Filling Out the Spreadsheet for Grade Distributions

For the CAH TIP Award Process

The attached blank spreadsheet(“2014 tipgradedistribution for 2014 TIP cycle.xls”) is the CAH document to be used to report the grade distributions for the classes you taught in the time period (Fall 2009-Spring 2013) for this year’s TIP Award.

Some people have been trying to get the information that goes into the spreadsheet through the Pegasus Mine Portal rather than doing it the “old-fashioned” way by going back through their grade sheets. It is a good idea to use the Pegasus Mine Portal. Unfortunately, it is not always completely clear how to do it.

Sue Ann Mann and I received a few calls from people asking about this. So I went about trying to find information on grade distributions specific to the classes I have taught (even though I am not eligible for TIP this year) over the past several years to see how it would work. It works, but not in the way I thought it would.

I can’t find a way to pull down from any of the menus my own classes’ grade distributions specific to my name or PID. But it can be done nonetheless in a round-about way.

Here’s how I would do it. You might find a more efficient way, but this works.

  • Go to and go to the Faculty/Advisor self-service tab, go to instructors, then to View My Teaching Schedule, change the term for each term you want to see, and either do a screen shot or write down the class detail information (course prefix, number, and section) for the terms from fall 2009-spring 2013. (You can also click directly on the My Grade Roster tab and get the grade distribution information for each class you taught and enter that directly into the attached spreadsheet.)

If you want to get the information on grade distributions more easily and more accurately (that is, you won’t have to worry that you transposed any numbers if you copy the information directly from the Mine Portal page) from the Pegasus Mine Portal, then do the following, with the following notes being very important.

So far as I can tell, there is no way to break down the grade distributions by your name as the instructor or by your PID. But what you can do is this after you log in to :

  • Go to Staff Applications, then to Pegasus Mine Portal.
  • Go to Grades and then to Grade Distribution.srx
  • Immediately under the word “File” which is under “SAS Web Report Studio,” there is a double arrow (this is on the top left of the windowed screen) that will open all the terms available. So click that. Now you can click individually on every term in which you are interested.

However, YOUR specific single faculty member information is NOT available. You have to “mine” for it.

  • Go to the link for College of Arts and Humanities and use the down arrow button next to “College of Arts & Humanities” to “drill down” the information you want.
  • Now go to your area (that is, the area in which your classes that you have taught appear).
  • Then hit the downward facing arrow again to “drill down” for the information on graduate and undergraduate information.
  • Choose the one you want to see. Then use the downward facing arrow for upper and lower level courses.
  • You can then drill down to the information that is relevant to you by course prefix.
  • If you hit the drill down arrow next to the course prefix(es) that apply to you, you will see a listing of all the courses and course numbers taught in that term.
  • Look at your list that you made from the faculty/advisor information and match that up with the information on your screen in the Pegasus Mine Portal. For example, if I taught PHI 3033 in x term and I taught section 0001, then I hit the drill down button to see the different sections and identify the one that is mine.
  • You can then copy and paste or simply write down the information and transfer it to the spreadsheet for grade distributions for the TIP Award for UCF.

Remember, you have to do this for each term and for each course and be sure that you choose the section of the course that belongs to you so that you don’t report someone else’s grade distributions.

Be very careful and patient when you navigate through the Pegasus Mine Portal’s information. Sometimes you can use the back button on your browser and it will work. Other times, it won’t. The suggestion from the people who created the Mine Portal (Institutional Knowledge Management) is that you use the link to “Portal” at the top left of the SAS Web Report Studio page that you are looking at. The link to “Portal” appears immediately above the words “SAS Web Report Studio.” When you do this, it will take you back to the main screen where you need to start the process over again.

Please note that the CAH TIP Criteria document specifies that “Grade distribution for each course evaluated [must be included]. (Data must be provided by the Department Chair using the attached form.)

However, even though the department chair is required to verify the grade distributions, it would be helpful to the chair of your department if you provide the list of all courses taught and as much information as possible to make this process easier and more efficient for everyone.