Date:2017 June 11—DRAFT

To:Logan CAC Representatives

From:Darryl Pomicter

RE:Logan Community Advisory Committee MeetingApril 13, 2017Minutes

Attached:LCAC Meeting Agenda, April 6, 2017

20170113, RE BLANS Draft Final Report—DP Comments 1.-6—Motions.msg

LAIPP 2001 Massport MEPA Section 61 Findings, EOEA #10458, 2001 June 18 (FEIS, Appendix B, 2002 June).docx (Amended 2004 October 21)

Time:April 13, 2017, Thursday, 6:00-8:30 PM

Place:Logan Office Center, 1 Harborside Drive, Human Resources Training Room

Call-in:USA Toll- Free: 877-848-7030, Participant Code: 4101625

(Massportprovided speakerphone with extension mics & PC with video projector.)


Officers: Darryl Pomicter, Beacon Hill, President; Jerry Falbo, Vice President; andWig Zamore, Somerville, Vice President (6:25)

Representative:Frank Ciano, Arlington (until 7:10); Paul Sacksman, Ipswich; Cindy Christiansen, Milton;Joan Falvey, Quincy; John Singleton, Salem; and Dennis Duff, Watertown

Proxy:Charles Gessner, Marblehead to Pomicter; and Gary Banks, Scituate to Pomicter

Call-InJoanne Keith, Roxbury; Bruce Shatswell, Dorchester (before 6:30—hearing but not heard?); Maura Zlody, City of Boston; and Declan Boland, Consultant, Massport

Massport:Flavio Leo, Aviation Planning and Strategy; Frank Iacovino, Noise Abatement; andAnthonyGallagher, Community Relations and Government Affairs (Massportleft before LCAC Next Steps discussion ~7:00)

Darryl called the meeting to order at 6:15, noting that the Logan CAC, expanded with the Noise Abatement Study, currently includes representatives appointed by 39 Communities. With present lacking quorum,not representing 1/3, 13 Communities, Motions could not be voted; but discussion could continue.

Called-In each identified themselves. Attendees introduced themselves around the table and room. And, Proxies were stated.

Flavio updatedon Massport:

•Runway 4R-22L pavement rehabilitation and lighting pier replacement will begin mid-May and complete by November 1. Including closure through late June. Shifting normal runway use, particularly Runway 4L Arrivals using temporary RNAV procedure. [Also, Runway 33L Arrivals, Runway 15R Arrivals; Runway 33L Departures; and Runway 27 Departures.]

•With Terminal E Renovation of gates and waiting rooms completed, double decker A380 beginning. [BA began regularly-scheduled, late March.]

•Terminal E Modernization,with November 2015 Finding of No Significant Impact, is proceeding with design for construction beginning 2018.

•Runway 4L Arrivals RNAV Environmental Analysis being determined by FAA.

•RNAV Study with MIT and FAA is underway, includingMassport CAC.

Flavio asked Wig to email request details for 2015 EDR DNL by Runway by Census Block data fileto be corrected by HMMH to same structure as previous years (to not require realization and correctreordering by user to match).

[Reviewing, 2015 rows ordered W-Arather than other yearsnormal A-W; 2015 header “computed from the 2014 EDR” confusing error; and Latitude and Longitude data erroneously reversed in columns under headers.

Jerry updated on Massport CAC:

•General Meeting was held March 9, with Jerry calling-in from Florida. [Darryl’s Motion for Massport CAC to support Logan CAC Motions for noise reporting received no support—before proceeding with new wish list.] Next General Meeting scheduled June 8, 4-6

•Executive Committee and Aviation Operations Subcommittees are meeting. Info to be posted on new website.

•Massport now shifting attention awayfrom Logan CAC to legislated Massport CAC, still developing. Previously agreed Noise Abatement Committee, could be way to use Logan CAC experience and expertise, at least in next while—and to represent additional Communities, particularly long-active Boston Neighborhoods.

