This plan establishes our priorities for school development for April 2015 – July 2016 together with longer-term strategic targets for the following 3 years.
The purpose of the plan is to identify how we can further improve and develop the work of the school, how we will manage change, and how we can make best use of resources and new opportunities available to us. Priorities are identified in relation to the extent to which they:
- maintain and raise standards of achievement
- improve the quality of teaching and learning
- broaden and enrich children’s educational experience
- provide for children’s social development and self-esteem
- improve facilities offered to pupils and staff
- improve facilities for families
- provide outstanding value for money
- develop the partnership with Torridon Junior School.
We have considered priorities for the school year ahead in the light of:
- pupil outcomes 14/15
- outcomes from our own monitoring and evaluation since the Ofsted inspection in Nov 2013
- consultation with staff, children and stakeholders
- discussion and evaluation with external support such as Challenge Parents, PiXL and the School Improvement Advisor
- the financial position and opportunities to generate income, including applying for grants
- current National initiatives including the ongoing development of the Curriculum and related assessment systems
John Ball Primary School Principles
In John Ball Primary School we believe:
·that all learning should be highly engaging and fun!
·in the right to feel safe, healthy and happy within the school environment.
·in respecting individuality and valuing everyone equally, irrespective of their abilities, interests or difficulties.
·in the importance of building relationships and working together, embracing opportunities and creating positive changes in our school, local community and the global context.
·that all members of our school community have the right to engaging learning experiences which will unlock their potential.
·that our school should inspire everyone to become a life long learner.
This development plan recognises the context of the school:
- the change to the law that sees John Ball exempt from regular OFSTED inspection as an outstanding school with OS for all areas Nov 2013; the need therefore to self challenge and quality assure our work. We know we are risk assessed and need to ensure we maintain this grading.
- the school is in the second year of a partnership with Torridon Junior School (April 2014 to July 2016).
- the school’s role within the LA, as an established member of Challenge Partners and PiXL; the HT’s role as a Local Leader of Education (LLE) and being invited to be a member of the Mayor of London’s Gold Club.
- the school roll will increase to 582 in September 2015. All classes are at or close to their maximum size of 30 pupils. The school continues to be highly over subscribed at application for reception class. We have expanded now be a 3 form entry school, with the first 3 FE cohort will begin with us in Sept 2015.
- the important role and strong reputation the school has in the local community, local authority and beyond.
- the school site is the centre for successful and popular extended school services, some run by the school others run by the Superkids or external organisations.
This plan was drawn up from during term 3 2014/15 with consultations involving:
- all parents through questionnaires
- staff through feedback from working groups, informal and formal staff meetings, feedback from audits and planning of middle leaders
- governors, through attending committee meetings and visiting the school
- discussions between and EHT the SLTs of both JB and TJ to identify areas of shared work for 15/16 - to be called “Partnership targets”.
The plan will be monitored in senior leadership and senior management meetings, in staff meetings and at Governors committees with written progress updates included in Headteacher reports to full governing body meetings and at termly SAR meetings with the School Improvement Partner. Link governors for each of the main SIP targets will continue to monitor progress and report back to full GB meetings. Governors will be expected to visit the school prior to each GB meeting to ascertain the progress and impact of each SIP target and then report back nm this to the GB. Detailed plans and proposals will be discussed with the School Council and progress on certain issues is reported to parents through regular newsletters.
SIP targets
This year’s SIP has 6 targets. Within each target there are several tasks and the scope of the targets mean that it is an ambitious plan, focused specifically on responding to the new national curriculum, changes to assessment and embedding the school’s learning approaches, thus raising achievement even further. A key aspect of the plan is the part that stakeholders and especially children have played and that they will be involved in each stage as well as the scope to develop areas of shared practice across the partnership. The school budget plan is cross referenced to the action points.
The SIP allows for ongoing evaluation by staff, governors and at SAR meetings with the inclusion of a “How will we know we have been successful?” space in each of the main targets.
Strategic aims 2013 – 2016
Strategic Aim 1 / To continue to develop the curriculum across the partnership in line with national developments, to ensuring that it is highly engaging, creative and relevant to the local, national and global community in which we live.Strategic Aim 2 / To establish John Ball and Torridon Juniors as centres of learning and teaching excellence where all learning and teaching is consistently good and the vast majority is outstanding.
Strategic Aim 3 / To ensure that pupil achievement across the partnership remains well above national average for all pupil groups and that “in school” gaps between them continue to close.
Strategic Aim 4 / To continue to develop and embed high quality leadership structures and systems across the partnership which have significant impact on learners’ achievements.
