SEC Family Department


Rekindle the Spark


The theme for the bank holiday weekend “Marriage on the Rock” has been set against the need for couples to experience renewal and healing. Communication skills, managing anger, depression, resolution of pain, and learning to understand one another are some of the things a couple can experience in a getaway retreat. Here, they can rekindle the spark that once was theirs.


Pastor Fredrick Russell, the Lead Pastor of Berean Church and his wife Brenda Russell will facilitate the retreat. Frederick and Brenda have led numerous marital retreats in various places around the world given their vast experiences in Christian Family Leadership both in the church and corporate entities.


De Vere, Staverton Estate, Daventry Road, Staverton, Northampton, NN11 6JT


The total subsidised cost for full board and materials is £240 per couple; however, you can save money by booking early! Early bookers will also have the option of paying in instalments; please check the application form for details. Payment must be received by the corresponding deadline date(s). You may also contact your local church for help with the cost.

The SEC incurs cancellation fees on an incremental scale in relation to the date of the event if couples withdraw having secured places. It may be necessary to pass those charges on if we are unable to fill vacated places. Please do not secure bookings until you have funding in place to cover the cost.

The final closing date for applications is Wednesday 25th April 2018, but places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment!

We regret that we cannot provide care for children during the weekend.

For further information and telephone bookings, please feel free to contact the Family Ministries department on 01923232728 or

Rekindle the Spark

25th-27th May 2018

Please give names as you wish them to appear on your name badges:

Man’s first name:
Woman’s first name:
Post code:
Telephone: / Email:
Church (if applicable):

Special dietary requirements: please complete this section

Man / Woman
I am totally vegan
I am a vegetarian (eat dairy/eggs, but not meat)
I eat clean meat dishes
If either of you have any other dietary or special needs please let us know below:

Payment: please read carefully

The total subsidised cost for full board and materials is £240 per couple.

Spaces may be reserved with a £80 deposit along with this application form. Payment may then be spread according to your budget, with full payment reaching us by Wednesday 25th April, the final deadline for applications.

Deposit / Instalment 1 / Instalment 2

Due to the fact that De Vere Hotels require payment in advance of the event, it may become necessary to release reserved spaces, if full payment is not received by the stated deadline. If you encounter difficulties with payments please consult with Pastor Lawrence.

Please make cheque(s) payable to South England Conference, and return with this form to: SEC Family Ministries Department, 25 St John’s Road, Watford, WD17 1PZ

We also accept credit and debit card payments over the phone. Please email or fax your form to us, then call Family Ministries Secretary, Ligia Buzac, to make your payment.

tel : 01923 232 728 / fax : 01923 250 582 / email :