Responding to Wig on potential overlap, it was noted that the Noise Abatement Committee was intended to focus on implementation of previously agreed,to report current actual and change from prior—which could allow Massport CAC to focus on informed future changes.

The BLANS Final Report, March 31, 2017 was discussed. The need for the Logan CAC to send a letter summarizing the failure of BLANS was discussed and agreed. FAA and Massport have aborted the Boston Logan Airport Noise Study withoutsatisfying the noise abatement mitigationlegal commitmentsby Massport in 2001 (with amendment in 2004) and the FAA in 2002:

  1. No Noise Abatement from the Boston Logan Airport Noise Abatement Study,

Mitigation Measure with FAA Logan Airside Improvements Planning Project Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision approval, including new runway and (eventual) new centerfield taxiway. 2002-2017, >$8 million to consultants. From Massport annual EDRs, 2003 to 2015 Aircraft Operations (Arrivals and Departures) decreased 0.1%and Noise Exposure, Day-Night Average Noise Level, Population within 65dBA increased 96%. Fewer flights and quieter engines, but Operations closer to Population. (With Phase 1 implementations, from a low point in 2010 through 2015, Airplane Operations increased 6% and Noise Exposure Population within DNL 65 dBA increased 268%!) (Between 2015 and 2014, Aircraft Operations increased 2.5%, following a 0.7% increase in 2014. And, Noise Exposure,Population within DNL 65 dBA increased 58%, following a 107% increase in 2014. For 2016, Massport reported Airplane Operations increased 4.9%, with 2016 Noise Exposure not being reported until Spring 2018.) Massport refuses to report Noise Impacts, Level-Weighted Population, which would be significantly higher increases.

Phase 1, 2003-2007

Proposed 55 airspace and operational measures: 23 combined into 13 for early implementation (not requiring extended environmental review), 14 deferred to Phase 2, and 18 rejected. Of the 13recommended, after noise analysis, 9 approved by Logan CAC and accepted by Massport and FAA for implementation—to “Increase Altitude Over Land” and “Maximize Flight Over Water”. Routes designed and implementationsby 2010 increased altitudes crossing shoreline, shifted further from airport. (Draft Flight Tracks Report 2015 shows current altitudes crossing shoreline still increased, but Massport CACprotesting current procedures not in compliance with intent, with FAA Phase 1 Categorical Exclusion Record of Decision.)

Phase 2, 2007-2012

The 14 Measures deferred from Phase 1, with additional Measures and versions became 60 ground and flight procedures: Level 1 screening reduced to 28 and Level 2 screening reduced to 10. With Level 3 noise analysis for the 10 + 2 versions, the Logan CAC recommended 8. FAA and Massport approved only 2 ground measures: Run Ups Away From Communities and Holding Area for Delayed Departures. Massport advisesRun Ups are now away “when operationally feasible” and to work with FAA for approval and fundingneeded for Holding Area—no program, no monitoring reporting and not implemented.

Phase 3, 2013-2016

Intended to develop a new Runway Use Program to supersede Preferential Runway Advisory System. And, a consolidated Logan Airport BOS Noise Abatement Program. Requests for Massport to provide basic Logan Airport noise abatement information (begun in 2012)were repeated through Phase 3,with Massport refusal continued:

  1. Runway Use (Arrivals and Departures Operations) by Runway End.
  2. Noise (Exposure and Impacts) by Runway End.
  3. Noise (Exposure and Impacts) by Community from Runway End.
  4. All aircraft (not just jets).
  5. Historic Baseline: 5 years before new Runway 14-32 in 2007 and since.

Runway Use Test 1 and Test 2, 2014-2015, for daily dwell—without reporting baseline or actual. No work by Independent Consultant December 2014-June 2015, awaiting Massport contract change order and payment for hours back to 2013. Summary of BOS Noise and Operational Runway Us Restrictions compiled, May 2016. First half 2016, Logan CAC developed Flight Tracks Report with Massport. Second half 2016, Logan CAC developed Noise Abatement Report, including FAA ATCT Runway Use Guidelines with Independent Consultant—but Massport 2015 EDR data and Updated Baseline Noise Analysis delayed from July to December. And, end 2016, Logan CAC drafted Night Flights Report.

