Competency Goal 1:The New Nation (1789-1820) - The learner will identify, investigate, and assess the effectiveness of the institutions of the emerging republic.

Foundations of Government

Judiciary Act of 1789

Federalists-strong central government, wealthy businessmen, Alexander Hamilton

Republicans-states’ rights, southern farmers, Thomas Jefferson

Whiskey Rebellion-government would use force to maintain peace

Election of 1800-peaceful transfer of power

Marbury v. Madison, (1803)

Foundations of Freedom

Bill of Rights

Alien & Sedition Acts-limited freedom of speech, Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions opposed

Suffrage requirements-white male landowners

Foreign Policy

XYZ Affair-FranceEmbargo Act 1807Battle of Fallen Timbers

President Washington’s Proclamation Neutrality & President Washington’s Farewell Address

War Hawks-Republicans supporting War of 1812-caused by impressment and no freedom of the seas

Hartford Convention-Federalists and New England opposed the War of 1812

Pinckney’s Treaty-gave access to New Orleans

Competency Goal 2:Expansion and Reform (1801-1850) - The learner will assess the competing forces of expansionism.

Territorial Expansion

The Indian Removal Act 1830, Trail of Tears, Worchester v. Georgia, 1832

Adams-Onis Treaty-FloridaMissouri Compromise 1820-provision and results

Texas AnnexationOregon-“54-40 or Fight!”,Oregon TrailGadsden Purchase

Know a general timeline of additions.New additions added to the slavery conflict.

Art & Literature

Noah Webster

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Henry David Thoreau

Neoclassical Architecture


Edgar Allen Poe

Nathaniel Hawthorne

James Fennimore Cooper

Hudson RiverSchool of Artists


Cotton Kingdom-southern cotton

Inventors- Samuel Morse, John Deere, Cyrus McCormick, Robert Fulton


Election of 1824“corrupt bargain” Jackson loses to J.Q. Adams, then Jackson forms the Democratic Party

Tariff of Abomination-South Carolina nullification, Hayne-Webster debates

Nativism, Know-Nothings-against immigration

Whig Party-formed to oppose Andrew Jackson

Monroe Doctrine-stay out of Western Hemisphere


Eli Whitney-cotton gin created large plantations

Alex de Tocqueville-prison reformDorothea Dix-mentally ill reformsHorace Mann-education reform

Nat Turner’s Rebellion

Women’s Rights-Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony

Grimke Sisters, Seneca Falls Convention

Abolitionists- William Lloyd Garrison(Liberator) Frederick Douglass(North Star)

Utopian Communities-Brook Farm, Oneida, New Harmony

Competency Goal 3:Crisis, Civil War and Reconstruction (1848-1877) - The learner will analyze the issues that led to the Civil War, the effects of the war, and the impact of Reconstruction on the nation.


Slave codesUnderground Railroad-Harriet Tubman

Harriet Beecher Stowe-Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Free Soil Party-antislavery movement


Dred Scott-1857John Brown’s raid on Harper’s FerrySumner-Brooks Incident

Compromise of 1850-provisionsKansas-Nebraska Act 1854-provisions“Bleeding Kansas”

Lincoln-Douglas DebatesFugitive Slave Laws

Election of 1860-Stephen Douglas-popular sovereignty, split North with Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln-no extension, won the election

The War

Anaconda Plan-3 parts

Fort Sumter, S.C.First Battle of Bull Run/ManassasAntietam-bloodiest one day

Vicksburg-North controlled Mississippi RiverGettysburg-turning pointAppomattox-surrender

Jefferson Davis-confederate presidentEmancipation Proclamation

Total War-William Sherman’s March, Sheridan, and Grant


Lincoln-10 Percent Plan “with malice toward none”

Black codes & Jim Crow LawsKKK founded

John Wilkes BoothRadical Republicans-Thaddeus Stevens

Andrew Johnson-impeachmentPresidential Reconstruction vs. Radical Reconstruction


Freedman’s Bureau-helped former slaves with jobs, homes, educationSharecropping & tenant farming

Election of 1876-Hayes wins, ends ReconstructionSolid South

13th amendment14th amendment15th amendment

Competency Goal 4:The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor (1860-1896) - The learner will evaluate the great westward movement and assess the impact of the agricultural revolution on the nation.

