
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, Colorado

Phone: 970-491-5061 E-mail:


Bachelor’s Degree: 1998-1999: University of Colorado, Boulder G.P.A.: 3.88

1999-2001: Colorado State University G.P.A.: 3.71

Cum Laude, December, 2001

Major: German; Minor: French; Concentration: Foreign

Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Master’s Degree: 2002-2003: Colorado State University G.P.A.: 3.97

December, 2003

Foreign Languages and Literatures; Emphasis: German


2012 (Aug.)-currentSenior Instructor: Department of ForeignLanguages and Literatures, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

Job description: full-time German teaching position as aSpecial Instructor, ranging from the one-hundred to the two-hundred level, consisting of German language courses with cultural and literary components. Duties include: daily lesson planning, grading, writing quizzes and exams, maintaining grade records and course web-pages on Writing Studio, and holding office hours. Outside tasks include: the attendance of “Stammtisch” - weekly gatherings of German students and faculty, German Club meetings, events, presentations, fund-raisers, and bake sales, coordinating four German film nights per semester, participating in language and departmental meetings and committee work, and writing letters of recommendation.

2009-2012Special Instructor: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

Job description: full-time German teaching position as aSpecial Instructor, ranging from the one-hundred to the two-hundred level, consisting of German language courses with cultural and literary components. Duties include: daily lesson planning, grading, writing quizzes and exams, maintaining grade records and course web-pages on Writing Studio, and holding office hours. Outside tasks include: the attendance of “Stammtisch” - weekly gatherings of German students and faculty, German Club meetings, events, presentations, fund-raisers, and bake sales, coordinating four German film nights per semester, participating in language and departmental meetings and committee work, and writing letters of recommendation.

2004-currentPart-Time Instructor:Department of Arts and Letters, Front Range Community

MayCollege, Fort Collins.

Job description: teaching one lower-division German languagehybrid course and one lower-division conversational course per semester. Duties include: lesson-planning, grading, writing quizzes and exams, maintaining grade records and the online portion of the course via WebCTVista/ Blackboard, andholding office hours. Outside tasks include: organizing German film night and Foreign Language Day.

2006-currentFaculty Advisor to the CSU German Club (Deutschklub): Department of Foreign

Languages and Literatures, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

Responsibilities: Organizing, facilitating and attending bi-weekly meetings, creating and collaborating on cultural events, facilitating in creating student-based events, organizing and participating in community service, holding fund-raisers, maintaining scholarship opportunities, and creating unity among students, furthering program interest.

2005-2008 Special Instructor / German First-Year Teaching Coordinator: Department of August – December Foreign Languages and Literatures, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

Job description: teaching three German courses per semester as a Special Instructor, ranging from the two-hundred to the three-hundred level, which included: German language, writing, and speaking courses with literary and cultural components. Duties included: daily lesson planning, grading, writing quizzes and exams, maintaining grade records, and holding office hours. As the Teaching Coordinator of First-Year German courses, duties included: teaching L684V each semester, which consisted of weekly meetings with the graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) to discuss teaching ideas, methods, expectations, test-writing, conflicts, ideas, and suggestions, as well as the organization and participation of extra-curricular activities. Teaching observations of the GTAs were also conducted each semester, as well as reviewing peer-observations that were mandatory for the GTAs. Outside tasks included: the attendance of “Stammtisch” - weekly gatherings of German students and faculty, German Club meetings and functions, bake sales, German film nights, language and departmental meetings, and writing letters of recommendation.

2004- May, 2005Adjunct: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Colorado State

University, Fort Collins.

Job description: teaching three to four German courses per semester, ranging

from the one-hundred to the three-hundred level. Duties included: daily lesson

planning, grading, writing quizzes and exams, maintaining grade records, and

holding office hours. Outside tasks included the attendance of “Stammtisch”, German Club meetings and functions, bake sales, German film nights, and writing letters of recommendation.

2002-2003 Graduate Teaching Assistant: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures,

Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

Jobduties: Teaching one one-hundred level German course per semester, writing daily lesson plans, quizzes and tests, grading students’ in and out of class work, conducting three peer-reviews per semester, attending foreign film nights, “Stammtisch,” staff meetings, weekly language-specific meetings, and participating in CSU German Club events., and other extra-curricular activities.

May 02 – December 03Administrative Assistant Intern: CASA, formerly:Office of Undergraduate Student Retention/ Provost, Colorado State University.

