Incentive: Upgrade any existing SP75/SP75 Plus with an SD460 card printer and save $600 USD. Add on a tactile impression module and save an additional $100 USD! Use this order form to place an order. Eligible items are noted here.

Company / P.O. #
Contact Name / Date
Email Address / Phone #
Shipping Information / Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
City, State/Territory:
Postal Code:
Country: / Promo Code / STSDLM-D

Complete this form and e-mail it directly to as noted in the Terms and Conditions noted below. Please note: by making this request you agree to the terms of the program.

Select all of the following items to complete your program order.

·  Printer

·  Laminator

IMPORTANT NOTE: Proof of destruction is required to qualify for this program. Please refer to the Proof of Trade-In section below for further details.

Select Options / Incentive: $300 off SD460 Card Printer
Part # / Description
507428-001 / SD460 Printer, Duplex, 100-Card Input Hopper
507428-002 / SD460 Printer, Duplex, 100-Card Input Hopper (includes ISO Magnetic Stripe)
507428-004 / SD460 Printer, Duplex, 100-card input hopper (includes Single Wire DUALi Smart Card Contact/Contactless Reader/Encoder)
507428-009 / SD460 Printer, Duplex, 100-Card Input Hopper (includes Loosely Coupled Identive Smart Card Contact/Contactless Reader/Encoder)
507428-003 / SD460 Printer, Duplex, 100-card input hopper (includes ISO Magnetic Stripe, Single Wire DUALi Smart Card Contact/Contactless Reader/Encoder)
507428-008 / SD460 Printer, Duplex, 100-Card Input Hopper (includes ISO Magnetic Stripe, Loosely Coupled Identive Smart Card Contact/Contactless Reader/Encoder)
Select Options / Incentive: $300 off Inline Lamination Module ($400 with Tactile Impressor Module)
Part # / Description
507952-001 / Standard Lamination Module, Single Laminator
507952-002 / Standard Lamination Module, Dual Laminator
507952-003 / Standard Lamination Module, Single Laminator, Tactile Impressor Module
507952-004 / Standard Lamination Module, Dual Laminator, Tactile Impressor Module
Proof of Trade-In

For the SP75/SP75 Plus trade-in we have two proof of trade-in requirements:

·  We require proof of destruction with a photo of the printer serial plate and destruction of the printer. Your regional sales manager will verify destruction of these units at his/her next office visit.

·  We also require a copy of the P.O. from your customers, or a copy of the invoice to your customer, showing the sale of a qualifying Datacard printer. You can block out pricing if desired.

Please send proof of destruction to .

Terms and Conditions

Participation in this program is voluntary; however, all participants must comply with the following terms and conditions while participating in the program.

1.  Customer must select one printer option and one laminator option.

2.  Proof of destruction must be sent to .

3.  Download and complete form and send it to the appropriate Customer Service team

·  North America:

·  EMEA:

·  DCAP:

·  LAC:

4.  The SD460 SmartTrade program is valid for orders placed between December 1, 2015 and November 30, 2016.

5.  This special incentive may not be combined with any other discount or promotion.

6.  Participant must take receipt of all products ordered under this program within normal delivery lead times immediately following Datacard’s receipt of such order.

7.  Datacard reserves the right to end this program at any time without notice.