SEPTEMBER 14, 2010
The September Council Meeting was held on 09/14/2010 in the Penn Lake Community House. The meeting was called to order by President Jill Rosenstock at 7:30 p.m.with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a moment of silence in honor of our military.
Roll Call: Jill Rosenstock, Barbara Sudimak, Frank Fritz, Jack Kile were all present, Ned McGuire was absent. Also present was Mayor Bill Warner.
The August 2010 minutes were presented. A motion was made to accept the August the minutes by Fritz and 2nd by Sudimak, all ayes none opposed, motion carried.
TREASURERS REPORT was presented and placed on display. A motion to accept the Treasurers report was made Fritz 2nd by Sudimak, roll call all in favor none opposed, motion carried. Copy attached to minutes EXHIBIT A
RECEIPTS/BILLS: A motion was made to pay the bills by Fritz and 2nd by Kile, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried. Copy attached to minutes ADDENDUM “B”
A motion was made to pay an additional bill of $50.00 for work beyond the scope of his contract to Paragon by Kile, 2nd by Fritz, all ayes, none opposed, motion carried.
A email of resignation from Keith Wheeler was received and read, a motion to accept with regret the resignation was made by Sudimak, 2nd by Fritz, all ayes, none opposed, motion carried.
A motion was made to appoint Jack Varaly as the permanent Zoning Officer was made by Fritz, 2nd by Kile, Attorney Karpowich asked if there was going to be a discussion among council regarding the appointment of Mr. Varaly, council was in agreement on the appointment and felt no need for discussion, all ayes, none opposed, motion carried.
The question was raised and a discussion ensued regarding a possible conflict of interest between Mr. Varaly and an outside contractor. Mr. Varaly stated that there was no conflict.
Recreation- McGuire it was reported that do to State Regulations, a No Swimming sign would be posted at both beaches, since water testing has stopped. The signs will stay up until testing begins again next year. Jill Rosenstock cut weeds and moved mulch at the playground next spring families have volunteered to take turns with the upkeep.
Sewer-Rosenstock 4 letters were sent to properties that have not hooked up to the sewers. We are pursuing these property owners. We ask that the handouts in the back regarding care of the grinder pumps be picked up and proper care should be used. Beckerman suggested that the handouts be included with the 2011 garbage bills.
Roads- Sudimak No Report
Dam- Kile still waiting to hear from Borton-Lawson about drilling of bore holes
Water/Health-Fritz No Report
Warner responded to a call about renters in a boat without life jackets. Everything else fine.
Zoning Jack Varaly: 1327 Lakeview Drive, Zoning Permit approved. 1398 Lakeview Drive, Zoning Permit approved. 1375 Lakeview Drive permit revoked deck did not meet setbacks, deck deleted application was resubmitted and the scope of work was limited to a front porch repair only. 1467 Lakeview Drive was issued a notice to restore Borough property fronting the Lake (easement) that was destroyed by contractor. Work being done without zoning approval or DEP Water Obstruction permit. Failure to comply or appeal the decision within 30 days will result in legal action. 1691 Lakeview Drive provided Twin Builders with information about zoning and building permits. A building permit is required for demolition. Homeowner is getting Permit for demolition. Zoning permit was denied due to encroachments on setbacks, an application for a Zoning Hearing was submitted and am in process of scheduling a hearing which I hope can be 9/23/10.
Chad Myers was provided zoning information with regard to his intent to build a modular on Woodland Drive.
Scott Logan was provided with information regarding setbacks.
Police-White Haven 8 calls of service 36.5 hours of service the extra hours was paid for a state grant. Calls included: vandalism, borough ordinance violation and motor vehicle violations. Fine money should be coming in soon police will with magistrate. Police will come to speak to community if asked to do so. Attorney Karpowich asked about a Crime Watch. The police reported a traffice violation on Middleburg Road, they were advised that the state road that runs thru Penn Lake Park Borough is named the White Haven Highway not Middleburg Road, Middleburg Road is in DennisonTownship. Tim Lenahan volunteered to be on a crime watch.
An executive session was held at 6:30 to discuss personnel and ligitation.
A motion was made by Sudimak and 2nd by Kile to advertise for October 9, 2010 at 7 p.m. a Public Meeting for the discussion of a Burning Ordinance. Trailer Ordinance. and Amendment modification on Setback Ordinance
Please check to see if your home is in the flood plain (FEMA)
The Inter-municipal Agreement with DennisonTownship was received yesterday, Attorney Karpowich will review and bring any recommendations to next Council meeting.
President Rosenstock announced the shuffling of 2 committees:
Roads will now be under the direction of Frank Fritz
And Lake Management/Safety will now be under the direction of Barbara Sudimak
A motion was made by Fritz and 2nd by Kile to advertise for snow plowing , all ayes none opposed, motion carried.
A motion was made by Fritz and 2nd by Kile to advertise for Garbage. All ayes, none opposed, motion carried. A discussion then ensued regarding our specs for garbage pick up and whether a 2 or more year contract may be more beneficial. Bulk pick up yearly, keeping Mondays as are garbage day were all discussed. Attorney Karpowich asked for a
copy of our current contract for review and suggested the motion be tabled until he would have a chance to address the issue with Council at the October work session. A motion to rescind the previous garbage advertisement motion was made by Kile and 2nd by Sudimak, all ayes, none opposed, motion carried.
Also, it was discussed as to the possibility of a 2 year snow plowing contract, Fritz opposed the 2 year contract stating that as the community was unhappy with the 2010 contractor the borough would be locked in said contract and therefore wanted to keep the plowing to a 1 year contract. Council agreed.
A motion was made by Fritz and 2nd by Sudimak to advertise for the paving of Darby Drive, all ayes none opposed, motion carried.
A resident asked if there would be a sign up sheet for the playground upkeep. Rosenstock reported that the playground committee plans to have a public meeting to address the care and upkeep.
Reminder that all ordinances are available for viewing at click on Penn Lake Borough and follows instructions.
A resident asked Jack Varaly for clarification on permit and variance procedures. Jack was asked if he would be available after the meeting or to give his phone number so that the matter could be discussed further. The Resident was very confused as to what exactly he needed. A discussion on fees ensued. Some fees are non-refundable. Jack issues zoning permits only, building permits go thru Pasonick, Inc, Jason Humanski. The question was raised again about a possible conflict of receiving funds from Pasonick, Inc. It was explained that Pasonick, Inc and Pasonick Engineers are 2 separate entities with no business relationship. Attorney Karpowich said that there is absolutely no conflict of interest. It was requested that the Borough get a comparison of UCC (third party) fees from other municipalities to see if Penn Lake’s was inline. President Rosenstock said that Council would see if Jason could attend a future borough meeting to explain his fees.
The homeowner of 1467 Lakeview asked if he could meet and discuss with council the work being done on the lakefront at 1467 Lakeview Drive, he is trying to comply and discontinued the work as soon as he was notified. He would like the Borough to sign off with DEP (since the property is owned by the Borough) and allow him to continue to clear a passageway into the Lake for his children. A discussion took place as to what may or may not take place and the impact it may have for future lake front owners and the Borough; it was decided Council would meet with him before the October meeting during their work session to discuss the matter further. A motion was called for to let Mr. Klueber continue his work, no one made the motion or 2nd, therefore the motion died.
The next meeting will be on October 9, 2010
MOTION TO ADJOURN was made by Fritz 2nd by Kile all in favor none opposed, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Margo Beckerman