Pentecost comes fifty days after Easter and is considered the birthday of the Church as a consciously individual and distinct institution. It was on the Jewish feast of Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Passover, that the apostles proclaimed publicly that they were compelled to preach a gospel which was of God through Christ, and called mankind into a new relationship with their Creator and one another.
In the early church Pentecost ranked with Christmas and Easter as the third great festival of the Christian year. It was considered one of the happiest times of the church calendar, celebrated with songs and feasting.
Pentecost reminds us that Christianity was spread throughout the Mediterranean world in short order because over three thousand people went home from Jerusalem with a new center of faith- Jesus Christ.
Today Pentecost is a time of rejuvenation and revitalization. It is a promise fulfilled. It is a time for Christians to set out to share this good news with all people in the farthest parts of the world. It is a day to think about the wholeness of the church.
Special Days of the Church Year, Dorothy D. France, pages 161-162)
802 South Caswell Street
La Grange, North Carolina 28551
Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor
Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor
Welcome to Worship & Celebration
Welcome to La Grange First Church as we gather as part of the family of our heavenly Father. We invite you to join in as we worship the Lord and celebrate the salvation we have in Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord of our lives. If you are visiting, please be sure to introduce yourself and we hope you will return again to worship with us.
Opportunities for Service and Growth
Sun. June 11First Sunday after Pentecost
9:00amChoir Rehearsal
9:15amPartners in Prayer
9:45amSunday School
11:00amWorship & Celebration
6:45pmVacation Bible School
Mon. June 12 6:45pmVacation Bible School
Tue. June 13 6:45pmVacation Bible School
Wed. June 14 6:45pmVacation Bible School
Thu. June 15 6:15pmVBS Cook-out
7:00pmVacation Bible School
Sat. June 17Family Day @ Wood Ducks Game
NO CRIB (Grades 6 and up)
Sun. June 18Father’s Day
8:30amMen’s Fellowship
9:15amPartners in Prayer
9:45amSunday School
11:00amWorship & Celebration/VBS Commencement
No Evening Worship Services
Tue. June 20 9:00amQuilting Fellowship
Wed. June 21 7:00pmBible Study - Revelation
Sun. June 25Third Sunday after Pentecost
9:15amPartners in Prayer
9:45amSunday School
11:00amWorship & Celebration
4:50pmChoir Rehearsal
6:00pmSunday Night Live (All Ages)
The CRIB Anniversary Celebration
Wed. June 28 7:00pmBible Study - Revelation
The beautiful Sanctuary Flowers
have been given by Ronnie and Mitzi Hobgood
in honor of their 39th Wedding Anniversary
VBS • June 11-15 • 6:45PM – 8:45PM
Northern Iraq Project
Samaritan’s Purse is caring for tens of thousands of refugees in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. Samaritan’s Purse is planning to build a permanent sanctuary and community center for the evangelical church in the city of Erbil, which has outgrown its rented facilities. Your gift will also help support their Emergency Field Hospital and ministry to refuges. Our Sunday School ministry is receiving gifts for this project until June 25th. Please use the envelope in the Gathering Hall for your offering. Thanks for your Support.
Celebrating the Nation’s Birthday / Family Fun Night
Sunday, July 9th @ 6:00PM
This Summer we will not be having the CRIB on Saturday nights. The CRIB will kick off for the Fall Semester in August. We understand that families with children need time to be together and we are encouraging our families to spend as much time together as they can this Summer. To support the goal of helping families grow closer together we will be having a few family driven events this Summer. At these events it is our goal that the entire family (parents, children, grandparents) will come and participate in these events. The next family event is on June 17th where we will be going to a Wood Duck baseball game. We would love to hangout with you at the ballpark! Further details for the family events and their dates will be coming shortly!
6- 3Bailey Sutton6- 5Brenda Britt
6-11McKinnon Wade6-11DeeAnn Maready
6-11Delores Foster6-14Debbie Herring
6-14John Craft6-16Christina Creech
6-16Clifton Hardison6-19Tony Creech
6-20 Kelsey Holmes6-21John Titus Westbrook
6-21Curtis Henderson6-22Kendrick Harrison, Jr.
6-22Jennifer Sutton6-23Avery Harrison Mills
6-23Adam Mills6-27Joseph Harrison, Sr.
