Custer County Commission Meeting (Wednesday, 5/10/17)

Members present

Travis Bies, Phil Lampert, Mark Hartman, Jesse Sorenson, Jim Lintz, Tracy Kelley

  1. LEPC Meeting at 7:45 AM
  1. Meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Motion by Lampert, seconded by Lintz to strike emergency management from the agenda. Motion carried, unanimous.
  1. Public Hearings at 8:00 AM
  1. Liquor License for Heartland RV Park & Cabins. Motion for approval by Hartman, seconded by Lampert. Motion carried, unanimous.
  1. Consent Agenda

Motion by Lintz, seconded by Lampert to approve the Consent Agenda.Motion carried, unanimous.

  1. Minutes of April 26, 2017 Commission Meeting
  2. Vouchers
  3. Monthly Reports (Auditor, Treasurer, etc…)
  4. Travel Requests – Cathy Carter to D-Ware Inc Annual Meeting in Chamberlain, cost of $238. Angela Keierleber to SDSU Extension Customer Service/Professional Development, cost of $25.

Vouchers approved as follows:

COMMISSIONERS: Custer Ambulance Service $1280.00

COURT:Beesley Law Office $761.20, Garland Lee Goff $2,264.50

AUDITOR: Browning $500.00, Quill $295.22, Golden West $123.43, Ricoh $25.46

TREASURER:Golden West $123.43, Ricoh $17.55

STATE’S ATTORNEY:Relx $289.00, SD Dept of Health $45.00, Golden West $123.43, Culligan Water $43.50, Ricoh $60.53

COURTHOUSE BUILDING: Crescent Electric $387.36, Harvey’s Lock Shop $29.79, Hills Septic Service $255.00, Mayer Plumbing $213.91, Golden West $40.61, Thyssenkrupp Elevator $375.00, Cummins Central Power $605.64, Servall $167.39

REGISTER OF DEEDS: Fred Pryor Seminars $319.50, Golden West $102.72, State of SD $21.00, Evergreen Office Products $103.99, Mastercard $52.36


INFO TECHNOLOGY: Golden West $465.03, Golden West Technologies $1,920.00

SHERIFF:Golden West $230.96, BH Electric Coop $60.20, Nelson’s Oil & Gas $74.25

PRISONER CARE: Rapid City Police Dept $105.00, City/County Alcohol & Drug $226.00

AIRPORT: Golden West $198.51, Mark & Shannon Stites $3,000.00, Kadrmas Lee & Jackson $7,828.70

MENTAL HEALTH: Yankotn Co Sheriff $50.00, Mark Katterhagen $15.00, Lucy Lewno $150.46, Karen Swanda $15.00

LIBRARY: Mt Rushmore Telephone $111.87, Golden West $277.93

CULTURE/RECREATION: Lynn’s Dakotamart $6.67

FAIR: Custer County Fair Assoc $8,000.00

EXTENSION: Golden West $220.20, Ricoh $24.37, Discovery Benefits $27.78

WEED AND PEST CONTROL: Becky Amundsen $138.05, Charles Marsh $74.25, Sharon Moad $59.87, Golden West $48.57

PLANNING: Golden West $102.72, Discovery Benefits $27.76, Mastercard $480.00, SD Dept of Labor $1,802.59, SD Dept of Transportation $40.46

COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE: Bulter Machinery $791.30, Custer True Value $22.28, D-Ware $125.00, Fastenal $447.74, Godfrey Brake $254.50, Johnson Machine $176.25, Lynn’s Dakotamart, $11.97, Mt Rushmore Telephone $113.97, S&B Motor Parts $106.06, Keiffer Sanitation $66.73, Servall $98.17, Snap On Tools $252.99, Bituminous Paving $9,225.00, Golden West $270.76, The Lodge at Deadwood $192.63, Dakotaland Autoglass $94.00, Pacific Steel $6.77, CBH Cooperative $7,345.40

FIRE PROTECTION: City of Rapid City $2,000.00


DOMESTIC ABUSE: Weave $5,000.00

BUILDING: Black Hills Energy $4,144.16, Custer City $277.86, Hillyard $227.05, Jenniges Masonry $11,750.00, A to Z Shredding $28.05, Borrud Excavating $204.80, BH Electric Coop $194.10

VETERANS SERVICE: Golden West $40.61

EMERGENCY LINE: Inventory Trading Company $52.00, Master’s Custom Design $55.06, Golden West $1375.87, Discovery Benefits $27.78, RT Communications $23.19

  1. Conflict of Interest Declaration – Sorenson on Combining of Offices
  1. Highway Department
  1. Buffalo Gap street dance will be held July 26th. They have asked to close Main St from town hall to the elevator. The road will be detoured to Walnut St. Motion for approval by Lampert, seconded by Lintz. Motion carried, unanimous.
  2. Received 404 permit for work along Beaver Creek Rd. Chairman will need to sign once work is complete.
  3. SDDOT will be holding a public meeting on the Master Transportation Plan on June 13th in Hermosa at 5:30-7:00 and June 14th from 8:30-9:00 during the Custer County Commission Meeting. This will be added to that agenda.
  4. Custer County Cleanup has been set for the 3rd week in June during Custer County Highway hours. Gary Woodward and Mike Carter will be working on getting details in place.
  1. Planning Department
  1. Philip Abernathy with Custer Area Economic Development Corporation presented on a housing study that they would like to complete through SD Housing Developmental Authority. The estimated cost is $7500 with grant money paying for half, the city paying for a fourth, and the county paying the other fourth at a cost of $1875. Motion approved by Hartman, seconded by Lampert. Motion carried, unanimous.
  2. One Mile Extraterritorial Area Policy Agreement – Motion to sign agreement by Lintz, seconded by Lampert. Motion carried, unanimous.