Job duties: Database entry using ISIS and Microsoft Access, including setting up queries and merges. Frequent application of Microsoft Office Pro, including: Word, Word Perfect, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Publisher. Regular scheduling of appointments using CorpTime. Assisting with the training and supervisionof new employees with the above-mentioned duties.

2000Student Tech.: Bosch Ag. (automotive/electrical factory); Bamberg, Germany

May - July Job duties: Computer geometrical-pairing

1999-2001 Student Administrative Assistant I. (computer-lab monitor): English Computer

August-December Lab, Colorado State University.

Job duties: Troubleshooting using Norton Utilities and computer knowledge – mainly of Microsoft Office, including: Excel, Word, and Word Perfect, and Adobe Photoshop and Acrobat; general lab maintenance.

1998 -1999Student Assistant: Admissions Office; University of Colorado, Boulder.

August-MayJob duties: Entering student data into the university student database (ISIS), requiring the knowledge of computer codes. Other duties included: providing information professionally over the phone and filing student transcripts and applications.


TEACHING: Colorado State University:

YearSemesterCourse Number/Section & TitleCr. Hrs.______

2014FallLGER300-001 Reading and Writing for Comm.3

2014 FallLGER201-001 2nd-Year German II3

2014FallLGER200-001 2nd-Year German II3

2014 Fall LGER200-001 2nd-Year German II3

2014 Fall LGER495-001 Independent Study 1

2014SpringLGER201-001 2nd-Year German II3

2014SpringLGER201-002 2nd-Year German II3

2014 SpringLGER200-001 2nd-Year German II3

2014 Spring LGER200-002 2nd-Year German II3

2014 Spring LGER296-001Independent Study1

2013FallLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2013 FallLGER107-002 1st-Year German II5

2013FallLGER107-001 1st-Year German II5

2013SpringLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2013SpringLGER105-002 1st-Year German I3

2013 SpringLGER105-001 1st-Year German I5

2012FallLGER201-001 2nd-Year German II3

2012 FallLGER105-001 1st-Year German I5

2012FallLGER105-002 1st-Year German I5

2012SpringLGER201-001 2nd-Year German II3

2012SpringLGER201-002 2nd-Year German II3

2012 SpringLGER107-001 1st-Year German II5

2011FallLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2011 FallLGER107-001 1st-Year German II5

2011 FallLGER107-002 1st-Year German II5

2011SpringLGER107-001 1st-Year German II5

2011Spring LGER107-002 1st-Year German II5

2011Spring LGER105-002 1st-Year German I5

2010FallLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2010 FallLGER105-001 1st-Year German I5

2010 FallLGER105-002 1st-Year German I5

2010SpringLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2010SpringLGER107-001 1st-Year German II5

2010SpringLGER105-002 1st-Year German I5

2009FallLGEN 684 Supervised College Teaching1

2009FallLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2009FallLGER105-001 1st-Year German I5

2009FallLGER105-002 1st-Year German I5

2009SpringLGEN 684 Supervised College Teaching1

2009SpringLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2009SpringLGER107-001 1st-Year German II5

2009 SpringLGER107-002 1st-Year German II5

2008Fall LGEN 684 Supervised College Teaching 1

2008FallLGER300-001 Reading and Writing for Comm.3

2008FallLGER201-001 2nd-Year German II3

2008FallLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2008SpringLGEN 684 Supervised College Teaching1

2008SpringLGER301-001 Oral Communication3

2008SpringLGEN 296 Independent Study1

2008SpringLGER201-001 2nd-Year German II3

2008SpringLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2007FallLGEN 684 Supervised College Teaching1

2007FallLGER300-001 Reading and Writing for Comm.3

2007FallLGER201-001 2nd-Year German II3

2007FallLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3

2007SpringLGEN 684 Supervised College Teaching1

2007SpringLGER301-001 Oral Communication3

2007SpringLGER201-001 2nd-Year German II3

2007SpringLGER200-001 2nd-Year German I3



  • Native speaker of German and English
  • Intermediate speaker of French



  • “Bertolt Brecht’s SvendborgerGedichte Vis à Vis Representatives of the Frankfurt School of Thought”; Fall, 2003