6- 29Susan Bigler6-30Etta Rouse
6-30Robie Killette
Deacon of the Month: Jamie Ham
Ushers for Worship
Head Usher – Royce Holmes
11- Joseph Harrison, Ted Harrison, Travis Harrison, & Jerry Mills
18- Jamie Ham, Matthew Ham, Dallas Mayberry, Rob Mayberry
25- Allen Sutton, James Sutton, Ronald Johnson, Caleb Johnson
Greeters for Worship
North Vestibule South Vestibule Gathering Hall
11- Ushers Edna Johnson Asa & Tiffany Creech
18- Ushers Fran Gibbons Wilbur & Linda Taylor
25- Ushers Irene Wilson Jamie & Laura Beth Daughety
4- McKinnon Wade11- Ainsley Taylor
18- Charlie Taylor25- Luke Taylor
Children’s Church
4- Laura Eason & Christie Westbrook11- David & Carrie Letchworth
18- Father’s Day25- Vicki Bannister & Christina Creech
Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1) / Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2)
4- Mike & Kendra Sullivan11- Lucretia Creech & Laura Eason
18- Mary Gresham & Jessica Taylor25- Shelia Harrison & Morgan Harrison
In the Word for June 2017
Old Testament: 2 Chr. 15-36; Ezra; Nehemiah; Esther; Job1-19
New Testament: John 13-21; Acts 1-10
Attendance for June 4, 2017
Sunday School...... 99
Worship & Celebration...... 180
Sunday Night Live...... 42
Wednesday Night Bible Study...... 28
Prayer Ministry
Praise the Lord for the great and mighty things He has done!
Jake Boyd [Chapel Hill (Angie Johnson Sanders)], and Jean Suber(LMH Rehab).
Patricia Bird (Erica Mayberry), Delores Bonham(Mother of Sheri Carlyle), Mike Bowen (Chuck Wackerman), Scott Braswell (Uncle of Sara Hobgood), Faye Carmon (Friend of Terry and Gale Yarborough), James Carr (Friend of Pastor), Estelle Creech (Mother of Pat Creech), Lamour Curdts, Laura Beth Daughety, Riley Fielding (Friend of Jimmy Jones), Ken Fisher,Esther Flowers, Sandra Foss (Edna Johnson),Barbara Sue Gray, Donnie Harrison, Charles Hill (Mary Gresham), Pat Hinson, Holton Harrison, Annie Ruth Herring, Kelly Hobgood (Brother of Pastor), Gary Hines (Father of Steven Hines), Carol Jones (David Letchworth), Clifford Jones (David Letchworth), Jamie Jones, Jimmy Jones, Sr. (Father of Jimmy Jones, Jr.), Scott Jones (Brother-in-law of Susie Harrison), Joan Joyner (Lucille Harrison),Robie and Sybil Killette, Wade Killette (Friend of Lucille Harrison), Ronnie King (Sandra Rouse), Tom Landon (Friend of Sherwood Shivar), Dixie Letchworth, Fay Letchworth, Cindy Lewis (Mary Gresham), Allen Potter (Lucille Harrison), Randy Pridgen,Asef Quader (Darlene Creech), Chuck Roman,Vernon Roman (Brother of Chuck Roman), Rev. Buddy Sasser, Marjorie Shirley (Edna Johnson), Robert Sorrell (Brother of Vernon Sorrell), George Strickland (Brother-in-law of Holmes/Johnson family),Colby Tucker,Crystal Wackerman, Brent West (Sue Shivar), John Williams (Director of Cragmont Assembly), and Reitta Wing (Shirley Sorrell).
Nan Fields, N. C. Holmes, Stan Rouse, Enzie Singleton, Jean Suber.
First Church, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Deacons, Sunday School Leaders/Teachers, College Students, Convention of Original FWB, Denominational Ministries, Ronnie V. Hobgood (Convention President), Josh Whitfield (Convention Vice-President),Rev. Donald Fader (Director of FWB Minister’s Program & Church Finance), Rev. Chris Singleton (Rise Against Hunger), the Lost, and all Christians.
Morgan Harrison (Studying in Prague), Our military & their families: Julian Fields (Navy),Josh Ormond [Service / Texas (Son of C. J. & Dee Foster)], Daniel Rectenwald [Friend of Madison Hines (Iraq)],Revival in the church.
US: President Donald Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, Cabinet, Congress, and the Supreme Court
NC: Governor Cooper, NC Senators and NC Representatives.
La Grange/Lenoir County: Mayor Gurley, Town Commissioners, County Commissioners, County & Private Schools, and Lenoir Community College.
(As of June 8, 2017)
If you have an item of praise or a prayer request, please take the yellow card from the pew rack, fill it out, and place it in the offering plate or hand it to the Pastor. Individuals will stay on the prayer list for six weeks. If they need to be on the list longer, please fill out a new request card.