WHEREAS, two (2) or more local governments enabled under Section 1-24-3 of the South Dakota Codified Law to enter into agreements to cooperate for the mutual advantage of the governments involved; and
WHEREAS, Custer County deems a land use policy agreement with the Town of Hermosa for orderly growth and development within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town of Hermosa within Custer County, to be to the mutual advantage of the Town of Hermosa and Custer County.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Custer County hereby authorizes the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to sign and the County Auditor to attest to the attached Agreement between Custer County and the Town of Hermosa establishing land use policies for the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town of Hermosa in Custer County.
Passed and approved this 10TH day of May, 2017.

  1. Sheriff Storage within Carport – Looking into how much of the carport is going to be finished for the Sheriff Department.
  2. Brinda Subdivision – tabled due to not having all signatures.
  3. Plat approval – Motion by Lampert, seconded by Hartman to approve plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Tract Painted Hill North of Box Canyon Subdivision and Dedicated Public Right of Way. Motion carried, unanimous.
  4. Plat approval – Motion by Lampert, seconded by Lintz to approve plat of Lot 1 and 2 of Tract of DLB Subdivision. Motion carried, unanimous.
  5. Alltel Fairburn Tower – AT&T Mobility – Update of equipment without anything new added to the property. Motion by Lintz, seconded by Lampert to approve. Motion carried, unanimous.
  6. Nelson’s Oil & Gas – Replacing two tanks near the airport with two smaller ones. Motion by Hartman, seconded by Lampert to approve. Motion carried, unanimous.
  7. Planning Commission – Patti Lee & Ken Swanda. Motion by Lampert, seconded by Lintz to approve Patti Lee to the open alternate position. Motion carried, unanimous.
  1. Airport
  1. USDA does not have sufficient staffing or resources in order to aid in land adjustment transactions at the airport.
  2. Simpson and Associates is the only company that has submitted a proposal for the airport appraisals. This expense will be awarded through aviation as long as it meets all requirements. Motion by Lampert, seconded by Lintz to award contract to Simpson and Associates. Motion carried, unanimous.
  1. Sheriff’s Department
  1. Jennifer Smart has put in her resignation. Would like to stay on as a temp/part-time. Motion by Hartman, seconded by Lintz to approve. Motion carried, unanimous.
  2. Matthew Warren has been offered employment as a deputy. Motion by Lampert, seconded by Hartman to approve. Motion carried, unanimous.
  1. Auditor
  1. Malt Beverage License Renewals – Motion by Hartman, seconded by Lampert to approve. Lintz obtained. Motion carried, unanimous.
  2. Highland VFD Updated Roster – acknowledged by the commission.
  3. There are current issues with Tyler software in the Auditor’s office. They will be contacted to see what it would take to fix it along with additional training.
  1. Public Comments

There were no public comments

  1. Human Resources
  1. Combining of Departments - The commission discussed the option of combining the offices of the Auditor and Treasurer. The State’s Attorney will prepare a proposed Ordinance to be discussed further at the next commission meeting.
  1. Executive Session

Motion by Lampert, seconded by Lintz to go into Executive Session beginning at 9:25 AM. Executive Session concluded at 11:30. The following actions were then taken:

  1. Indigent Burial – Motion by Hartman, seconded by Lintz to approve. Motion carried, unanimous.
  2. Personnel –
  3. Motion by Sorenson, seconded by Hartman to hire outside counsel for commission meetings. Motion failed, Aye - Sorenson and Hartman, Nay - Bies, Lintz and Lampert.
  4. Motion by Hartman, seconded by Sorenson to accept resignation from Leon Cordell based on attorney recommendation. Motion carried, unanimous.
  5. Contract Negotiations
  6. The law enforcement contract with the City will be placed on the agenda for approval at the 5/24/17 commission meeting.
  7. Motion by Hartman, seconded by Lintz motion to contract with American Engineering to perform environment testing in the county. Motion carried, unanimous.
  1. Commission
  1. Mail call – USDA letter related to Phoenix 42 (formally Grace Mine). Commission able to make comment if necessary.
  2. Meeting Schedule – none
  3. Meeting Reports
  4. Lintz attend the Fair Board meeting on 5/9/17. They are looking at buying 7 acres south of the fairgrounds. Since the county owns the fairgrounds then they should look at paying for it.
  5. Chairman mentioned that commission should look at possibly selling the land and building north of the highway shop to offset some expenses. Department staff will be evaluating what remains in the building and current storage needs. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
  6. As per meeting on 5/9/17 the Custer County Housing is now debt free and LLC is back in place to start receiving funds again.
  1. Adjourn

Motion by Lampert and seconded by Hartman to adjourn the meeting at 11:40 PM. The next meeting will be at 8 AM May 24, 2017, in the Commissioners’ Room in the Custer County Courthouse.


Travis Bies, Chairman


Dawn McLaughlin, Custer County Treasurer

Published once at the total approximate cost of ______.