MAY 16, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Schneider, Turner, McCormick and Beckman present. Kelly Lowery, Attorney and Larry Neugebauer, Sheriff, joined the meeting.
Turner moved to approve the agenda with the addition of report on South Platte River Master Plan, UPS contract approval and dumpsters & mowers for Welcome Center under new business and the addition of Larry Neugebauer. McCormick second, carried.
May 16, 2017 vouchers were reviewed. Turner moved to approve the May 16, 2017 vouchers. McCormick second, carried.
The minutes of the May 9, 2017 meeting were reviewed. Turner moved to approve the minutes as amended. McCormick second, carried.
Turner reported on the South Platte Master Plan. Turner attended a meeting on Friday May 5th and updated the Board on the progress of the plan which is now around 15% complete and now has a contact for the future.
McCormick moved to approve Resolution #2017-018 for Points West Community Bank in the amount of $200,000 at .60% interest. Turner second, carried.
Sheriff Neugebauer updated the board on the jail renovation and presented a bid for camera installation for the jail and asked to add two cameras for the 3rd floor. Discussion was held. Turner moved to approve the purchase of 4 cameras for the jail and 2 cameras for the 3rd floor from Alarm Security Technicians. McCormick second, carried. Neugebauer left the meeting.
Darlene Carpio, Senator Gardner Representative, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on redundancy, or the lack there of, as we are currently experiencing an outage and 911 has been re-routed through Phillips County. Discussion was then held on the tower issues we are having with WAPA. Carpio will look into the Board’s concerns and will report back. Carpio left the meeting.
Mike Sullivan, Economic Development, joined the meeting. Sullivan updated the Board on the numerous current projects including the Northeast Colorado Student to Career Opportunity Initiative Program (STCO). Sullivan told the Board that he appreciates their support and told them he is happy to help with any projects they would like to see happen. Sullivan left the meeting.
Discussion was held on the Old Ford Garage property and a previous discussion with Lee Kizer.
Lowery presented a letter opposing HB 17-1313. Turner moved to approve the letter of opposition to be sent to the Governor and Senator Sonnenburg. McCormick second, carried.
Turner moved to approve the purchase of three dumpsters for the Welcome Center through the Town of Julesburg. McCormick second, carried.
Turner moved to approve the purchase of a mower for the Welcome Center from S&W Auto Supply. McCormick second, carried.
McCormick reported that Brent Mollendor is working with the gutter specialist on the museum.
The Board will go into recess for the Extension Office interviews and a work session.
The time is now 4:10 p.m. and the meeting has been re-convened. The Board will have a work session on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 8:00.
Turner moved to adjourn the meeting. McCormick second, carried.
Meeting was adjourned.
Donald Schneider, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board