Creating a Visual Journal- Portfolio

Here is a list for weekly ideas. Once you have used an idea it cannot be used again. Date the idea used on a tri-weekly basis. There is room to add your own ideas at the end of the list but they must be approved by your teacher first. The techniques and media used are student choice but should not be repeated. Plagiarized work will not be accepted; students may re-do the assignment for a late grade.

Put together basic art supplies to work in your visual journal: drawing pencils, erasers, colored pencils, a small set of watercolors/brushes, watercolor pencils, fine point markers, ball point pen, glue stick, small pair of scissors.

Standards / Mastery / Proficient / Satisfactory / Developing / Unsatisfactory / Final Grades
A (90-100) / B (80-89) / C (70-79) / D (60-69) / F (59 + below)
TECHNIQUE / Demonstrates full understanding and exploration of the techniques taught. / Demonstrates understanding and exploration of the techniques taught. / Demonstrates some understanding and exploration of the techniques taught. / Demonstrates minimal understanding and exploration of the techniques taught. / Demonstrates no understanding and exploration of techniques taught.
COMPOSITION / Demonstrates full understanding of composition by including balance of space, eye flow, and emphasis. Utilizes entire space allotted and pays attention to negative as well as positive space. / Demonstrates understanding of composition by including balance of space, eye flow, and emphasis. Utilizes space allotted and pays attention to negative as well as positive space. / Demonstrates some understanding of composition by including balance of space, eye flow, and emphasis. Utilizes some space allotted and pays attention to negative as well as positive space. / Demonstrates minimal understanding of composition by including balance of space, eye flow, and emphasis. Utilizes minimal space allotted and pays attention to negative as well as positive space. / Demonstrates no understanding of composition by including balance of space, eye flow, and emphasis. Does not utilize entire space allotted and no attention to negative or positive space.
CONTENT / Final piece created specifically relates to the prompt chosen and indicated by student. Prompt and parameters are explored thoroughly. / Final piece created relates to the prompt chosen and indicated by student. Prompt and parameters are explored. / Final piece created some relates to the prompt chosen and indicated by student. Prompt and parameters are somewhat explored. / Final piece created minimally relates to the prompt chosen and indicated by student. Prompt and parameters are explored minimally. / Final piece created does not relates to the prompt chosen or indicated by student. Prompt and parameters are not explored thoroughly.
CRAFTSMANSHIP / Clean and well thought out arrangement of ideas. Execution is shown through the use of materials in an original arrangement, exceeding the expectation. Student demonstrates exceptional care to the condition of their artwork. / Clean and well thought out arrangement of ideas and execution. Materials used are executed with purpose. Student is mindful about the care and condition of their artwork. / Somewhat clean and well thought out arrangement of ideas and execution. Materials used are executed with purpose. Student is somewhat mindful about the care and condition of their artwork. / Minimally clean and well thought out arrangement of ideas and execution. Materials used are executed with minimal purpose. Student is minimally mindful about the care and condition of their artwork. / Not clean or well thought out arrangement of ideas and execution. Materials used are not executed with purpose. Student is not mindful about the care and condition of their artwork.
CREATIVITY / Student pushed beyond the norm and explores a unique perspective. Student is inventive and challenges the parameters of the problem to develop their solution within the final work. / Student demonstrates a unique perspective. Student is somewhat inventive within their solution to the problem to the final work. / Student explores an average perspective. Student meets the parameters of the problem to develop their solution within the final work. / Student minimally explores an average perspective. Student somewhat meets the parameters of the problem to develop their solution within the final work. / Student has not pushed beyond the norm or explore a unique perspective. Student is not inventive and challenges the parameters of the problem to develop their solution within the final work.
DATE / GRADE / Selections of themes that guide your ideas
1. Over the Edge
2. Hot Spring
3. Global View
4. The path less traveled
5. According to…
6. Converging worlds
7. Conflicting Thoughts
8. Reach for the…
9. Take it in
10. The hero’s tale
11. Chaotic Transformations
12. Inferences and implications
13. Sweeping Generalizations
14. Raising the bar
15. Tracking topography
16. Metaphorically Speaking
17. Past and Present
18. Out of the Ordinary
19. Metamorphosis
20. Imagination
21. Determination
22. Tranquility
23. Breakthrough
24. Spread your wings
25. The Right Answer
26. Dare to hope
27. Don’t Blink
28. Seek Wonder
29. Here and Now
30. Rearranged