Expert Name or n°: / Proposal status:
INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPANTS - Registered names to be filled in by the Office
Country / Budget M€ / %Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
Participant 4
Participant 5
Participant 6
Participant 7
Summary of the proposal
Please describe precisely, the technical content of the proposal (10 lines)
Please describe how it refers to the EURIPIDES SAB – Strategic & Research Agenda (5 lines)
Basic EURIPIDES² Eligibility Criteria PO / FPP
Criteria / Yes / No / CommentsA.0.1.1 Does Smart System Integration (SSI) development or innovation form a substantial or crucial part of the project’s outcome?
A.0.1.2 is there innovation in the form of a new component, new technology, or new application
A.0.3 Is the project outcome sufficiently close to the market (expected TRL level )? / Needs further definition for the FPP checklist
Criteria / Yes / No / Comments
B.0.1 Does the project have a civilian purpose?
B.0.2 Does the project have participation from more than one EUREKA member?
B.0.3 Is the project directed at a product, process or service?
B.0.4 Does the project represent co-operation in the form of a specific project ?
POINTS(0-10) / Comments
C.1.1 Financial capacity of all partners PO/FPP
On the PO & FPP, information on size, turnover, and results are requested. / No expert score required / Check by PA /Office
C.2.1 Formal agreement between partners FPP / No expert score required / Check by Office
C3.1 75% limit PO
Country share must not exceed 75% of total budget / No expert score required / Check by Office
B.1Partnership and Partners / POINTS(0-10) / Comments
Partnership analysis / B.1.1 Well balanced partnership
B.1.2 Added value through cooperation
Partner analyses / B.1.3 Technological capacity of all partners
B.1.4 Managerial capacity of all partners
B.2Project Structure (FPP) / POINTS
(0-10) / Comments
Plan / B.2.1 Methodology and planning approach
B.2.2 Measurable milestones and deliverables
Project costs, financing & commitment / B.2.3 Cost and financing structure
B.2.4 Financial commitment of each partner / Not to be scored / To be checked by the Office
T.1Technological advance / POINTS(0-10) / Comments
T.1.1 Degree of technological maturity
T.1.2 Technological achievements
T1.3 degree of risk assessment and risk management / FPP criteria
T.2Innovation / POINTS
(0-10) / Comments
T.2.1 Degree of innovation
T.2.2 Geographical impact
T.4In case of component or system development: / POINTS
(0-10) / Comments
If item is not relevant, do not score, or indicate: “Not relevant”
T.4.1 Is the manufacturing and/or integration technology for the system clear?
T.4.2 Is the manufacturing technology for the MST/SS component clear?
T.4.3 if relevant, Is there a system specification?
T.4.4 if relevant, Is there an MST/smart system component specification?
T.5In case of enabling technology development: / POINTS
(0-10) / Comments
T.5.1 Are there different types of devices foreseen, which will benefit or become available?
T.5.2 Are an adequate number of demonstrators included in the project?
M.1 Market and Profitability / POINTS(0-10) / Comments
M.1.1 Market size
M.1.2 Market access and risk
M.1.3 Return on investment
M.2 Competitive advantages FPP / POINTS
(0-10) / Comments
M.2.1 Strategic importance of the project
M.2.2 Enhanced capabilities and visibility
Summary of the evaluation: The expert should answer to these questions:
- What is the innovation?
- What is/are the technical risk(s)?
- What is the potential market?
- What is the added value for Europe?
- Expert overall conclusions
Summary page: (to be executed by the Office)
Please calculate the Final rating, using the “Criteria and Definitions» hereunder:
Group of criteria / Maximum weightedpoints / Maximum points per criterion / N
of criteria) / A
( 100 )
( Nx10 ) / B
Points / C= A x B
Actual weighted points / C/100
Crucial Criteria (C) / 100 / 10 / 2 / 5
Basic Assessment (B)
/ 100 / 10 / 8 / 1.25Technology & Innovation (T)
/ 100 / 10 / 11 altogether9 for component or system development (a) or
for enabling technology development (b) / 1.11 for (a)
1.43 for (b)
Market & Competitiveness (M)
/ 100 / 10 / 5 / 2Overall ex-ante assessment
/ ∑ / 400 / %Rules of acceptance: TEC evaluation and decision