Farmers and the West

Homestead Act MorrillLand Grant Act 1862

Comstock Lode, 49ers

Barbed wireRefrigerator carWindmillSteel Plow

Mormons-Joseph Smith, Brigham Young

The GrangeNational Farmer Alliances

William Jennings Bryan“Cross of Gold Speech”

Populist Party


Transcontinental Railroad-Promontory Point, UtahIrish immigrants & Chinese immigrants


Interstate Commerce Act 1887-regulates RR rates

Indian Wars

Dawes Severalty Act-1887-outlawed tribal ownership of land

Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

Battle of Little Big Horn-CusterSand Creek MassacreWounded Knee

Helen Hunt Jackson-Century of DishonorDestruction of the buffalo

Competency Goal 5:Becoming an Industrial Society (1877-1900) - The learner will describe innovations in technology and business practices and assess their impact on economic, political, and social life in America.

Big Business

Social Darwinism-survival of the fittest in businessRobber Barons/Captains of Industry

Andrew Carnegie-Gospel of Wealth, U.S. SteelJohn Rockefeller-Standard Oil Company

J. P. Morgan-banking and businessVanderbilt family-railroads

Edwin Drake-drilled for oilTrusts, monopolies

Sherman Antitrust Act, 1890-regulated trusts, not enforced very well

Inventions-Bell, Edison, Bessemer and Kelly

Immigration/Industrialization/Big Cities

Elevator Ellis Island Melting pot/Culture shock

Jane Addams-Settlement houses, Dumbbell tenementsFrederick Olmstead

Nativism-Chinese Exclusion Act New immigration

Jacob Riis-How the Other Half Lives-about awful conditions in the cities

Labor Unions

Knights of Labor,American Federation of Labor-founded by Samuel Gompers

Haymarket Riot-made unions look like terrorists

Eugene Debs-American Railway UnionSweatshops

Workers-StrikeBusinesses-Yellow-dog contract, Closed shop

Settling differences-Negotiation, Mediation, Collective bargaining, Arbitration


Gilded Age-showy, but corrupt

Pendleton Act-civil service systemPolitical machines-Boss Tweed, Tammany Hall

Credit Mobilier scandalWhiskey Ring scandal

Secret ballot (Australian), Initiative, Referendum, and Recall-all gave power to the people

Competency Goal 6:The emergence of the United States in World Affairs (1890-1914) – The learner will analyze causes and effects of the United States emergence as a world power.

US gaining land

Seward’s Folly-Alaska

Hawaii-Queen Liliuokalani, AnnexationPhilippines-$20 million payment to Spain

Cuba-Platt Amendment set rules for themPancho Villa-Wilson sends Pershing after him

Panama Canal-negotiated a deal and gave us a very valuable property in LA

Spanish-American War 1898-“splendid little war”

Causes: USS Maine-explodedDe Lome Letter

Theodore Roosevelt & Rough Riders

William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer-Yellow journalists

Foreign Policy

**Isolationism**-policy of being alone in the worldImperialism-creating an empire

Social Darwinism

Open Door Policy-Open up trading in China, eliminating spheres of influence

Good Neighbor Policy-no longer interfere in Latin America

Alfred Thayer Mahan-Sea Power bookTR sends Great White Fleet

Dollar Diplomacy-Taft, using money to influence Latin America

Roosevelt Corollary-Policemen of the Western Hemisphere, “speak softly and carry a big stick”

Missionary (Moral) Diplomacy-Wilson

Competency Goal 7:The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890-1914) – The learner will analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive Period.


Muckrakers-Ida Tarbell-History of Standard Oil, Upton Sinclair-The Jungle

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory FireRobert LaFollette-reform governor

Election of 1912-Progressive/Bull Moose Party-Theodore Roosevelt, Mr. Progressive returns.

Taft much more cautious than Roosevelt


Plessey v Ferguson, 1896-established “separate but equal”

Niagra Movement led to NAACP-founded by WEB Dubois-fought for equalityGreat Migration

Voting problems: Disenfranchisement, Literacy test, Poll taxes, Grandfather clauses

Ida Wells Barnett-fought nationwide against lynchingBooker T. Washington-encouraged education=equality


16th Amendment17th Amendment

Mann Elkins Act-Regulated RailroadsPayne Aldrich Tariff, 1909-lowered tariffs by 37%

Federal Reserve Act-Woodrow Wilson established the Fed. Reserve system


Wright brothers-first powered flight

Movie Camera,Electricity, Kodak cameras,Sewing machine-consumer items

Coca Cola-mass advertisingMail order catalogs-Sears allowed credit and installment plans

Henry Ford’s Innovations: $5 day, Assembly line, Model T, Workers as consumers

Competency Goal 8:The Great War and Its Aftermath (1914-1930) - The learner will analyze United States involvement in World War I and the war’s influence on international affairs during the 1920s.

