Scoring Rubric for Performance Tasks
Exemplary =4 / Proficient =3 / Progressing =2 / Insufficient =1Introduction & Problem Statement / In addition to proficiency,
q the problem statement includes terminology derived from the unit under study.
q the introduction includes more than 3 sentences that support and lend interest to the investigation. / q The problem statement identifies the independent (IV) and dependent (DV) variables under investigation.
q A 2-3 sentence explanation of the reasoning for the hypothesis. / q One of the variables under investigation is missing from the problem statement.
q The variables are mixed up or unclear.
q There is less than two sentences of support for the hypothesis. / q The statement of the problem is very limited or missing altogether.
q No attempt at background information to support the investigation.
Hypothesis & Variables (identification of Independent (IV), Dependent (DV) and constant variables.) / In addition to proficiency,
q The hypothesis is completely logical and the reasoning for it is fully supported. / q The hypothesis is logical based on the relationship between the IV and DV, but not fully explained.
q Identifies the variables that are to be held constant. / q Hypothesis is confusing with a limited attempt at explaining the relationship between the IV and DV.
q Constant variables not identified. / q The hypothesis is very limited or missing altogether.
q The variables are wrongly identified or missing altogether.
Experimental Design / In addition to proficiency,
q the reasoning for all constants is evident or clearly explained. / q The design matches the problem statement and controls variables.
q Control experiment included when appropriate. / q The experimental design aligns to the problem to some extent.
q Control of variables is limited, affecting the outcome of the experiment. / q The experimental design does not match the problem statement.
q Too many variables used.
Procedure (including materials list) / In addition to proficiency,
q the procedure is written in paragraph form and in past tense. / q Procedures are thorough so that the experiment is replicable.
q Explains use of all materials and equipment as needed. / q A step or measures are missing effecting proper replication.
q There are materials and equipment used in the experiment but not explained. / q Procedure is missing many steps or missing altogether and is not replicable.
q There is no mention of materials or equipment used.
Results / In addition to proficiency,
q data are computer generated.
q data uses color or other enhancement for increased clarity. / q Data is well presented in labeled charts, graphs, or tables.
q No errors are present in the written section of data. / q Label(s) is/are missing in charts, graphs, or tables.
q Some data may be missing or omitted.
q Some errors in the written section of data or written section omitted. / q Data are highly inaccurate or missing altogether.
q Major errors in graphic or written form.
Exemplary =8 / Proficient =6 / Progressing =4 / Insufficient =2
Conclusion / In addition to proficiency, the conclusion:
q Demonstrates thorough understanding of the scientific concepts shown by the results.
q Includes alternative methods that could improve future experiments and/or recommendations based on findings. / q Conclusions are related to the problem and supported by data.
q No errors in interpretation of results present.
q Discussion of validity of conclusions is presented. / q Conclusions are related to the stated problem and supported by data to a limited extent.
q Errors in interpretation of results may be present.
q Little discussion of validity. / q Conclusions are not related to the stated problem, not supported by data or are missing.
q There is no discussion of validity of conclusions.