August-December 2016,FAA and Massportaborted Phase 3 and Noise Study—before scheduled 2017 completion, and with >$100k funding contracted to consultants unspent. FAA cited lack of Logan CAC progress and recommendation. January 2017, Massport refuses Logan CAC Motionsrequesting noise abatement reporting:improve EDR, implement Flight Tracks Report, completeand implement Noise Abatement Report, and complete and implement Night Flights Report. The Logan CAC results of aborted Phase and Noise Study 3. From which to understand current, evaluate and agree on changes, and monitor implementation for effectiveness.

Massport and FAA Noise Abatement Study results: No Noise Abatement. No new Runway Use Program—to supersede inactive PRAS. No Noise Reporting—including Airplane Flight Operations, Community Noise Exposure, and Population Noise Impacts. No consolidated Noise Abatement Program— including Runway Use, Flight Procedures, and Ground Measures. No Noise Abatement Committee—for ongoing monitoring program, including reporting for implementation and effectiveness.

“FAA, Massport, and the [Logan] CAC (which includes South Shore communities) will work jointly to develop the scope of a noise study that will include enhancing existing or developing new noise abatement measures applicable to aircraft overflights. The study will evaluate proposals on the basis of environmental benefit, operational impact, aviation safety and efficiency, and consistency with applicable legal requirements. Noise abatement proposals that FAA considers safe and efficient and that will not adversely affect other communities will be implemented. These proposals will be implemented to the extent feasible prior to completion of the noise abatement study.”

  1. No Runway Use Program—to supersede inactive Preferential Runway Advisory System.

Despite Massport 2001 MEPA Section 61 Finding and FAA 2002 ROD Mitigation Measure, Massport has (with FAA) terminated efforts to supersede their Preferential Runway Advisory System. Including annual, longer-term and daily, shorter-term runway use goals. With results continuously failed grossly since initialimplementation in 1982. Legally,to remain in place until superseded; butcompletely inactive since 2004.

“In addition, the Authority willbegin working with the [Logan] CAC to update the PRAS program, with theunderstanding that the current PRAS system will remain in place untilsuperseded.”

“Massport has also committed, as part of its Section 61 Findings, to begin working with the [Logan] CAC to update the existing PRAS program. FAA supports these efforts and will work with Massport and the [Logan] CAC to assess the PRAS program with the understanding that the PRAS will remain in place until superseded.”

  1. No NoiseAbatement Reporting—Airplane Flight Operations, Community Noise Exposures, and Population Noise Impacts.

Massport ignores 2001 MEPA Section 61 Finding for Noise Reporting—timely, expanded, and additional over time. There are ZERO Noise Reports. When questioned (including the Massport Board), Massport responds they “believe they are in compliance.”

Massport rejects Logan CAC Motion requests, refusesto improve the annual Environmental Data Report (and five-year Environmental Planning and Status Report), including expanding the noise analysis area to match the BLANS analysis area—to include all of the Communities with greatest operations, exposures, and impacts.

Massport refusesto complete and implement the noise reports developed in BLANS Phase 3, rejecting Logan CAC Motions:

  • Flight Tracks Report, including horizontal, vertical, route waypoints, and deviation.
  • Noise Abatement Report, Including FAA ATCT Monthly Runway Use Guidelines: Airplane Flight Operations, Community Noise Exposures, and Population Noise Impacts.
  • Night Flights Report, including late night-early morning/sleep period and airplanenoise stage.

The lack of relevant noise reporting makes understanding, informed evaluation and agreement on change, and equitable distribution of noise impacts all impossible. (Changing without considering baseline is bogus. Not considering Population and Noise-Level Weighting is sham.)

