.
8. A: Is it a camera? B: Yes, it is.
9. A: Is it a mobile phone? B: No, it isn’t. It’s a book.
29 / 1. Sandra Wilson 2. S-A-N-D-R-A 3. I’m eleven. 4. 21 Green Street 5. 562145 6. It’s my bag.
30 / 1. My; 2. His; 3. his; 4. Her; 5. He’s; 6. She’s
31 / 1. blue pencil; 2. red apple; 3. black TV; 4. yellow skateboard;
5. green umbrella; 6. grey book; 7. pink bike; 8. white ball
32 / 1. a; 2. a; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. b; 8. b; 9. b
33 / 1. name; 2. She’s; 3. It’s; 4. dog; 5. book;
6. colour; 7. the UK; 8. mobile phone
34 / 1. No, it isn’t. 2. Yes, it is. 3. Yes, it is. 4. No, it isn’t. 5. Yes, it is.
35 / 1. a; 2. b; 3. a; 4. b; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. a

Unit 3: The animal shelter

1 / 1. Italy; 2. Argentina; 3. Poland; 4. Spain; 5. Australia; 6. India
2 / 1. ostrich; 2. zebra; 3. snake; 4. monkey; 5. lion; 6. parrot
Extra word: crocodile
3 / 1. d; 2. a; 3. e; 4. c; 5. f; 6. b
4 /
5 / 1. Yes, he is. 2. No, they aren’t. 3. No, he isn’t. 4. No, they aren’t.
5. Yes, she is. 6. Nick 7. Alex 8. Amy 9. Yes, she is.
6 / 1. No, we aren’t. 2. They’re; 3. We’re; 4. they’re; 5. they aren’t;
6. They’re; 7. I am not; 8. We’re; 9. they’re
7 / 1. tired; 2. thirsty; 3. ill; 4. hungry; 5. sad; 6. hot; 7. cold
8 / 1. A penguin; 2. A snake; 3. Four ostriches; 4. Three monkeys;
5. A parrot; 6. Six lions; 7. Five elephants; 8. Two zebras
9 / 1. She is sad. 2. He is hot. 3. She is cold. 4. He is happy.
5. He is hungry. 6. He is ill. 7. He is thirsty. 8. He is tired.
10 / 1. A: Is she sad? B: Yes, she is. 2. A: Is he hot? B: Yes, he is.
3. A: Is she cold? B: Yes, she is. 4. A: Is he happy? B: Yes, he is.
5. A: Is he hungry? B: Yes, he is. 6. A: Is he ill? B: Yes, he is.
7. A: Is he thirsty? B: Yes, he is. 8. A: Is he tired? B: Yes, he is.
11 / 1. A: Is she sad? B: No, she isn’t. She is happy.
2. A: Is he hot? B: No, he isn’t. He is cold.
3. A: Is she tired? B: No, she isn’t. She is ill.
4. A: Is she thirsty? B: No, she isn’t. She is tired.
5. A: Is he hungry? B: No, he isn’t. He is hot.
6. A: Is he thirsty? B: No, he isn’t. He is hungry.
7. A: Is he happy? B: No, he isn’t. He is sad.
8. A: Is he hungry? B: No, he isn’t. He is thirsty.
12 / 1. She is hungry. 2. He is thirsty. 3. She is hungry.
4. He is tired. 5. He is cold. 6. He is sad.
13 / 1. I’m; 2. my; 3. Their; 4. Our; 5. Our; 6. Their
14 / 1. he’s from; 2. I am; 3. he’s from;
4. we are; 5. She’s from; 6. They’re from
15 / 1. A: What are your favourite animals? B: They are elephants.
2. A: What are your favourite animals? B: They are snakes.
3. A: What are your favourite animals? B: They are ostriches.
4. A: What are your favourite animals? B: They are monkeys.
5. A: What are your favourite animals? B: They are giraffes.
6. A: What are your favourite animals? B: They are parrots.
16 / 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. A; 6. B
17 / 1. Yes, they are. 2. Yes, he is. 3. Yes, they are. 4. No, she isn’t.
5. No, they aren’t. 6. Yes, he is.
18 / 1. A: What’s the matter with Nick? B: He is ill.
2. A: What’s the matter with Mary? B: She is hungry.
3. A: What’s the matter with Jack? B: He is hot.
4. A: What’s the matter with Ahmet? B: He is thirsty.
5. A: What’s the matter with Tom? B: He is hungry.
6. A: What’s the matter with Emir? B: He is tired.
7. A: What’s the matter with Mr Brown? B: He is cold.
8. A: What’s the matter with Mr Jackson? B: He is hot.
19 / 1. ’re; 2. isn’t; 3. ’re; 4. are; 5. aren’t; 6. Is
Extra words: Are; I’m
20 / 1. His; 2. Their; 3. your; 4. our; 5. Her; 6. They’re
21 / 1. Five parrots; 2. Three ostriches; 3. Three monkeys; 4. Five penguins; 5. Three snakes; 6. Two lions
22 / 1. Who is she? 2. Is she from Australia? 3. Is your uncle from the UK too? 4. Where are they from? 5. Where are you from? 6. Are all your family from the UK?
23 / 1. the USA; 2. Argentina; 3. Italy; 4. Spain; 5. Poland; 6. the UK;
7. India; 8. Australia
24 / 1. c; 2. b; 3. e; 4. a; 5. d
25 / 1. A: Hi, Robert! Where are you from? Are you from Poland?
B: No, I’m not. I’m from the UK.
2. A: Hi, Rafael! Where are you from? Are you from Argentina?
B: No, I’m not. I’m from Spain.
3. A: Hi, Emma! Where are you from? Are you from the USA?
B: No, I’m not. I’m from Poland.
4. A: Hi, Jane! Where are you from? Are you from the UK?
B: No, I’m not. I’m from Australia.
5. A: Hi, Mehmet! Where are you from? Are you from Italy?
B: No, I’m not. I’m from Turkey.
26 / 1. a; 2. b; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a; 6. a; 7. b; 8. b; 9. b