  • Active Member of the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
  • Active Member of the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)
  • 2014: Presenter of a summer language camp to German language teachers within the state of Colorado at Colorado State University in two sessions: “20th-Century German and Austrian Art” and “Current Political Issues within Germany as Part of the European Union”.
  • 2014: Participation in all sessions of the Orientation Week within the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, including: Japanese in Immersion, The Student-Centered vs. Teacher-Centered Classroom, Communicative Activities and Games in the Classroom, How to Integrate Varied Vocabulary in a Lesson; Teaching Language through Art, Creative Writing in the Basic/ Intermediate Classroom, Why do Students Cheat and What Should We Do About It?
  • 2014: Attendee of Professional Development Workshops, including: “Student Veterans”, “Talk about Writing”, “The Snap, Crackle, Pop of Positive Psychology”.
  • 2013: Attendee of Professional Development Workshops, including: “First Generation Students”, “Games in the Foreign Language Classroom”.
  • 2012: Presenter of Goethe’s “Der Erlkönig” as part of the International Poetry Reading, sponsored by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and the Office of International Programs, Colorado State University.
  • 2011-2012: Participation in several technological workshops, including: Microsoft Office 2010, Windows 7, RamCT, Desire2Learn, PowerPoint and Windows 2010, Smart Board training.
  • 2011-2012: Participation in all sessions of the 2011 and the 2012 Orientation Week within the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, including: Language Immersion Teaching Demo, How to Make Input Interactive, Teaching Vocabulary, Class Management, Defining Cheating and Understanding Procedure: The Honor Pledge, Storytelling, Student Retention in Teaching the Less Commonly Taught Languages, Oral Competency Panel/ Discussion.
  • 2011: Vista Higher Learning 3-day training session, including: basic training, assignments and assessments, and grade book feature.
  • 2009 – 2010: Participation in several technological workshops, including: Microsoft Office 2007, Windows 7, RamCT, Desire 2 Learn, Power Point and Windows 2007, and Smart Board training.
  • 2008: Completion of Online Teaching Certification, Front Range Community College
  • 2008: Professional Writing Workshop for Foreign Languages, Colorado State University
  • 2007: Presenter at the Foreign Language Summer Camp: “Integrating Culture and Technology into the Foreign Language Classroom – in German”, Colorado State University
  • 2003: Presenter at the Second Annual Graduate Conference in Literary Criticism, presented by the English Department, Colorado State University

Topic of paper: “A Discussion of Adorno and Horkheimer’s ‘Culture Industry’”



  • 2012-2013: Recipient of the “CLA Award for Excellence in Teaching” at Colorado State University
  • 2011: Nomination for the “Best Teacher Award” at Colorado State University
  • 2011: Nomination as a “Favorite Faculty or Staff Member” at Colorado State University
  • 2010: Nomination as a “Favorite Faculty or Staff Member” at Colorado State University
  • 2008-2009: Nomination for the “Master Teacher Award”, Front Range Community College
  • 2008 -2008: Awarded member of “Who’s Who among Women Executives and Professionals “
  • 2006-2007: Nomination as the “Favorite Faculty Member” by a Resident Assistant Staff

Member, Colorado State University.

  • 2006 -2007: Awarded member of “Who’s Who among Women Executives and Professionals 2006- 2007.”
  • 2004: Recipient of “The Ronald W. Walker Graduate Award for Excellence in Teaching”,


  • 2002: Recipient of the “Special Honor Award: Outstanding Achievement for the Bachelor of

Arts Program in German”, Colorado State University

  • 1999-2000: Recipient of the Margery Wilson Scholarship, ColoradoStateUniversity



  • 2014: Member of the Course Redesign Committee, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Colorado State University
  • 2011-current: Member of the Non-Tenure-Track Committee, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Colorado State University
  • 2012-2013: Outside Committee Member of Gene Stenger’s Graduate Committee within the Department of Music at Colorado State University.
  • 2011-2012: Outside Committee Member of Nathan Hickle’s Graduate Committee within the Department of Music at Colorado State University.
  • 2009: Outside Committee Member of Jennifer Levin’s Graduate Committee within the English Department at Colorado State University.
  • 2008 – 2009: Member of the Evaluation Committee, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Colorado State University
  • 2008 – 2009: Member of the first Special Instructor Committee, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Colorado State University



  • 2009: Translation of 2009 Pathways to Leadership® Revisited booklet from English into

German.30 pages.

  • 2007-2008: Translation of Joseph A. Schumpeter’s first book, “The Nature and Essence of Theoretical Economics,” from German into English. Published in 1908. App. 500 pgs.



  • Traveled to Germany regularlysince 1989 to visit family and to learn more about my culture by traveling to various cities and visiting museums, churches, cathedrals, and landmarks
  • Employee of Bosch, Ag in Bamberg, Germany during the summer of 2000
  • Traveled to Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg to gain a more thorough knowledge of the history and culture of the other German-speaking countries
  • Also traveled to various other countries throughout Europe for educational, cultural, and vacation purposes, including: France, Italy, the Netherlands, England, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland
