Young Writers Camp Middle School

Table of Contents

When I Was a Marshmallow, Grace 24

Allergies, Grace 24

The Adventures of Magnet Man & Wishavle, Sylvester 25

Attacked by a Monster, Taylor 28

The Super Duper Ice Cream Shop, Colleen 30

Young Boy and Fat Roo, Stacie 32

Zat, Stacie & Grace 33

Welcome Speech, Mary 35

Never There, Nebraszy 37

Hitchhiker’s Guide to Insanity, Trina 38

One, Kim 40

Life, Kim 41

Papa Joe & Me, Kalli 42

Desperate Attempt, Krysta 44

The Jerk, Bilal 45

Adventures, Joshua 47

When I was a Marshmallow

By Grace

When I was a marshmallow, I was white

I had brown eyes

When I was a marshmallow I was up tight

I had lots of ties

When I was a marshmallow I was lean

I had a big nose

When I was a marshmallow I wasn’t very keen

I had cute little toes

When I was a marshmallow I was very tall

Oh! Whadaya know! I guess I was a human being and not a

marshmallow at all!


By Grace

I’m Sick! I’m sick! I’m sick I say!

I cannot, will not go out today!

I wish I could get up and go to play

But you see I’m allergic to this month called May

So you wake me up when it’s wintertime,

How will I ever end this rhyme?

Goodbye! I’ll see ya! I have to go!

You’ll see me again next time there’s snow.

Excerpt from The Adventures of Magnet Man & Wishavle

By: Sylvester

Linda wondered if her next course of action would cost her career. ‘NO!’ Such thoughts could not be allowed to deter her. To stop her. “NO!” she screamed, breaking her concentration and causing her to fall giving her an unwelcome shock. Linda stabilized herself. She felt almost like an expert. In a way she was. ‘Stop fooling yourself.’ She thought. Talking yourself out of something you have to do is never good. And still Linda felt apprehension. Could she do it.

“I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME!” Linda yelled at the top of her lungs. Linda became keenly aware that she had been forced to leave a bible study to do what she had to do. Even so, the scripture gave her hope and strength and it reminded her of everything else that was going for her. Besides 1) the obvious fact that God strengthened her there was 2) Wishavle had taught her how to fight.

Linda decided that it would help her—ever so slightly if she weighed what was going against her. To get the adrenalin pumping although, from Linda’s point of view, if it pumped in any harder she’d drown in it. Drowning. That’ll raise your adrenalin levels alright. Between swings, Linda made the mistake of looking down.

She was over the Cooper River. Her thoughts of drowning returned and her inertia fell. Linda was now falling towards the Cooper River. Linda froze. One second—two seconds. Finally, she shot her grappling gun into a nearby apartment balcony and the hook caught her. Linda had fallen almost 128 feet in those 4 seconds and the ice cold night waves of the dark and mysterious Cooper River nipped her boots. Linda now had a huge rush. She felt as if she had the strength of a Sumo wrestler. But strength wouldn’t help her.

It seemed minutes had passed between her firing the gun and now but only two seconds had gone by. Linda’s feet were inches above the deep, dark water. She gasped and lifted a hand to pinch her nose for submersion. The cable grew taut and Linda was pulled back away from the river and over the Naval Base. Stealth destroyers pulled in under the cover of darkness seen only by Linda.

The buildings grew gradually taller until she found herself in the old neighborhood, the most dangerous part of South District. Linda decided that catching her breath from the ordeal with the Cooper River was the best move. Linda swung in and sank to her knees and then fell her face. New Age rap was playing in the streets and the smell of grilled bologna filled her nostrils.

15 seconds later Linda was able to sit up. So tuckered out from her experience Linda hadn’t bothered to see which building she had landed on. Luckily, she was on an apartment building. Apartment buildings in South District didn’t have security checks. Linda got up and stood. There was a loud pop and afraid she could be shot Linda shrunk down. She saw three retreating preteens and a fire cracker.

Linda drew her grappling gun and fired it into a nearby skyscraper and slowly made her way to the rendezvous. Linda looked down from the old grocery store, which was only two stories tall. Linda let down the guards on her super-hearing and turned it up to where she could hear the footsteps on the ground twenty feet below. Linda waited and began to doubt whether they were coming at all. “Maybe I can still make bible study.” Thought Linda. Before she could pursue that line of thought she heard footsteps on the sidewalk.