SIP 2015/16 - targets at a glance
Target 1: to continue to develop and embed our curriculum in line with national developments
Target 2: to continue to embed the new assessment systems in line with national developments
Target 3: to improve and develop provision and strategies to support pupils experiencing social, emotional and attachment difficulties
Target 4: to increase the amount of OS learning and teaching over time through lesson study
Target 5: to continue to develop leadership capacity across the partnership
Target 6: to celebrate learning and achievement by developing the learning environment
Target 7: to review the schools’ anti bullying strategy and related policy / curriculum provision
Key stage Outcomes for 2014/15 – what are we building on?
Attendance from the beginning of the school year until the date of submitting the data sheet / Year 1 Phonic Screening CheckProportion meeting the standard
All pupils / Pupil Premium Pupils / All pupils / Pupil Premium Pupils
96.2% / 94.06% / 85% / 75%
End of the Early Years Foundation Stage
% of children achieving a Good level of development (GLD) / GLD is defined as the percentage of children achieving ‘expected’ or better in ALL the early learning goals in the prime areas of learning (personal, social and emotional development; physical development; and communication and language) and All the early learning goals in the specific areas of mathematics and literacy.
All pupils / Pupil Premium Pupils
80% / 67%
Early Learning Goals / Listening & attention / Understanding / Speaking / Moving and Handling / Health and Self Care / Self Confidence & Self Awareness / Managing Feelings / Making Relationships / Reading / Writing / Numbers / Shape Space and Measure / People and Communities / The World / Technology / Exploring & Using Materials / Being Imaginative
Percentage reaching ‘expected’ or above / 98 / 98 / 98 / 100 / 98 / 100 / 98 / 98 / 95 / 86 / 90 / 98 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 98 / 97
No. of pupils / Reading
% / Writing
% / Maths
% / Reading, Writing and Maths combined
% / At and above RWM
below / AE
at / EE
exceed / BE
below / AE
at / EE
exceed / BE
below / AE
at / EE
exceed / BE
below / AE
at / EE
Year 1 / 12% / 44% / 44% / 11% / 60% / 29% / 24% / 58% / 18% / 28% / 58% / 14% / 72%
Year 2 (2B) / 8% / 5% / 87% / 10% / 15% / 75% / 12% / 12% / 76% / 30% / 2% / 68% / 70%
Year 2 (2C) / 7% / 2% / 91% / 5% / 3% / 90% / 2% / 10% / 88% / 7% / 7% / 86% / 93%
Year 3 / 16% / 44% / 40% / 23% / 41% / 36% / 17% / 58% / 25% / 27% / 51% / 22% / 73%
Year 4 / 22% / 26% / 52% / 24% / 32% / 44% / 22% / 47% / 31% / 29% / 45% / 26% / 71%
Year 5 / 13% / 41% / 46% / 27% / 31% / 42% / 16% / 37% / 47% / 27% / 41% / 32% / 73%
Year 6 / 0% / 34% / 66% / 0% / 29% / 71% / 1.7% / 22% / 76% / 1.7% / 46% / 52% / 98%
Year 2: actual outcomes for 2015 end of Key Stage 1 assessments
No. of pupils / Reading / Writing / Maths / Reading, Writing and Maths combined
All Pupils / L2+ / 59 / 93% / 93% / 98% / 93%
L2b+ / 59 / 91% / 90% / 88% / 86%
L3+ / 59 / 58% / 46% / 54% / 30%
Pupil Premium Pupils / L2+ / 6 / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100%
L2b+ / 6 / 100% / 100% / 83% / 83%
L3+ / 6 / 33% / 33% / 17%(1 child) / 17%
Year 6: actual outcomes for 2015 end of Key Stage 2 assessments
No. of pupils / Reading / Writing / Maths / Reading, Writing & Maths / Grammar Punctuation & Spelling / Reading Progress / Writing Progress / Maths Progress
All Pupils / L4+ / 58 / 100% / 100% / 98.3% / 98.3% / 91.4% / EP / 100% / 100% / 100%
L4b+ / 95% / 95% / 98.3% / 93% / 83%
L5+ / 66% / 70.7% / 76% / 52% / 74% / MEP / 47% / 62% / 83%
L6% / 0% / 14% / 28% / 0% / 12%
Pupil Premium Pupils / L4+ / 7 / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 86% / EP / 100% / 100% / 100%
L4b+ / 86% / 86% / 100% / 71% / 71.4%
L5+ / 57% / 57.1% / 57% / 29% / 43% / MEP / 57% / 71.4% / 57.1%
L6% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
Main School Priorities 2015/16
Target 1: Partnership Shared Targetto continue to develop and embed our curriculum in line with national developments / Leader (s): Beth Budden / Bijal Pandya
Link Governors: Rachel and Louise / Resources / Finance
Link to Learning resources / subject leader budgets
SBMs can provide further details on request inc budget vs actual.
