Larvicides and Adulticides
[if wnv8a gt <1> or pest3 eq <0>][goto exit_la][skip section if R has not heard of WNV]
Now I am going to ask you some questions about the use of pesticides
Pesticides can be used to kill mosquitoes before they mature into adults. These types of pesticides are placed in areas such as storm sewers, ponds, and other standing water where mosquitoes breed. Was this type of pesticide used by the [fill REGION] last summer?
1 yes (includes: "I think so,", "I guess so," etc)
5 no (includes: "no, not that I am aware of")
8 don't know (includes "I do not think so," etc.)
9 refused
If <1> [goto larv_2]
[if no, don’t know, or refused at larv_1]
Actually, this type of pesticide WAS used by the [fill REGION]last summer. Pesticides were put in storm sewers, ponds, and other
standing water.
[goto larv_4]
[if yes at larv_1]
That's correct, this type of pesticide was used last summer.
Information about the pesticides and where they were used was provided
by the [fill REGION] in the Newspaper, on their website and on signs near standing water sites. Did you see any information
provided by the Health Department?
1 yes
5 no
8 don't know
9 refused
If <5,8,9> [goto larv_4]
[only if larv_1 = yes ]
Last summer were you more concerned about getting the West Nile Virus,
getting sick from pesticides used to control West Nile Virus, concerned
by both equally, or were you NOT concerned about either?
1 West Nile Virus
3 pesticides used to control West Nile Virus
5 both equally (both West Nile Virus & pesticides used to control WNV)
7 NOT concerned about either
8 don't know
9 refused
Do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or strongly
oppose the use of this type of pesticide to control the spread of the
West Nile Virus?
Interviewer: if required, by this type of pesticide we mean ones "that
are placed in areas such as storm sewers, ponds, and other standing water where mosquitoes breed.
1 strongly support
2 somewhat support
3 somewhat oppose
4 strongly oppose
8 don't know
9 refused
Pesticides can also be used to kill adult mosquitoes. This type of
pesticide is sprayed on vegetation where mosquitoes rest or in the
air where mosquitoes fly. Was this type of pesticide used by
the [fill REGION] to control mosquitoes last summer?
1 yes (includes: "I think so," & "I guess so," etc)
5 no (includes: "no, not that I am aware of")
8 don't know (includes "I do not think so," etc.)
9 refused
If <5> [goto exp2_adl]
[if yes at adult_1]
Actually this type of pesticide was NOT used by the [fill REGION].
That is correct, this type of pesticide was NOT used by the
[fill region].
[ask all respondents]
Do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or strongly
oppose the use of this type of pesticide?
Interviewer: if required, by this type of pesticide we mean ones "the
type that is sprayed on vegetation where mosquitoes rest or in the air
where mosquitoes fly.
1 strongly support
2 somewhat support
3 somewhat oppose
4 strongly oppose
8 don't know
9 refused