Linda crouched into the shadows. For half-a-second Linda thought she should just wait for the Charleston Superhero Team. Or at the very least assist them, provide a distraction. The grill of an old truck followed the footsteps. ‘That must be everyone’s favorite drug truck.’ Linda moved to where she could see the group. 2 men on either side of the truck and five on the sides and back. All were armed with pellet guns. Old pellet guns but pellet guns none the less.

A few had their own daggers or compression guns. Linda heard a faint grinding and turning up her super-hearing she heard it was a dial. Stepping out more and risking detection she saw it was a pulsar rifle. ‘That could be trouble.’ Who was she kidding, the hand weapons could be trouble for her. Even for Magnet-man though, a pulsar rifle could mean trouble.

Pulsar rifles are weapons that shoot clean, efficient and almost silent bolts of radiation. They had numerous effects: Stun, kill, paralyze, paralyze permanently, comatize, the works.

Linda prepared for battle. She came up with a strategy. Her best bet was to stun everyone with a sonic scream then try to shock her way into the truck and take out the drugs. Linda set her grappling gun to extended range. She could tie up the criminals that way. Linda remembered the knife techniques and Wishavle’s tips on how to use the electro-staff, and finally hand-to-hand pointers. As she prepared for battle, she thought of her scripture, Phillipians 4:19.A Psalm came to mind 118:10. And part of it went, “In the name of the lord, I cut them off.” She said aloud. “And so I shall.”

Linda shot her grappling gun into a building and swung in. She put up the guards on her super-hearing and let out a sonic scream. The men all covered their ears. When the scream ended, one got Linda’s foot in the face. Linda recalled her gun and drew her electro-staff. She caught one in the stomach and made her way through the crumbling defenses. Linda shocked the lock open and opened the doors to the truck. Then she shot a cable around the crates and yanked them out.

It did take almost a minute. Now she came under fire. Pellets closed in and Linda shot her gun up taking to the air. She came up on the other side of the truck and screamed. Linda fired her grappling gun opening the door. She stopped screaming and pulled the trucks driver out also using the gun. She used the door as a shield but despite her attempts to try to throw them she was unable. She was surrounded. That was another verse in Psalm 118, they surrounded me on all sides. Now all she needed to do was cut them off. Linda prayed, “Help me!”

Like clockwork, her prayers were answered. Magnet-man came in lifting the drug crates high above the streets to a phone pole and he magnetized them there. Wishavle came in and dropped two bombs from her utility belt on the crooks. Linda immediately shouted. “Cover your ears!” Linda let out a lower intensity scream so as not to hurt her partners. Now that their attention was divided, Linda was free to fight without fear of getting shot and fight she did. She shocked one man. Another grabbed her staff and twisted it away from her. She kicked him in the stomach and shocked him with the staff.

Another kicked the staff away from her. Linda punched him in the face and elbowed him in the chin. He swung her into a nearby wall but she continued to fight. Wishavle surfed upward away from a gunman. “I wish that pellet gun was 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The gun immediately heated up and he dropped it fast. Wishavle came back at him with 2 electro-disks. One hit him shocking him in the stomach. The other one hit him in the chest and knocked him out.

Magnet-man magnetized a man to a nearby fire escape. He held one man up and grabbed another with his other hand then he put them in mid air and slammed them against each other. A teen fired a gun at Magnets. Magnet-man stopped the bullets in mid-air. He slowed them down dramatically so that they were non-lethal. He hit a man who was about to hit him over the head with them. Next, Magnet-man flung a lid into the kid’s gut dazing him.

Linda kept throwing solid punches and despite the man’s size advantage he was forced to give her her space. However, he hit her back. His punch sent her world into a vertigo. She couldn’t make everything line up. She began hitting at whatever she thought was him. She felt her fist land on something.

Linda screamed which bought her 20 seconds. Linda shook herself off and although the world still continued its spin, she could see well enough to grab a trash can lid and slam it into his head. Linda slashed his face with the dagger but he slapped it away and she retreated behind a garbage can.