Approx. £20K in each school, broken down into subject leader lines / Timescale
July 2015 – July 2016
Monitoring and Evaluation
Staff meetings
Ongoing lesson obs and learning walks
Parent f/b and questionnaires
Pupil council meetings
SL evaluations / team meetings / 1:1
GB visits and reports
Tasks / Action Needed
*see individual subject leader action plans attached as appendices
- Ensure English and Maths leads have shared new KS tests and raised expectations with all staff and that these continue to be reflected in both curriculum, polices and staff planning from Sept 2015.
- Review 2014/15 curriculum maps and identify WWW and EBIs. Identify IPC topics which have been successful and keep within maps. Identify any not yet trialled which could be introduced in 15/16.
- Ensure that British Values and anti-radicalisation agenda is clearly identified in curriculum policy and maps. Link to revised SG policy July 2015.
- Revise maps ready for 2015/16. JB to write new map based on M Tidd’s jigsaw model.
- Link maps to “Take one picture.” projects across both schools. See target 6.
- Identify a RRS champion for TJ – aim to launch to staff during 2015/16.
- Aim to have JB assessed at Level 2 RRS by Easter 2016 – DP and TW.
Rights Respecting Schools / Level 1 by July 2016 / Level 2 by Easter 2016
Inclusion Quality Mark / IQM By Easter 2016 / COE By Dec 2015
Artsmark / By July 2016 / By July 2016
Humanities Quality Mark / Begin during 15/16
/ How will we know if we’ve been successful?
- There is clear evidence in planning, books, tracking meetings and discussions with pupils that the new curriculum expectations are being taught and met accordingly.
- Revised curriculum maps are clear and being used by all – again reflected in planning, books and learning observations. Maps published on the website as per legal requirements.
- The school’s strategy regarding British Values and anti-radicalisation is clearly understood by all staff, parents and governors.
- New and revised maps are accessible to all and clearly outline the whole curriculum over each KS in line with the NC.
- There is clear evidence of the improved art outcomes for all as part of “Take one picture” – links to outcomes in Target 6
- Both schools achieve accreditation marks by deadlines identified.
- Pupils are achieving targets agreed in English and maths in all year groups – see Target 2.
- Both schools are at least in line or above new Floor targets for KS2.
Target 2: Partnership Shared Target
to continue to develop and embed new school based assessment systems in line with national developments
Leader (s) BB, JM, CB, DF, GF
Link Governors: Catherine and Ian / Resources / Finance
Learning ladders fee – waived for 14/15 and 15/16 due to ambassador school status
Early excellence fee
Cost of related CPD and cover for WG where appropriate
Costs of EYFS online product tbc for JB / Timescale
June 2015 – July 2016
Monitoring and Evaluation
Lesson observation, Pupil book scrutiny, Data analysis, SL evaluations / team meetings / 1:1, GB visits and reports
Tasks / Action Needed
Both schools
- Working group (WG) to finalise Learning Ladder online system for partnership by July 2015.
- Finalise all Y1, 3, 4 and 5 data against new NC for SARs – wk beg 13th July 2015. SLT to begin to use LL for SAR prep and analysis.
- WG to agree strategy to baseline new Y3 cohorts against NC in September 2015.
- Provide all staff with ongoing Inset over 15/16 including training on Inset day 1. WG to provide clarity over process i.e. online system vs paper based targets etc. streamline with reporting to parents’ process.
- WG to complete draft assessment policy to be tabled with GBs July 2015.
- WG to review in school and cross partnership moderation opportunities for 15/16. To be agreed by July 2015 and written into 15/16 Year planner.
- WG to work with LL schools to create bank of exemplars of AE, BE and AB E for reading, writing and maths
- Implement new baseline system from Sept 2015 – Early Excellence (RS, JB EYFS leader)
- RS to review online assessment systems available. Decide on a new system by Dec 2015.
All teaching is consistently good and more than 50% consistently OS – tbc during CP review March 2015.