“The Authority will develop and implement a PRAS Monitoring System and will implement a new distribution system for reports. The Massport Quarterly Noise Reports will be expanded to include a number of new reports, and the distribution list will be expanded to include interested parties, including the Logan Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). In addition, the annual reports on runway utilization, dwell and persistence will also be included as part of the Environmental Status and Planning Report (ESPR) (formerly GEIR) filings made with the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. Over the longer term, the Authority will work with the FAA to design additional reports that could help enhance the attainment of PRAS.”

  1. No Noise Abatement Program—Runway Use, Flight Procedures, and Ground Measures.

Massport selectively touts some prior measures from the ‘70s, with no improvement since the 2001 Massport and 2002 FAA mitigation commitments. As jet engines have become 1,000X less noisy, but Population with noise exposure at very high levels is increasing. (And, noise complaints from operations have grown 20X greater.)

Massport maintains their original, touted 1976 Noise Rules, referenced in740 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulation 24.00 Noise Abatement (“formerly…the Rules and Regulations for Logan International Airport”) cannot be found. And, are not relevant. “In 1976, the Massport Board adopted Logan's first noise rules and they remained effective, with some adjustments in 1980,for nearly a decade.”

“The intent is to have a consolidated Logan Airport BOS Noise Abatement Program, including a runway use program approved and implemented by the FAA, and a Ground Measures Program agreed upon and implemented by Massport (similar to many other US airports).”

  1. No Single-Engine Taxiing Program—to decrease the most severe Population Impacts.

Massport ignores their 2001 MEPA Section 61 Finding to “develop and implement a program designed to maximize the use of single-engine taxi procedures by all its tenant airlines.” To decrease impacts on the very-most severely impacted Communities and Neighborhoods next to Logan Airport. (Receiving as much as 100X the noise exposure of others seriously impacted further from Logan.)

Massport sent airlines a request letter after several years, a reminder and a voluntary pilot lounge survey after several more years, and an annual encouragement letter in recent years. And, responds that a vast majority ofairlines are now doing some, on their own, to save fuel—“the low-hanging fruit” is done.

There is no program—no report tracking participation and change over time. No efforts to improve results by all airlines over time.

“The Authority will develop and implement a program designed to maximize the use of single-engine taxi procedures by all its tenant airlines, consistent with safety requirements, pilot judgment, and the requirements of federal law.”

  1. No Peak Period Monitoringand Demand Management Program.

Massport ignores their 2001 MEPA Section 61 Finding specific commitments for a Peak Period Pricing and Demand Management Program. Massport issued a Peak Period Monitoring Report 12 times annually through May 2015, but not since (with only 2008 online).

Massport reported monthly: November–March Actual and April-September Projected. Always missing October; never 12 months. Never including historic. Neither prior year projected for comparison with current actual nor prior year actual for comparison with current projected. With July-August peak period, not sufficiently in advance for airline actions to address overscheduling.

“Projections of Logan flight activity will be developed on a semi-annual basis. These projections will be prepared 4 to 6 months in advance and willrepresent estimates of flight levels by hour for the upcoming seasonalschedule period. Projections will be based on the most recent activity levelsof Logan, historic seasonality patterns, and advance flight schedulessubmitted by air carriers to the Official Airline Guide (OAG). Theprojections will also reflect non-scheduled activity including charter andgeneral aviation.”

  1. No Noise Abatement Committee—toMonitor Implementation and Effectiveness.

Massport has withdrawn their 2011commitment to work on-going with the Logan CAC , the Boston Neighborhoods and nearby Communities most-severely impacted and most experienced for monitoring implementation and effectiveness of agreed,to reportcurrent actual and change from prior.

“Massport has agreed to work with the [Logan] CAC to establish a Noise Abatement Committee (NAC) that will work to address noise abatement concerns on-going, outside of and beyond the context of the BLANS, as well as to monitor noise abatement measures including those implemented as part of the BLANS.”

Anext Meeting was agreed, tentatively Thursday, June 15, 6-9 PM (after Massport CAC Meeting June 8 and Massport Board Meeting June 15). Location to be determined.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.

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