Moving quickly she pushed it into his path. Wishavle saw two criminals on the run. “Leaving so soon?” she asked. “And the party just started.” Wishavle angled her board downward and said, “I wish for a titanium cable lasso.” It appeared and Wishavle swung it through the air roping the criminals. Two more hopelessly attempted to defend themselves. Magnet-man magnetically pulled their guns from them and knocked one out with his own weapon. The other managed to find cover.

Linda slashed the man on his lower arm but the attack came through. Linda was thrown back a yard. Her world began to spin but Linda cried, “STOP! God give me strength!” She charged and so fast that the thug didn’t have time to throw his punch. She threw a flurry of punches and the man had to fall back. He tried to close his arms in but Linda slashed his right arm and kicked him in the stomach. She grabbed a fire escape and lifted herself high enough to kick him in the nose.

Wishavle caught the criminal who managed to find cover. She leaped off her board and tossed it his way. There was time to move, however, so Wishavle decided not to take chances. “I wish the board would knock him out.” The board sped up and caught the fleeing man. The truck with its two drivers tried to escape. “Magnet-man!” cried Wishavle. “I got it.” He magnetically grabbed the truck and froze it. Wishavle gave him a thumbs-up but he was careful not to return it or the truck would escape. “I’m going in!” shouted Wishavle. “NO! Wait. Let me. Just give me cover.” Wishavle hovered over the truck.

Linda made her way to the stalled truck. The driver threw the door open. He would have caught Linda but Magnet-man threw her aside. The driver was a fat man with the pulsar gun. He leveled it at Linda. Wishavle flung an electro-disk at the gun shorting it out. “So much for that toy.” Chuckled Linda. She wrapped him up in cable from her grappling gun.

Linda climbed inside the truck. “STAY AWAY!” The voice was that of a scared teen boy. “Zach! It’s Linda. I can help.” Slowly he opened his eyes and saw that the voice hadn’t been lying to him. He started to break down and Linda hugged him. “It’s alright. You’re safe.” Said Linda.

Attacked by a Monster

Savannah called the ambulance as fast as she could. She was cold and wet and tired, but if she didn’t get the ambulance here soon it might cost someone’s life. This story will be filled with things that might make you want to cry. So if you’re one of those people who cries easily you may want to read another book. And now our story begins at the very beginning.

Ember Berns was sitting inside her Dad’s café down by the beach watching the waves of the ocean pull in and out. The waitress came out with her soda she had ordered and she sipped at it as she watched. Her best friend, Savannah, walked in and sat across from Ember and waited. “So?” Savannah said. “So what?” asked Ember. “Are you going to come surfing with me or not?” asked Savannah. “Of course I am.” said Ember. “Well then let’s go,” said Savannah. “OK,” said Ember as she gave in.

They each went to their houses and then met each other at the beach. “Ready?” asked Savannah. “Yep,” said Ember. They ran out through the waves. Then they got on their boards and paddled out to a good wave. They surfed for two hours and then they came in running and laughing. Mr. Berns stuck his head out of the café window and told them their lunch was ready. They started to run up to the café but Ember stopped to look at the sun that was shining on her face.

I guess you would say that Ember had a good life, great dad and great friends, but right there is where her luck changes. Savannah and Ember ate their lunch and didn’t talk until there was a news flash on the T.V.

W A R N I N G !!

A giant storm is coming! The ocean will have unusually high waves tonight and bad rip-currents. “Hey Savannah,” said Ember “What?” asked Savannah. “Follow me and I’ll tell you,” said Ember. “Oh boy,” said Savannah. Savannah followed Ember outside and Savannah waited. Ember told Savannah her plan. “Here’s what we’re going to do”. We’ll sneak out at 2:00 tonight and surf and be back before 5:00. That’s when my Dad goes fishing,” said Ember. “You’ll have to sleep over though.” “I’ll ask,” said Ember. “Wait!” yelled Savannah. “You’re crazy,” said Savannah. “Didn’t you hear the news guy!” said Savannah. “There’s gonna be very bad rip-currents. We could die. We could drown,” said Savannah. “Come on Savannah. You love new adventures. This is a new adventure,“ said Ember. “A dangerous one,” said Savannah. “Please I can’t go without my best friend,” said Ember. “OK, I’ll go to keep you from hurting yourself,” said Savannah. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.” said Ember happily. “I’ll go ask my Dad if you can sleep over,” said Ember. “ OK,“ said Savannah.