Please contact your child’s teacher or teaching assistant if you have any questions.
Miss McFadden
Grainne O’Malley
Farin Simon
Jo Daswani
Christina Nicola
Hema Karsan
Nadia Ahmet
Cristina Marin
Year 4 Newsletter
Autumn Term
Edition 1
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope the following information is of help to you. The aim is to give you more detailed information about activities and events taking place in Year 4 this half term and further improve communication between school and home.
We look forward to working with you and your children throughout this academic year and hope that you had a restful and enjoyable summer.
The Year 4 team
The British Museum
This term, your children will be visiting the British Museum.
This trip is an important part of our history curriculum and includes an opportunity for your child to explore what daily life was like in Ancient Egypt. More information will follow soon.
Team building
The children spent some time last week working together and getting to know their new classes and teachers. The children have demonstrated some brilliant team building skills and have been really supportive to one another.
Well done Year 4!
The children have already been busy earning Vivos. Those children with the highest number of Vivos each week will receive a certificate during our year group assembly.
Dates to remember:
Date / EventFriday 16th October / Egyptian Day
Friday 16th October / Search for the Lost Tomb Theatre Company Visit
Friday 23rd October / School Games competition
Monday 26 October – Friday30 October / Half term
Monday 7th December / Visit to the British Museum
Homework timetable
Homework timetableMonday / Spellings- Look, say, cover, write, check and sentences. To be returned the following Monday
Tuesday / Written maths and/or Mathletics.
To be returned on Thursday
Wednesday / Diaries need to be signed by a parent/carer each week
Thursday / Reading, Writing or Grammar
To be returned on Tuesday
Reflection Journal
To be returned on Thursday
Friday / Reading Logs need to be signed by a parent/carer each week. Your child should be reading five times per week, for twenty minutes, either with you or independently.
Please ensure your children bring the correct equipment with them to school each day. They require the following:
· A blue or black pen (no biros)
· A green pen
· Pencil
· Ruler
· Rubber
· Pencil sharpener
· Glue stick