U.S. in World War I

Causes in Europe: long range-Nationalism, Militarism, Alliances

Immediate-assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Reasons for U.S. entrance: Zimmerman Telegram, Lusitania (German submarine warfare)

Allies-U.S.England, FranceCentral Powers-Germany, Austria-Hungary

Communist Revolution-Russia, 1917 led by Lenin

Woodrow Wilson-U.S. presidentKaiser Wilhelm-German leader

John J. Pershing led American Expeditionary Force (doughboys)Trench Warfare

Homefront: Selective Service act-draftWar Industries Board-coordinates production

Propaganda-Committee on Public Information(posters)

Espionage and Sedition ActsSchenck v United States, 1919

U.S. After World War I

“The Big Four”-U.S., Britain, France, Italy

Treaty of Versailles-weaknesses, reparations, helped cause depression and WWII

Fourteen Points (1-5, 14)-Wilson’s peace plan refused by Americans

14=League of Nations, isolationists disliked it, Henry Cabot Lodge

Palmer Raids-attorney general allowed suspected communists and socialists to be searched and jailed

Sacco and Vanzetti-immigrants/anarchists who were executed

Washington Naval Conference-maintained peace in the 1920’s but allowed Japan to become powerful

Competency Goal 9:Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939) - The learner will appraise the economic, social, and political changes of The 20’s & The 30’s.

20’s Culture

JazzSilent and “talkies” films

Langston HughesLouis Armstrong

F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair LewisMarcus Garvey

Speakeasies, Bootleggers

Babe Ruth, Charles Lindbergh-heroesScopes Trial

18th Amendment-Prohibition, temperance, Carrie Nation19th Amendment

FlappersCharleston dance

Economic Boom and Bust

“Return to Normalcy”-Harding -Teapot Dome scandal

laissez-faire-no government regulation, Coolidge

Speculation, Buying on the margin-big money on the stock market, causes the crash

“Black Tuesday”-Stock Market Crash-1929

Hoovervilles-Herbert Hoover associated with pain and sufferingMovies as escape

New Deal Reforms

FDR’s “Fireside Chats”FDR Court Packing Crisis

Social SecurityNew Deal-deficit spending, government relief

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Public Works Administration (PWA)Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)TennesseeValley Authority (TVA)

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)Works Progress Administration (WPA)

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)Fair Labor Standards Act

Competency Goal 10: World War II and the Beginning of the Cold War (1930-1963)

The learner will analyze the United States involvement in World War II and the war’s influence on international affairs in the following decades.

Totalitarianism in Europe

Desperate countries during the Depression needed strong leadersFascist/Nazi Parties=racism in Europe

Adolf Hitler-Germany, Nazi Party, 3rd ReichBenito Mussolini-Italy, Fascist Party

Joseph Stalin-Russia, Communist PartyEmperor Hirohito-Japan

Causes and Events leading to the War

**Isolationism**-U.S. Foreign Policy before WWIIKellogg-Briand Pact, 1928-Agreement not to go to war

Non-Aggression Pact-Germany and S.U. agreed not to fight as Germany invaded Poland

Munich Pact-Appeasement-giving in to Hitler’s demands (Czechoslovakia)

U.S. Approach: Neutrality Acts, Lend-Lease Act-FDR thought we should get involved

Invasion of Poland-Sept. 1, 1939-cause of war in Europe

Pearl Harbor-Dec. 7, 1941-Japanese attack brought us into the war

The War

Allies-U.S., Britain, France, Soviet UnionAxis-Germany, Italy, Japan

Blitzkrieg-German warfare Holocaust-Jews in concentration camps

Battle of Britain-air war for BritainBattle of the Bulge-for France

Douglas MacArthur, George Patton, Chester Nimitz-American Leaders

U.S. tactics: island-hopping, airdropsTurning Points: Stalingrad, El Alamein, Midway

D-Day (Operation Overlord)-cross-channel invasion into France

Atomic Bomb- J. Robert Oppenheimer led Manhattan Project that developed it.

