Sedbergh Medical Practice – Patient Forum
Minutes of meeting held 6th December 2012
Present: Dr Chrissie Hunt, Dr William Lumb, Tracy Thornton, Janice Rusling, Pauline Fozard, Linda Greensmith, Ann Allan, Rosemary Marsden
Apologies: Kate Cairns, Sarah Woof
Minutes of last meeting were checked and agreed to be correct by the group, these can now be published in the Lookaround and on the Practice website.
New member – Ann Allan is representing Sedbergh Parish Council and Rosemary Marsden is a patient representative both were welcomed by the patient group.
Patient Survey – The patient survey for the Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service is due to be run again in January. The patient group discussed the previous questionnaire and have proposed the following changes to be made to the questionnaire:
Q2 – Amend 6months to 12 months
Q5 – To be removed
Q7 – ‘Are’ is written twice and one needs to be deleted
Q8 – New question ‘As a patient what are your priorities for a service from the Medical Practice?’
It was agreed that the amended questionnaire should be sent to all members of the patient group and if any further changes need to be made they must advise Tracy Thornton before the 7th January 2013, any requests for amendments will be advised to all members for agreement before any changes are actually made to the questionnaire.
The questionnaire will be handed out to all patients who attend the surgery during the week commencing 21st January 2013. All completed questionnaires will then be collated by members of the patient group and the findings will be presented in a report. (TT to ask members of the patient group for their help in collating the results)
The outcome of the report will then be discussed with the patient group at the next meeting on Thursday 7th March 2013; the group will discuss, highlight any areas of concern and propose any changes that need to be made as a result of the findings of the survey.
The report will then be published on the Practice website and a copy sent to the Primary Care Trust (PCT) before 31st March 2013.
Friends of Sedbergh Medical Practice – The Childh went ahead on Friday 23rd November and was a huge success, making a profit of £517 to add to the friends of Sedbergh medical Practice fund. Dr Lumb and Dr Hunt thanked all the members for their help and support in making this event such a success. The friends are aiming to meet at least twice a year; Janice will liaise and arrange the meetings.
It was decided that the funds raised so far could be used to buy a water cooler for the waiting room. The costing for this would be approximately £400 +vat for the cooler and installation and then £100 per year running costs (cups/maintenance etc)
AOB – Clock needed for waiting room (one has been bought but it has not been put up as yet)
(LG) – Age UK have set up a walking group – Linda will forward a flyer to Tracy to print off and put in waiting room for any one interested. Linda thanked the Practice for letting her attend the flu clinics to advertise the Age UK service to patients.
(KC) – Asked how flu clinics have gone this year – to date we have vaccinated 900 patients but we do have a further 391 patients who are still eligible to have a flu vaccination, we are currently contacting these people. Boots chemist has been able to vaccinate patients this year, and they have vaccinated approximately 70 of our patients.
Kate suggested that we ask for a representative from Sedbergh School – TT will write to invite a representative.
(WL) – Discussed the features of the conference facility here at Sedbergh Medical Practice and that ideally he would like the Practice to integrate with the local community, social care being a high priority.
Patient access to medical records and online ordering of repeat prescriptions is imminent.
Date of next meeting – Thursday 7th March @ 6.30pm
Agenda items/apologies to