CAST Proposal: Modeling the Night Sky (TSGC K-5)

Section 1: Create a new proposal

Select Event TypeWorkshop (1 hour, 15 minutes)

Section 2: Presenters

Dr. Mary Kay Hemenway

Astronomy Department

ESC Region: 13

1 University Station C1400

Austin, TX 78712

The University of Texas at Austin

Day phone: 512-471-1309

Evening Phone: 512-467-8770

Fax Number: 512-471-6016

Years of Teaching Experience: 32

Dr. Judy Meyer

McDonald Observatory

ESC Region: 18

HC 75 Box 1337 MCD

Fort Davis, TX 79734-5020

The University of Texas at Austin

Day phone: 432-426-4153

Evening phone: 432-426-4153

Fax number: 432-426-3641

Years of teaching experience: ??

Teacher workshop participant – to be determined

Section 3: Presiders

No presider requested

Section 4: Basic Information

A. Presentation Audience (Choose best one):Teachers

B. Presentation is for Grade Level(s) (Check all areas that apply):Elementary School

C. Presentation Content:Earth and Space Science (astronomy, environmental, geology, oceanography, etc.)

D. Presentation Format:Hands-on (Classroom style)

E. I can accommodate the following number of participants per session:

26 - 50 Participants

F. This presentation may be offered at any of the following times:

Thursday PM

Friday AM

Friday PM

Saturday AM

G. Equipment Provided:

Overhead projector and screen will be provided. Any other equipment items must be provided by the presenter.

H. Accessibility Concerns:

Check all disabilities which would cause a significant challenge for participants

Visual Impairment: No

Hearing Impairment: No

Mobility Impairment: Yes

Accessibility Comments: Participants will move around during the activity

Section 5: Session Title and Description

A. Session Title: Modeling the Night Sky

B. Brief Abstract of the Session: Model planetary motions in a time-scale model of the solar system. Handouts. Sponsored by McDonald Observatory & Texas Space Grant Consortium.

C. TEKS info: K7A, 1-2E, 1-7A, 2-2F, 3-2B, 3-2E, 3-11C. 4-2B, 4-2E, 4-6A, 7-2B, 7-2E, 7-5A, 7-12D

D. Indicate if your session should be clustered with a specific affiliate organization, i.e. ACT2, ISEA, ISET, TABT, TAEE, TCES, TESTA, TMES, TSAAPT, TSELA, TTOPS, TRC, or Dana Center: TAEE

E. Please describe your planned session in 100 words or less (limit number of letter spaces):

This activity is a time scale model of the solar system (as opposed to the typical size and distance scale models). Participants become planets (and more) who run (Mercury) or shuffle (Jupiter) in their orbits around the Sun. The model is periodically stopped and “Earth” discusses what planets are visible at different times. Participant outcomes include: (1) understanding object’s patterns of movement in the sky due to their regular and predictable motion, (2) discovering the ecliptic, and why the planets appear in a narrow path in the sky, (3) predicting when and where planets will rise, transit, and set.

Section 6: Safety Information and Guidelines

A. Identify any potential safety hazards: None

B. Indicate what precautions will be taken to deal with any hazards and to inform participants and viewers of any risks: N/A

Please provide details about the use on any of the following: open flame, animals, microorganisms, biohazards, projectiles, chemicals or radioactive substances.

Section 7: Special comments for the Program Chair - Please Note Here

Any special comments for the Program Chair: Thank you for another CAST! Adjacent workshop time slots for a single room assignment are fine. Otherwise, please schedule this

workshop at a different time than the four other Hemenway and/or Fricke and/or Meyer sessions (one proposed short course, four other proposed workshops).

Questions? Contact Carol Fletcher or Marsha Willis, CAST 2007 Program Co-Chair