MAY 7, 2013
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Bauerle with, Sandquist, Beck and Beckman present.
Beck moved to approve the agenda with the following additions: Paint and decision on county gravel hauling under unfinished business and WENS project under reports. Sandquist second, carried.
James Wittler, Attorney, joined the meeting. Wittler provided the Board with a map showing that the S curve on the west end is part of the UPR lease. Wittler suggested trying to purchase the land as opposed to leasing it. Beck moved to authorize the offer of $4,000 for the purchase of the Dorsey Beet Dump between County Roads 5 & 7. Sandquist second, carrid. The Board gave Wittler a notice received from CTSI concerning using either medical or recreational marijuana and the ability to terminate an employee from employment for such use. Discussion was held. Wittler left the meeting.
Vouchers were reviewed. Beck moved to approve the vouchers as presented. Sandquist second, carried.
The minutes of the April 29, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Beck moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Sandquist second, carried.
Bauerle reported on the WENS meeting. Bauerle expressed some concerns and discussion was held on the communications center. Beck suggested contacting Kenny Haskell for advice.
Randy Renquist, Road & Bridge, joined the meeting. Bauerle commended Renquist on the good job done on one of the county roads. Wittler re-joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the complaint received concerning the concrete poured for Mike and Sharon Green. Wittler suggested that Sedgwick County Concrete patch the holes and deduct that amount from the money owed. Wittler will construct a letter for the Green’s and T.J. Amendt. Wittler left the meeting. Bauerle expressed concerns about the culvert on County Rd 20, the oil road north of town and Beck received a complaint about County Rd 32 by Lechman’s. Renquist will look into these concerns. Renquist reported that they have a new applicant. Discussion was held on next year’s clean up days. Renquist left the meeting.
Alan Harris, Building Maintenance, joined the meeting. Harris reported to the Board that Kent Vance turned his key in due to the geothermal contract not being renewed. Vance was contacted by phone. The Board asked Vance if he would like to renew the contract to which he replied yes. Vance will come up in the next week to check the furnaces. Beck moved to renew the contract with Legend Enterprises for the GeoThermal system for 2013. Sandquist second, carried. Harris asked the Board if he should have the damaged tree’s removed. The Board responded yes. Discussion was held on Platinum Technology. Discussion was then held on the painting of the vents. Wanda Trennepohl, Treasurer, joined the meeting. The Board asked Trennepohl who she hired to paint the vent. Trennephol answered that she hired Matt Renquist. Discussion was held. Discussion was held on the Ambulance balance. Trennepohl left the meeting. Harris left the meeting.
Pam Ornelas, Ambulance, joined the meeting. The Board expressed their concerns about the ambulance budget. Ornelas told the Board that there is a deposit pending. Ornelas left the meeting.
Discussion was held on hauling gravel and leasing equipment in Sedgwick County. Sandquist moved that the county will no longer haul gravel to private entities, with the exception of purchases through the Sedgwick County concrete plant. Beck second, carried. Beck moved to no longer allow the leasing of county equipment due to insurance coverage, with the exception of a signed MOU. Sandquist second, carried.
Beck reported that there has been a report of employees smoking in the building. Federal law states that there is no smoking allowed in any government facility. The Board suggested sending a memo to all department heads concerning this issue.
Renquist joined the meeting by phone. Beck moved to approve a new hire, Scott Houghton, for Road & Bridge pending all paperwork being filled out at a starting salary of $25,200 with a six month evaluation $100 raise. After discussion, roll call vote, Gene – nay, Glen – nay, Jim – nay. Bauerle moved to hire Scott Houghton at a starting salary of $26,100 with a six month probation for a $100 raise. Beck second, carried.
The Treasurer’s April 2013 Financial report was reviewed.
Let it be noted that it has been asked if flags could be placed around the Veteran’s Memorial on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Bauerle moved to purchase four flags and flagpoles for the Veteran’s Memorial. Sandquist second, carried.
Sandquist moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-019 to renew Certificate # 10113 for $100,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .30% interest. Second by Beck, carried.
Beck moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2013-020 to renew Certificate # 333422 for $100,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .30% interest. Second by Sandquist, carried.
Beckman reported that documentation was received from CTSI concerning Civil Union health coverage details. Civil Unions will have the same coverage as is currently set in place for spouses.
Meeting was adjourned.
Gene Bauerle, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board