Scoring Booklet–Pub 2016/17

Applicants Details
Applicant Name
Premises Name
Operating Company
Grade of Award
Pass [ ]
(All essential criteria) / Merit [ ]
(all essential criteria + 50% additional marks) / Distinction [ ]
(all essential criteria + 75% additional marks
Scoring Totals
(must score 100% to be awarded)
Total Score
Accredited / YES [ ] / NO [ ]
Finalist / YES [ ] / NO [ ]
(Examples of good practice and areas for improvement. Additional notes for judging you think need to be included in the assessment )
Section A - Prevention of Crime & Disorder
Security (door and general) / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of regular security reviews
E / Must provide evidence of a procedure in place to ensure that anyone carrying out the role of a door supervisor is licensed by the SIA or subject to a Licence Dispensation Notice (to deploy staff that have completed their SIA training and are waiting for their SIA licence application to be processed)
E / Must provide evidence of a policy on searching patrons
D / Best practice is to show a person trained to operate CCTV which has either a hard drive or tape system (with 31 tapes), locked away and documented
D / Mapping system used to identify hot spots within the premises
D / Staff are easily identified, e.g. use of tabards, uniforms etc
D / Records are kept of persons ejected / barred
D / Where door staff is not required at licensed premises, venue management are trained in Project Argus - Project ARGUS is a National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) initiative, exploring ways to aid you in preventing, handling and recovering from a terrorist attack. – FREE course
B / Records each security incident and logs in incident book
B / SIA licensed staff information kept on file, with photographs, to allow police to ID staff easily if an incident occurs.
B / ‘Crime scene’ box is present on the premises
Section A - Prevention of Crime & Disorder
Drinks/Drunkenness / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of clear and effective policies to prevent and deal with drunkenness
E / Must provide evidence of a policy that irresponsible priced drinks promotions are not carried out on the premises
E / Must provide evidence of clear policies agreed with the local police regarding the surrender of drugs.
E / Must provide evidence of a toilet attendant or documented toilet checks.
E / Must provide evidence of a clear policy on prevention of illegal drug use and supply on the premises.
E / Must provide evidence of a policy on searching the premises.
D / Takes practical steps to discourage drink driving including free or Discounting of non-alcoholic drinks for designated driver.
D / Must provide evidence of a documented duty of care/harm minimisation policy for customers suffering under the influence of drugs.
B / Conducts a risk assessment of any drinks promotions
B / How do you prevent spiking, what anti spiking measures do you have in place?
B / Staff support anyone feeling unwell in a side room away from the crowd; offers access to NHS direct etc.
B / Responsible retailer accreditation.
B / Has clear alcohol unit content information available to customers
B / Active discouragement of promotions making light of drunkenness / irresponsible promotions.
B / Displays drink aware or similar materials for example “why let good times go bad?”
B / Buttons on till to count refusals due to drunkenness and underage sales
B / Promotes local treatment services or displays harm minimisation messages about drugs and legal highs
B / Control methods are in place regarding flat surfaces in toilets to prevent illegal drug use or can demonstrate a proactive approach to prevent drug use
Section A – Prevention of Crime & Disorder
Thefts/Burglary / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of a clear anti-theft strategy in place
E / Must provide evidence of a lost property recording system
E / Can demonstrate alarm or other security measures which protect the premises when empty
B / Has additional anti-theft measures in place
Section A – Prevention of Crime & Disorder
Disorder / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of strategies in place for preventing and dealing with disorder managing conflict and recording incidents of this nature
D / Follows a clear procedure for documenting ejection of customers or refusal of entry
D / Has a clear policy for which references disposal of weapons
B / Clear procedures are in place for determination and preservation of crime scene and witness details until police arrive
B / Crack radios are used to keep in touch with other premises
B / Taking part in other initiatives such as street pastors, street marshalling
Section B – Public Safety
Premises Issues / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of managing capacity effectively
E / Must provide evidence of a written accident recording system
B / Evacuation plans for bomb/terrorist attack.
B / Weekly meetings held with staff to discuss relevant venue issues.
B / De brief at the end of each shift to ensure all issues are shared and resolved.
B / Emergency contacts available for all staff.
B / Do you operate a mystery shopper scheme
Section B – Public Safety
Public Security / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of a procedure for building evacuation in the event of emergency (fire, terrorism, power loss etc)