At La Grange First Free Will Baptist Church, it is the responsibility of the congregation to examine and receive new members. If you desire to unite with FirstChurch, please contact the pastor. He will explain what it means to unite with the church and its responsibilities. We receive members in one of the following ways:
You May Unite by Profession of Faith
We welcome into our membership all who are willing to do the following:
1. You must be willing to acknowledge yourself to be a sinner.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
2. You must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of
sinners, and confess and depend upon Him alone for salvation.
. . . that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart
that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
3. You must set yourself apart as a believer for continuing growth through the
Holy Spirit and endeavor to live as a disciple of Christ.
4. You must promise to serve Christ in His Church by supporting and
participating in its worship and work, contribute according to your ability,
and share the meaning of Christ through personal living and witness.
You May Unite by Transfer
We will receive into our membership by church letter persons who are in good and regular standing from other denominations.
You May Unite by Reaffirmation
Those who cannot secure a letter of transfer (some denominations do not grant letters to Churches outside their own communion), or who have been inactive and wish to make a fresh beginning in the Christian life and rededicate themselves to God, are received on their own statement of faith in Christ.
Baptism administered by an ordained minister is required of all seeking membership. Your baptism must have followed your confession of Christ as your personal Savior.
The hand of fellowship is extended to all who are received into the membership of the church.
The Articles of Faith and Principles of Church Government for Original Free Will Baptist must be accepted by all seeking membership.
The Lord’s Day
June 11, 2017 Eleven O’clock
Worship & Celebration
Welcome and AnnouncementsPastor
Quiet Reflection with GodPeople
Lighting of the CandlesAcolyte
“Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome”
Holy Spirit, Thou art welcome in this place. Holy Spirit, Thou art welcome in this place. Omnipotent Father of mercy and grace, Thou art welcome in this place.
(FirstChurch # 2057646 CCLI # 12994)
“Sweet, Sweet Spirit”...... Number 252
“Where the Spirit of the Lord Is”...... Number 253
(Fellowship time with the Family of God)
To the Pre-school Class...... Declan Monk
To the Early Elementary Class.....Bryce Harrison & Nicholas Johnson
To the Elementary Class...... Travis Eason, Kamryn Harrison,
& Mark Westbrook
To the Middle School Class...... Maura Ham, Ainsley Taylor,
Charlie Taylor, Luke Taylor, & Luke Westbrook
To the High School Class...... Janie Beth Harrison, Nic Jones,
Grayson Sullivan, Olivia Sutton, Bodie Taylor,& Brianna Creech
To the College Class...... Sarah Letchworth
Offertory PrayerLaity
Giving His Tithes and Our OfferingsPeople
SCRIPTURE READINGRomans 8:14-17, 22-27
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Sharing our prayers concernsPeople
Morning Prayer
“How Great Is Our God”...... Choir
(Children age 3 – 3rd grade are dismissed to Children’s Church)
“Your Personal Pentecost”Acts 2:1-21
“And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the
LORD shall be saved.” Acts 2:21
The altar of the Lord is always open at First Church for those who desire to receive Christ as Savior, rededicate their lives, pray, or transfer their church membership. Our prayer is that you follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life.
“Spirit of the Living God” (sing twice)...... Number 247
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.
(First Church # 2057646 CCLI # 1851460)
“What a Mighty God We Serve” (sing three times)
What a mighty God we serve, What a mighty God we serve; Angels bow before Him, Heaven and earth adore Him, What a mighty God we serve.(FirstChurch # 2057646 CCLI # 4397553)
Amen Amen Amen
The Mission of the people of God called
La Grange First Free Will Baptist Church is to glorify God,
therefore, we strive to know Christ, build His Church and
make Him known to all people as we continue to seek His will.
Your Personal Pentecost
Acts 2:1-21
I. Your personal Pentecost includes… Preparation.
II. Your personal Pentecost includes…
Being filled with the Holy Spirit.
III. Your personal Pentecost includes… Proclamation.
Ronnie V. Hobgood, PastorJune 11, 2017
La Grange First FWB Church...... La Grange, NC
802 South Caswell Street
La Grange, North Carolina 28551
Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor
Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor
Christ-First • Bible-First • Ministry-First
Christ is First at La Grange First Church.
Everything we do grows out of our shared commitment to
Jesus Christ as Lord.
Bibleis First at La Grange First Church.
We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is
God’s revealed word to man.
Ministry is First at La Grange First Church.
Our calling is to nurture and serve the people of God.