Effects of the War

Winston Churchill-British leader-“Iron Curtain” speech

Nuremberg Trials-War crimes trialsCasablanca, Potsdam-Peace Conferences

Marshall Plan-economic plan to rebuild Europe


Japanese Americans persecuted Korematsu v United States, 1944

War posters-propaganda War bonds sold

Women in the workplace-Rosie the Riveter Rationing, industries coordinated

FDR elected 4 times Selective Services Act-draft

“Baby Boom”-population explosion G.I. Bill-education and housing

Fair Deal-reform packageLevittown-large neighborhoods for the middle class

AFL-CIO-largest labor union, Taft-Hartley Act limited union’s powers

Cold War

N.A.T.O., S.E.A.T.O., Warsaw Pact-Military alliances

United Nations-peacekeeping Security Council-part of UN

Communist dominate Eastern EuropeNikita Khrushchev-new leader of S.U.

“Iron Curtain” & Berlin Wall-separates Communist East from Democratic West

Berlin Airlift-Allies flew in supplies

**Containment**-New U.S. foreign policy

Eisenhower Doctrine-defend the Middle East (Israel created)Truman Doctrine-stop spread of communism

Korean War, Geneva Accords

Bay of Pigs, CIA in Cubato overthrow Fidel CastroCuban Missile Crisis

U-2 Incident-American spy plane shot down over Soviet Union

Competency Goal 11:Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) –The learner will trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.

Cold War/Foreign Policy

Red Scare-fear of communism/nuclear war.Joseph McCarthy-cartoons

House on Un-AmericanActivities Committee-Hollywood Blacklist

Alger Hiss, Julius and Ethel RosenbergArms reduction: Détente, S.A.L.T. I and II

SputnikNASABomb shelters, arms race

Eisenhower warns about “military industrial complex”

Civil Rights Movement

Montgomery bus boycotts-Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr.-civil disobedience, March on Washington

New ideas: Malcolm X, Black Panthers, Black Power MovementSNCC

Events:Little RockCrisis(Eisenhower), George Wallace, southern governors

Brown v Board of Education, 1954, Thurgood MarshallCesar Chavez-Equality for Hispanics

Womens Rights-National Organization for Women, Betty Friedan-The Feminine Mystique

Legislation/Court Cases

The National Highway Act-Eisenhower built interstates

Roe v. Wade, 1973Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965

Environmental Protection Agency-clean up Environment24th amendment26th Amendment

Vietnam War

Tet OffensiveRobert McNamaraCambodia/Laos-Nixon orders invasion

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution-allowed Pres. to make war. War Powers Act 1973 reversed this.

Ho Chi MinhVietcongAgent Orange, Napalm-defoliants

Anti-war movement-TV reports, Kent State-student protestors killed, My Lai massacre


Johnson-Great Society, War on PovertyKennedy-New Frontier,Warren Commission investigated

HUDHead StartMedicarePeace Corps, Alliance for Progress

1960 Election-TV debatesNixon-WatergateDemocratic National Convention 1968

Competency Goal 12:The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) – The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.

Middle East/Terrorism

PLOIran-Shah, Ayatollah Khomeini, hostage crisis

Anwar el-Sadat (Egypt), Menachem Begin(Israel)-Camp David Accords

Iraq-PersianGulf, Desert Storm, Saddam HusseinIran-Contra Affair

World Trade Center-September 11, 2001, Al-Quaeda, Osama bin Laden, Taliban Regime-Afghanistan

Department of Homeland Security created, Airport security


Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)-ReaganMikhail GorbachevNATO in Bosnia and Kosovo

Fall of the Berlin WallTiananmen Square-China


Americans with Disabilities ActTexas v. JohnsonSwan v Charlotte Mecklenburg

Title IXNo Child Left BehindPatriot Act

Three Mile IslandEnergy Crisis-Department of Energy created

Jimmy Carter-“the Outsider”, human rightsRonald Reagan-conservatism, Moral Majority

Women-Sandra Day O’Connor, Geraldine FerraroElection of 2000-Bush/Gore

Trends-older Americans, immigration reform, Amnesty, green cardBill Clinton-impeachment

New NativismAffirmative actionRegents of UC v Bakke 1978

Brady Bill27th amendment Earl Warren’s Court-conservative


Stagflation-1970’sReaganomics, supply-side economics, “trickle down” theoryNAFTA-1990’s

National debt-growingDependence on foreign oil