Development Strategy
Pleasecomplete this word template provided and upload it to the clicktools form where indicated. The development strategy should be no more than 12 pages long (excluding appendices) and must not exceed 5mb. The document should be must be signed by the key/senior leaders within your Our Place partnership.
Section 1: Summary of Our Place proposals
Please use this section to expand upon the 100 word project summary that you have given in the click tools document.
Name of lead organisation: / Bury CouncilName of Our Place area: / Radcliffe
Project summary outlining your project, its ambitions and the aims and priorities you want to address. This should be no more than 100 words and could be considerably less. There is a choice of ‘themes’ – you can choose no more than 5 of these.
Local people can improve their own health and wellbeing and that of those around them and are continually involved in improving health and care services.
Local People:
- Understand the need for change and own plans to transform health and care services
- Community champions harness views to shape strategies and plans
- Services are designed with local people
- Manage their own health/wellbeing on a day to day basis
- Involved in delivering services to improve health and wellbeing
- Make informed and appropriate choices
- Treated as partners in their own health and care
Potential scale and scope of the services being looked at – including budgets identified through any spend mapping you have undertaken or your plan to map spending.
‘Our Place’ Radcliffe will support and enhance work taking place through the Bury GP Federation’s ‘A Healthier Radcliffe’ Community Demonstrator Pilot. This pilot, one of six in the Greater Manchester Area and led by the local GPs,is radically re-designing and reshaping local health and social care provision in Radcliffe, with a greater focus on primary prevention, wellbeing and planned care to reduce emergency demand. Key components of ‘A Healthier Radcliffe’ include:
- extended bookable GP appointments, 7 days a week
- single patient records
- additional planned and urgent care appointments
- Closer integration of community services wrapped around primary care
- More home based care
Budgets/Spend Mapping
On 28 May 2014 a range of stakeholders living and/or working in Radcliffe came together to undertake a visioning exercise for ‘Our Place’ (Appendix A). This meeting began the process of understanding what is already available in Radcliffe that we can harness to improve health and wellbeing. We started to identify where resources are already being used across the statutory, voluntary and community sector in Radcliffe. Our ambition is to build on this work as part of our operational plan, including further community engagement work and events in Radcliffe.
We will develop amore detailed understanding of these resources and assets from the community perspective. The Local community will identify how to better harness them, making the social and physical assets work better for them to improve health and wellbeing.
In the longer term, a more detailed understanding of these resources will allow us to better align them to community priorities and take our activity to the next level. This will be to build more local influence, control and co-production in Radcliffe to improve health and wellbeing. Our key challenge will be changing perceptions embedded in both public services and local community, achieving a cultural shift from dependency to self help.
Benefits/outcomes you are seeking to achieve and broad success criteria
As part of the Radcliffe Visioning event (28 May 2014) we asked the local community and partners what a healthier Radcliffe should look, work and feel like. This has been used to inform the outcomes below.
- A more informed, engaged and empowered community, who are confident in their ability to create and develop initiatives to improve health and wellbeing.
- Improved communication and feedback between statutory partnersand local community.
- Evidence of stronger local partnership working (community, voluntary and statutory partners) to improve health and wellbeing.
- Recruitment, training and support of a network of volunteers to work as Community Health Champions
- Radcliffe communities have opportunities to have more local control in relation to commissioning and management of health and care services (longer term outcome)
- Improved health and wellbeing outcomes in Radcliffe measured in relation to the 5 priorities contained within Bury’s health and wellbeing Strategy (see . )
Aspirations for pooling, aligning or devolving budgets
Short Term Aims:
- Our first step will be to develop a more detailed understanding of resources, initiatives and assets in Radcliffe (from the community perspective) through asset mapping. We will work with local communities to make the social and physical assets work better to improve health and wellbeing.
- We need to ensure relationships between programmes and partners are developed further in order to maximise benefits of joint resources and budgets available.
- We will use an ICT computer programme called ‘Open Objects’ to capture and record community assets in Radcliffe, including community groups, resident associations, local support services, community facilities etc. This will act as a market place and virtual hub for Radcliffe, showing resources and services available and how residents and other stakeholders can access these.
- We will work with local communities to raise awareness of ‘Open Objects’ and to make the social and physical assets work better to improve health and wellbeing.
- We will aim to pool budgets with partners to fund work to support volunteers as health champions
- In the longer term, a more detailed understanding of resources and assets will allow us to better align them to community priorities and take our activity to the next step. This will be to build more local influence, control and co-production in Radcliffe to improve health and wellbeing. We will need to do more work to understand how the community, including Radcliffe Township Forum, want to work with us to achieve this longer term aim, including governance models.
How you expect to implement your operational plan post March 2015
- Overall governance for the Operational Plan will be provided through Radcliffe Township Forum. This is a local community body comprising of local councillors and community representatives. They will hold the project group to account for delivery of the Our Place project post March 2015. This community body is supported through Radcliffe’s Township Co-ordinator who is playing a key role in the ‘Our Place’ project now and post 2015.