Unit 4: This is my room

1 / / 1. dress; 2. jumper; 3. skirt; 4. T-shirt; 5. hat; 6. trainers; 7. jacket; 8. trousers; 9. shoes; 10. jeans
2 / 1. Zara’s skirt; 2. Dad’s jumper; 3. Billy’s hat; 4. Emma’s dress;
5. Sarah’s jeans; 6. Mum’s trainers
3 / 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. No; 4. No; 5. Yes; 6. No
4 / 1. These; 2. these; 3. These aren’t; 4. This is; 5. Is this; 6. This is
5 / 1. It is in the kitchen. 2. Yes, it is. 3. Yes, it is. 4. It is on the table.
5. It is under the chair. 6. No, it isn’t.
6 / 1. c; 2. e; 3. f; 4. b; 5. d; 6. a
7 / 1. on; 2. in; 3. on; 4. under; 5. on; 6. under
8 / 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. C; 5. A; 6. B
9 / 1. They’re in the living room. 2. It’s in the kitchen.
3. It’s in the bedroom. 4. No, it isn’t. 5. Yes, it is. 6. No, it isn’t.
10 / 1. Kate’s; 2. their; 3. our; 4. They’re; 5. your; 6. her
11 / 1. lost; 2. Emma’s; 3. red; 4. I don’t know;
5. favourite; 6. Thank you
12 / 1. A; 2. A; 3. B; 4. B; 5. A; 6. B; 7. C; 8. B; 9. B
13 /
14 / 1. A; 2. A; 3. B; 4. A; 5. B; 6. B; 7. A; 8. A; 9. B
15 / 1. cupboard; 2. chair; 3. cooker; 4. bath; 5. sofa; 6. table; 7. bed
16 / 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. No; 4. No; 5. No; 6. Yes
17 / 1. bathroom; 2. bed; 3. bedroom; 4. kitchen; 5. living room; 6. sofa
18 / 1. skirt; 2. dress; 3. hat; 4. jumper; 5. shoes; 6. trousers
19 / 1. Jane’s dress; 2. Alex’s trainers; 3. Dad’s jumper;
4. Mary’s jeans; 5. Robert’s jacket; 6. Mike’s T-shirt
20 / 1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. No; 6. Yes
21 / 1. They’re from Italy. 2. That’s my brother’s computer.
3. My favourite animals are giraffes. 4. It isn’t Jenny’s bike.
5. Their dad is from Poland. 6. The sofa is in the living room.
22 / 1. is; 2. isn’t; 3. aren’t; 4. is; 5. aren’t; 6. Are
23 / 1. e; 2. d; 3. f; 4. c; 5. a; 6. b
24 / 1. B; 2. A; 3. B; 4. A; 5. B; 6. A
25 / 1. What’s; 2. dad’s; 3. aren’t; 4. I’m;
5. your; 6. aren’t; 7. in; 8. on
26 / 1. in the kitchen; 2. on the cooker; 3. under the table;
4. in the cupboard; 5. on the chair; 6. in the bag
27 / 1. matter; 2. lost; 3. garden; 4. colour; 5. poster; 6. photo
28 / 1. A; 2. B; 3. B; 4. C; 5. C; 6. A
29 / 1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. a; 10. b
30 / 1. white; 2. yellow; 3. trousers; 4. trainers;
5. crocodile; 6. penguin; 7. monkey
31 / 1. your; 2. they; 3. Where’s; 4. uncle’s; 5. They’re; 6. her
32 / 1. What’s their favourite colour? 2. What’s your room like?
3. How old your brother is? 4. What’s the matter with Jan?
5. What’s your sister’s name? 6. They are from Poland.

Unit 5: Describing people and pets

1 / 1. tail; 2. ears; 3. wing; 4. paws; 5. nose; 6. head
Extra word: body
2 / 1. watch; 2. MP3 player; 3. sunglasses;
4. torch; 5. sleeping bag; 6. tent
3 / 1. I haven’t; 2. she has; 3. he hasn’t;
4. he hasn’t; 5. I haven’t; 6. they haven’t
4 / 1. here; 2. lots of; 3. kind; 4. called; 5. Yes, it is. 6. I’m not sure
5 / 1. A; 2. A; 3. A; 4. B; 5. B; 6. A