Village of Lagrange Council Meeting Minutes
Record of Proceedings
June 26, 2014
Mayor Strauss called the regular scheduled Council Meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. After the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken with Honer, Price, Gregory, Kincannon, and Dill present.
Motion by Kincannon, seconded by Dill to approve the minutes of June 12, 2014; 5 yeas, motion passed.
Public Participation:
- Residents from North Center Street were in attendance to request that the ditch behind their house be cleaned out. It was explained to them that the Village would need to acquire an easement from themselves, as well as abutting neighbors along the ditch to be able to clean the ditch. Clark explained that the ditch is on private property and the Village cannot use taxpayer’s money to clean the ditch of one resident. Mayor Strauss questioned if the residents would be willing to give the Village an easement to their portion of the ditch. The residents said they would. The other residents would need to be contacted to obtain easements as well. While they were at the meeting, the resident stressed her objection to the North Center Widening Project. Mayor Strauss stated that the project has been in the works since 2005 and has been publically discussed and the majority of the residents are in favoring of the widening.
Mayors’ Report:
- Safety Town had a banner year with an enrollment of 66 kids!
- Strauss, Sukey, and Poggemeyer met with the County regarding the water issues on Commerce Drive. The area will be surveyed by the County and there will be possible funding from the State to help with the project.
- Strauss discussed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) received from United Way in which the Mayor would serve as member of the Promotions sub-committee, the Village would provide space for Physical Activity Programming at the Village Hall and Community Park, the Recycling Grant would be used for signage at community park, land would be provided by the water tower for community gardening and promotion of activities and events of the collaborative on the Village website. Clark will review the MOU.
Police Report:
- Chief Duensing mentioned what a great job Officer Turner and the girls from the front offices did with Safety Town.
- Bike patrol begins the coming weekend at the park.
- Helmet tokens are ready to be given out.
Solicitor Jon Clark’s Report:
- Clark has not received the Title report from the Lorain County Land Bank for Dill Court yet. He will be following up.
Village Administrator Walt Sukey’s Report:
- The streetlights on Harvest Ct. were transferred to the Village of LaGrange Municipal account on 6/16/14.
- Village employees have grinded areas of Loperwood and have installed asphalt and a more expensive type of repair that gets hard like concrete. We will monitor the repairs over the winter to see if it holds up better. Grinding and asphalting will continue on Loperwood.
- Sukey is continuing CodeRed training on the new system. Once Village projects and issues slow down, he will have more time to dedicate to the new system.
- The street paving and waterline parts of the Glendale project are complete. Sidewalk issues, manholes, street drain adjustments and paving, driveway apron paving and yard restoration still need to be completed. Gas lines are still being installed.
- Columbia Gas representative Amy Koncelik met with Mayor Strauss regarding new gas lines being installed in the Village starting as early as July 2014. Council received a copy of the information provided by Columbia Gas.
- Applications for Issue 2 Round 29 have been received. Round 29 was going to involve the North Center Widening Project, but Sukey was told the project won’t be ready for the 2015-16 funding. He will meet with the engineers to discuss possible projects for the Village.
Fiscal Officer Kimberly Fallon’s Report:
- Kincannon motioned to suspend the rules for Resolution 2014-828 A Resolution Adopting A Tax Budget For The Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2015 and Declaring An Emergency, seconded by Dill; 5 yeas, motion passed.
Kincannon motioned to adopt Resolution No. 2014-828, seconded by Price; 5 yeas, motion passed.
- Fallon discussed the Management Letter received from the Auditors.
- Motion by Dill to not request a hearing from the Ohio Division of Liquor Control for Beck/Friendship Fuel Station, seconded by Kincannon; 5 yeas, motion passed.
Old Business:
1. Second reading of Ordinance 2014-2287 An Ordinance Establishing New Section 929.16 of the LaGrange Codified Ordinances Establishing a Storm Water Utility Drainage Fund.
New Business:
1. First reading of Ordinance 2014-2288 An Ordinance Amending Section 921.05 (c) Of The Codified Ordinances of the Village of LaGrange.
2. Kincannon motioned to suspend the rules for Resolution 2014-830 A Resolution Accepting The Proposal of Panel Master and Authorizing The Village Of LaGrange To Enter Into Agreement For The Upgrade of Waste Water Influent Pumping Controls and Declaring An Emergency, seconded by Dill; 5 years, motion passed.
Kincannon motioned to adopt Resolution 2014-830, seconded by Gregory; 5 yeas, motion passed.
Committee Reports:
- Park Board - Quotes are being received on topsoil and blacktop for the last half mile of the walking trail.
- Planning Commission – None
- LCIC – a meeting is needed to discuss recycled signs similar to the Village signs.
Presentation of Bills:
1. The Fiscal Officer presented the following bills for payment as shown on the attached list for warrants 37459 through 37502 and Electronic Payments 405-2014 through 444-2014 for a total of $174,817.40. Motion by Dill, seconded by Gregory; 5 yeas, motion passed.
There being no further business, motion to adjourn by Dill, seconded by Price; 5 yeas; motion passed. Adjourned at 8:42 P.M.
Signed: ______Attested by: ______
Kim E. Strauss, Mayor Kimberly A. Fallon, Fiscal Officer
Date: ______