D / Undertakes full building check for security threats prior to opening to the public
B / To have contact with the appropriate authority who deals with counter terrorism and security threats involving them in all aspects of security development
B / Advise customers of safe routes home from venue and where to avoid in the city.
Section B – Public Safety
Glass / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of an effective glass collection policy
E / Must provide evidence of effective spillage and broken glass policy
D / Follows a risk assessment process on containers and take appropriate action to make use of other materials
D / Perimeter checks made outside for any glasses or bottles
D / Any waste glass left outside is secure, No open bottle skips or bins in public areas within the vicinity of the premises
D / Has a policy on how to prevent patrons leaving premises with glasses and bottles
B / Engages in responsible glass disposal (eg) recycling
B / Uses alternative to glass for special weekend events or drinks that are taken outside
Section B – Public Safety
Fire safety / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of a written fire safety risk assessment which has been completed or reviewed in the last twelve months
E / Must provide evidence of fire equipment being inspected/service annually
E / Must have adequate fire detection warning system in place
E / Fire exits must be free from obstruction and well lit at all times
D / Conducts mock evacuation training exercises
Section B – Public Safety
Transport / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
D / Provides/displays information to customers with regard to accessing taxis and public transport
B / Provides active assistance to customers by providing a free taxi phone service
Section C – Prevention of Public Nuisance
Noise & Disturbance / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of a risk assessment for ‘noise’ at work
E / Must provide evidence of a dispersal policy
B / Venue has specially designed sound boards or some form of noise minimisation technology to keep noise nuisance to a minimum.
B / Direct neighbours have manager’s contact details in case of excessive noise and or disturbance or attends local public meetings
Section C– Prevention of Public Nuisance
Community Engagement / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
D / Is a member of Sheffield Licence Watch ‘Pub watch’ or other recognised partnership / crime prevention group
B / Where appropriate is involved in a suitable community initiative (Schools Project, CDRP, Neighbourhood Watch etc)
B / Active supporters of charity event with proceeds donated. X charity – evidence needed.
B / How do you promote Best Bar None?
Section C – Prevention of Public Nuisance
Litter / Waste / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
D / Manages external environment effectively
D / Has a policy to ensure compliance with smoke free legislation does not cause increased litter and how do they manage impact of smoking areas ?
Section D – Protection of Children from Harm
Children / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Must provide evidence of a robust proof of age policy and evidence that procedures are followed at all times
E / Must provide evidence of posters or other materials which display appropriate warnings against underage drinking or stating that proof of age may be required, Challenge 21 etc
D / Formal risk assessments specific to the protection of children has been completed
B / Actively monitors all areas to prevent age/alcohol related offences and ensure a suitable, family friendly environment
B / Evidenced involvement in Safeguarding Children – if a no children premises, evidence of this policy and implementation.
B / Staff have attended Safeguarding Children training – if a no children premises, evidence of this policy and implementation.
B / Nominated ‘children’s champion’ or ‘safeguarding co-ordinator’ on the staff team – if a no children premises, evidence of this policy and implementation.
Section E – Staff Training
E / Must provide evidence of staff training with clear documented polices including records of ongoing refresher training / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
E / Dealing with drunkenness
E / Dealing with disorder
E / Drugs Awareness
E / Crime Prevention
E / First Aid
E / Fire
E / Underage sales
D / Security (project Argos)
D / Supports and records staff achievements in accredited qualifications
Section F – Staff Competency – Pubs only
Ask if you speak to a member of staff working behind the bar on shift three out of the following five questions to ask a member of staff on shift / Evidence / Achieved / Bonus / Comments
B / Do you know where the staff refusal book is kept?
B / What would you do if you found drugs on the premises?
B / What would you do if someone was taken ill?
B / How do you manage customers who are intoxicated?
B / Do you know what best bar none is?

Tie Breaker

If you make it into the finals and go to the judging event, what would you like the judges to consider that you think makes your premises a winner? (One side of A4 maximum – this can be submitted to your assessor via e mail after the assessment if you want more time to do this)