- Project governance, including performance management, will be provided by the ‘Community Engagement for Health’ partnership, chaired by Bury’s Director of Public Health. This group includes representation from the health, social care, voluntary and community sector. Radcliffe’s township co-ordinator (employed through Bury Council) will also attend these meetings to support development of the Operational Plan and implementation post March 2015. This Steering Group have already established a smaller sub- group to manage the project and report back to them.
Section 2: Update on community engagement
How are yourproposals being shaped by the views of the local community?Outline your proposed strategy for involving the community in developing and implementing the operational plan, including evidence that your community engagement will include the wider community as well as those who are directly involved in any working groups.
Evidence Proposals shaped by views of the local community
- Radcliffe’s Township Forum (comprising local councillors and community representatives) have identified health and wellbeing as a priority within their local community plan.
- On 28 May 2014 a community event was held in Radcliffe Civic Suite (see Appendix B for copy of programme)to help set the vision for ‘Our Place Radcliffe’ for improving health and wellbeing.
- Over 34 people attended the event including community representatives, statutory agencies and local residents.
- Our session was facilitated by ‘Ice Creates’, an award winning team who have over 14 years experience of health and wellbeing interventions and social marketing.
- Asset based community development principles were used to open up a community conversation. We discussed what happiness and wellbeing in Radcliffe is like today, and what it could be like in the future.
- The session helped us better understand community priorities and ambitions for ‘Our Place’. We began to identify some of the resources and assets available in Radcliffe which can be harnessed. We sought views on how residents could be empowered to become involved in the future. The session has helped to shape the benefits/outcomes we are seeking to achieve.
- A vibrant, colourful, graphic illustration was produced during the event and is shown in Appendix A. This acts as a creative and striking record of our community conversation and will be used to stimulate further discussions within the wider community.
Short term (following visioning event)
- All those who attended the event agreed to have further conversations through their own community networks and neighbours over the next month. They will ask them how they would like to get involved in creating a healthier Radcliffe and if they’d be willing to share their details. This includes a community questionnaire being shared as part of Adult Learners week in Radcliffe. The graphic illustration (produced at our visioning event) will be used as a tool to stimulate these conversations.
- Community representatives are keen to have a further meeting and/or fun- day following these conversations. All those who have expressed an interest will be invited. We are keen for community representatives themselves to take the lead on this next step. The event/fund day will be used to show case what is already available to residents in Radcliffe to promote positive health and wellbeing, beginning the process of harnessing local assets.
- This meeting/fun-day will be used to further shape priorities and outcomes for the Operational Plan. It will also be used to identify some ‘quick wins’.
- In the longer term our proposed strategy will:
- Agree a number of principles with the community on how best to engage - including how we report back on results and developments.
- We will build community capacity through development of community champion networks and volunteers. We will work with Radcliffe’s community organiser (to be appointed through the National Community Organisers Programme) and other community engagement staff across our partnership.
- We will utilise asset based approaches to the way we engage and work with communities in Radcliffe – building on strengths as well as needs to shape work going forward.
- Undertake some wider stakeholder mapping in Radcliffe, along with equality analysis. This will help us to ensure we capture views and input from the wider community, as well as those who are already actively involved.
- At our Community Visioning event, participants were keen for us to ensure the voice of children and young people are heard through work with local organisations in Radcliffe.
- Utilise existing engagement resources, feedback and mechanisms where we can .e.g. police and community together meetings (PACT), Patient Cabinet, User Groups, Township Forums and existing data relating to health and wellbeing.
- Community engagement approaches will be will be overseen by a project group comprising of a range of stakeholders (a sub group of the wider project steering group) including health and social care representatives, Radcliffe Township Co-ordinator, Bury GP Federation, Bury CCG, public health and residents from Radcliffe who wish to be involved at a more strategic level. Ultimately, we will be accountable to the Radcliffe Township Forum.
- Innovate – as well as utilising traditional approaches, we will seek to utilise
- We also aim to engage residents to encourage involvement in patient participation groups, particularly the ‘A Healthier Radcliffe’ Patient Group, and other engagement opportunities – all of which contribute to community health and wellbeing and help build approaches to co-production moving forward.
Section 3: Update on partner involvement and buy-in
Describe the progress made on developing the partnership (100 words max)- Progress made in promoting wider partnership buy in, evidenced through attendance at the visioning event.
- Project governance agreed - provided through Bury’s ‘Community Engagement For Health Group’, chaired by the Director of Public Health. Includes representatives from partners identified within initial application includingCCG and their patient cabinet, health and social care representatives, Healthwatch, Bury Third Sector Development Agency, Age Concern, Groundwork, Bury Council and Pennine Care.
- The Community Engagement for Health Group reports into the Health and Social Care Integration Partnership Board and the ‘A Healthier Radcliffe’ Implementation Group (referred to earlier).
