2nd Marking Period Science Standards Fourth Grade

1. Develop abilities in science.

A. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). [SC-4-EU-S-7]

B. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend).

C. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist).

D. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise) when producing products.

2. Be able to apply science knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes.

A. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research, hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusion). [SC-4-UD-S-5, SC-4-BC-S-3, SC-4-BC-4, SC-4-ET-S-9, SC-4-STM-S-8,


B. Be able to conduct research (field research: observe, measure, record data; library research; experimentation). [SC-4-STM-S-6]

C.  Be able to use scientific equipment appropriately (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately).


5. Understand that the earth’s physical environment is in a constant state of change.

A. Classify earth materials by the way they are used and explain how their properties make them useful for different purposes. For example, building materials (e.g., stone, clay, marble), sources of fuel (e.g., petroleum, natural gas), or for growing plants used as food. (SC-04-2.3.1 DOK 2)


B. Describe and explain consequences of changes to the surface of the Earth, including some common fast changes (e.g., landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes). (SC-04-2.3.2 DOK 3)


C. Describe and explain consequences of changes to the surface of the Earth, including some common

slow changes (e.g., erosion, weather). (SC-04-2.3.2 DOK 3) [SC-4-EU-S-4]

D. Make generalizations and/or predictions about weather changes from day to day and over seasons based on weather data. (SC-04-2.3.3 DOK 3) [SC-4-EU-S-2]

E. Assess the accuracy of weather predictions and the evidence used to support the predictions

made by individuals including meteorologist. (SC-04-2.3.3 DOK 3) [SC-4-EU-S-3]

F.  Understand ways to measure weather (temperature, wind direction, speed, precipitation).

(SC-04-2.3.3 DOK 3) [SC-4-EU-S-2]

G. Identify patterns, recognize relationships and draw conclusions about the Earth-Sun system by interpreting a variety of representations/models (e.g., diagrams, sundials, distance of sun above horizon) of the sun’s apparent movement in the sky. (SC-04-2.3.4 DOK 3) [SC-4-EU-S-6]

H. Analyze data/evidence and explain that the sun is a star and provides the earth with heat and light. (SC-04-4.6.2 DOK 3) [SC-4-ET-S-2]

I. Explain that objects in the sky have patterns of movement. (SC-04-2.3.4 DOK 3) [SC-4-EU-S-6]

J. Observe and describe the shape of the moon as it changes from day to day in a cycle that lasts about a month. (SC-04-2.3.5) [SC-4-BC-S-1]

May 2010