Impact on pupil outcomes 2014/15
Increase current % of pupils achieving exceeded ELG in core subjects by 5 % to 85%
Improve % of Yr 1 pupils achieving threshold in Phonics screening check to 85%+
Maintain % AE+ R, W & M by end of Year 2 2016 i.e. 95%+
Aim for % EE of R, W & M to be 30%+
Aim for % of FSM pupils achieving EE of R, W & M to be between 20 – 30% in July 2016 thus further closing gap between FSM and Non FSM pupils
KS2 – See below
*review EE % for reading in Y6 – to be at least in line with writing
KS2 predicted outcomes / No. of pupils / Reading / Writing / Maths / Reading, Writing & Maths / Grammar Punctuation & Spelling / Reading Progress / Writing Progress / Maths Progress
All Pupils / BE / 89 / 5% / 5% / 5% / 5% / 5% / EP / 100% / 100% / 100%
AE+ / 95% / 95% / 95% / 95% / 95%
EE+ / 61% / 71% / 75% / 60% / 75% / MEP / % / % / %
Pupil Premium Pupils / BE / 12 / 8 % / 8 % / 8 % / 8 % / 8%
AE+ / 92 % / 92% / 92% / 92 % / 92% / EP / 100% / 100% / 100%
EE+ / 50% / 50% / 58% / 42% / 50% / MEP / % / % / %
Target 3: Partnership Shared Target
to improve and develop provision and strategies to support pupils experiencing social, emotional and attachment difficulties / Leader (s)
Bijal Pandya and Jacqui Noakes
Link Governors: Vanessa / Matthew / Resources / Finance
Cost of Inset speakers offset by charging for external attendees / Timescale
Sept 2015 – July 2016
Monitoring and Evaluation
Lesson observation
Data analysis – eg behaviour stats
SL evaluations / team meetings / 1:1
JST minutes
Tasks / Action Needed
- Deliver Inset day conference entitled “Attachment difficulties, blurred lines: ASD or AD?”. To be delivered by Dr Jenny Nock and Sally Donovan. Inset 3 21/9/15. All JB staff to attend with identified TJ staff. Not inset day at TJ. Jenny Nock to deliver twilight CPD at TJ on same day.
- Staff to review current practice and provision in both schools through SMs following Inset. IMs to identify strategies and provision in a staged approach within the inclusion policies i.e. what can be achieved at class level, school level, external support in school and agencies to support out with school.
- Complete: Audit and review current tiered provision for MHWB in house and at LA level by Aut 1. Reflect in Inclusion policy. Continue to develop provision with Mary Dolly foundation in both schools.
- Review PSHE curriculum in both schools to ensure that it provides opportunities for pupils and staff to learn about interpersonal relationships / how to handle difficult situations etc. Review resources and staff confidence / subject knowledge.
- Review provision around identified pupils in light of Inset. Ensure that IEPs / BSP reflect any new ideas and strategies. Identify timeframe for review and impact measures.
- Link back to school behaviour policies – ensure that these are in line with advice and best practice. Revisit restorative justice with all staff – provide CPD.
- Review lunchtime activities, provision and supervision by MMS
- Evidence of pupils’ needs being well met in light of Inset via observations and learning walks, IEP / BSP evaluations, ind pupil reviews. Evidence that ASD and attachment disorder are being clearly diagnosed and provision meeting need where it has been.
- Staff report and show and increased awareness of attachment disorder and how to best meet needs.
- JB to achieve IQM centre of Excellence by Dec 2015
- TJ to achieve IQM by Eater 2016
- Exclusion rates monitored and reviewed half termly; evidence of a decrease in internal and external exclusions in both schools.
- In Jan 2016 all staff rate provision for SEBD pupils higher than in 14/15 staff questionnaires.
- Evidence of improved PSHE curriculum provision in both schools
to increase the amount of OS learning and teaching practice over time through lesson study / Leader (s)
M Roach, EHT and SLTs
Link Governors: Sandrine and Angela / Resources / Finance
Possible cover costs tbc / Timescale
Sept 2015 – July 2016
Monitoring and Evaluation
See school self-evaluation wheel
Tasks / Action Needed:
- Research fully approaches to lesson study that will suit our context – MR EHT
- Identify common goals / area of study/improvement e.g. differentiation/ AfL techniques/ meeting pupils needs - SLT
- Identify groups of 3 or 4 / year groups or phases - SLT
- Launch lesson study to staff via staff meeting Aut. 1 - EHT
- Cycle (Plan-do-review-learn-apply) includes: plan lesson, teach lesson with other teachers observing, debrief and discuss lesson. Revise lesson and teach again, following cycle twice.
- SLT to plan cycles around PPA and identify cover requirements.
- Identify Inset or SM for staff to share findings from lesson study e.g. Jan 2016 inset.
- Feedback from pupils on learning experiences
- Developmental feedback from teachers –improvements in teaching experience and professional craft knowledge
- Improvements in learning and teaching overtime – monitored through planning and book scrutinies, observation, pupil conferencing and data.