- A sub-group established who report back to wider group on progress, challenges and opportunities. Representation on this sub group to be widened to include community representatives from Radcliffe who wish to be involved at this more strategic level.
- Radcliffe’s local Township Forum to provide overall governance, holding the project group to account.
What shape is the partnership now taking:
Partner name / Role in partnership / Level of commitment / Resources contributedCommunity Engagement for Health Group / Project oversight/sponsorship and performance management / Fully committed. Standing item on agenda.
Oversaw plans for visioning event
Informed development strategy development. / Officer time
Project Sub-group (from above partnership)
Membership includes:
Bury Third Sector Development Agency
Public Health
Radcliffe Township Co-ordinator(Bury Council)
Communities Manager (Bury Council)
Ground work / Project Lead / Fully committed
Worked on Development Strategy
Worked on detailed planning for visioning event
Will oversee the development of the Operational Plan
and community engagement approaches / Officer time
Radcliffe Township Forum (community representatives, councillors and public) / Governance
Accountability / Supported ‘Our Place’ bid
Members invited to attend visioning event
Project to form part of Radcliffe Township Plan
To be involved in shaping Operational Plan / Time
Which other partners / agencies will you need to engage and what actions do you plan to achieve this?
- More work needs to be done through Radcliffe Township Forum to feedback (following the visioning event) and seek views to inform next steps. Although Forum members were invited to attend the visioning event,due to a busy week for many of them (council elections) attendance was low. Feedback to be shared at the next meeting of the Township Forum (July 2014)
- Further develop relationship with the Bury GP Federation led ‘A Healthier Radcliffe’ Implementation Group.
- Need to strengthen links with business representatives/traders groups in Radcliffe. Contact will be made with key community representatives to provide feedback from the visioning event and seek views on how they’d like to be involved (moving forward).
Section 4: Business case and cost benefit analysis
About your proposalsBriefly describe the proposals / options you are exploring, likely outcomes and why they will be more effective than what is currently in place. Include a comparison to the current service arrangements and identify any relevant data that you have to support this.
Our Business case recognises that the financial and human costs associated with poor health outcomes in Radcliffe are high and likely to increase. Radcliffe forms 17% of Bury’s total population at 34,162. With an estimated ageing population this will lead to significant increase in long term conditions, dementia, sensory impairment, continence problems and falls leading to fractures. Radcliffe has the 2nd lowest life expectancy for male and females in the borough, 2nd highest mortality rate and is the 2nd most deprived township in the borough. It is also significantly worse than all other areas in Bury for childhood obesity, teenage conceptions and smoking.
Bury’s JSNA concludes that there is significant evidence that more deprived communities have more health problems with higher levels of emergency admissions. An analysis of the number of A&E attendances and NEL admissions across Bury’s six townships has mirrored these findings.
We need to work differently to prevent ill health and reduce demands on health and social care services.
Working differently to ensure residents in Radcliffe are actively involved in improving their own health and wellbeing will encourage early intervention and prevention and reduce demands on health and social care services.
Existing experience of business planning and cost benefit analysis
Please tell us how much you/others in the partnership know about CBA, what local expertise / experts you have within the partnership.
We do have some access to expertise within our partnership e.g. Bury Council, Bury Clinical Commissioning Group and Bury GP Federation in relation to business planning and cost benefit analysis models, including tools and templates.
We would seek to use some of the ‘Our Place’ consultancy resource to support development of our business case and cost benefit analysis.
Data gathering process
Please set out how and when you and/or your partners will gather and collate the data needed to prepare the business case and carry out the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). Please consider any existing or potential challenges/issues with data availability and actions to mitigate.
- If successful, we would utilise Our Place consultancy support to scope timescales and aid completion of CBA, from initial assessment to business case modelling.
- We’d aim to complete CBA by end of August 2014, collating data during the summer 2014.
- We aim to utilise data and costings from partners supporting the project (through the Community Engagement for Health Group).
- We’d utilise existing information including the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategic Needs Assessment and Community Safety Strategic Assessment for Bury and our work to understand local assets from a community perspective.
- We’d aim to capture social benefits in addition to fiscal and economic benefits of our new ways of working (utilising the New Economy Manchester working paper on Social Value).
Cost benefit analysis activities undertaken to date
Use this section to explain what you have done already and your initial findings. If you have yet to start work on the CBA, leave this section blank.
Proposed next steps
Please outline the further work which needs to be done, including how you will be doing this.
- Update on ‘Our Place’ to be included as an agenda item for the next meeting of the ‘engagement for health’ group including proposals to begin scoping the CBA for the project.
- Detailed timeline/plan to be developed for completion of CBA following this meeting to ensure completion by end of August 2014.
Support required to help you undertake the CBA
Please outline the support you think you will need to prepare the detailed business case. If you are proposing to resource this through the Our Place programme, make sure you have included it in your grant / direct support requests
Propose to utilise ‘Our Place’ consultancy support for cost benefit analysis and business case development.
Section 5: Governance and accountability