Subject: Physical Education Grade level: 1-6

Title: Avatar, May We Go Out to Play

Equipment: None

Area: Tag Game Court

Players: 5 - 15 players


1. One child is selected to be the “Avatar.” S/he stands at one end of the court. The other children stand at the other end.

2. They ask, “Avatar, may we go out to play?” Avatar answers, “Yes, if you will skip all the way.” The children then skip up to s/he. S/he varies his/her response to hop, jump, walk, run or gallop.

3. Should a child not perform the activity suggested (i.e., run instead of gallop), s/he must go back “home” and start again.

4. After 5 activities a new Avatar is chosen


Additional Resources:


Page 1 of 1 Duration: Two classroom Periods