Curriculum Night

Monday, September 16, 2013, Room 243 Grade 1/2

Teacher: Mr. Tiho Tihomirovic

TRIBES agreements, Attentive Listening, Mutual Respect, No Put Downs and Try Your Best/Pass will soon be introduced to the students. All our daily activities require that students follow and respect the agreements fully.

Throughout the year, we will do activities that help students understand the true meaning of all four agreements and each activity will be followed by a brief discussion and reflection. We hold regular community meetings when there is something important to discuss and decide.


The Language program consists of Readers’ Workshop and Writers’ Workshop where students practice and learn the skills outlined in the Ontario curriculum document. Some components of the Readers’ Workshop are: New Reading Strategies, Word Work, Shared Reading, Independent Reading, Guided Reading, Read Aloud and reading comprehension with high order, open-ended question will be studied throughout the year.

Professional Resources:

Miller, Debbie: Reading is Meaning

First Steps Reading

Cunningham, Patricia: Month-by-Month Phonics for First Grade

Cunningham, Patricia: Month-by-Month Phonics for Second Grade

Diller, Debbie: Literacy Work Stations

Gear Adrienne: Reading Powers

Boushey, Gail and Moses, Joan: The Café Book

Other professional resources acquired over the year

Writer’s Workshop

This is a detailed and Ontario curriculum aligned program that teaches children the craft of writing. Each lesson begins with a mini-lesson where students learn a new or review an already taught writing skill. Various components of the language will be addressed; punctuation, grammar (verbs, nouns, adjectives, verb tenses) and other writing skills appropriate for the students’ age.

The following forms will be explored and studied: Narrative Writing, Non-Fiction Writing, Poetry, Using Authors as Mentors

Professional Resources:

Calkins, Lucy, Units of Study

First Steps Writing

Other professional resources that I acquire over the year


Throughout the year, students will be using various manipulatives that enhance learning and retention of the mathematical concepts. In small groups, pairs and individually, students will be asked to problem solve and complete their math tasks on a daily basis. A strong emphasis will be placed on mental math and problem solving.

The following math strands will be explored this year: Number Sense and Numeration, Patterning and Algebra, Measurement, Geometry and Spatial Sense, Data Management and Probability

Professional Resources

Math Makes Sense series

Loewen, Craig, Mathematical Problem Solving


Diller, Debbie: Math Work Stations

Small, Marian: Great Ways to Differentiate Mathematics Instruction

Small, Marian: Big Ideas from Dr. Small

Fosnot, Catherine: Number Sense, Addition and Subtraction

Other professional resources acquired over the year


Grade 1 strands: Daily and Seasonal Changes, Energy in Our Lives, Materials, Objects and Everyday Structures, Need and Characteristics of Living Things

Grade 2 strands: Growth and Changes in Animals, Movement, Properties of Liquids and Solids, Air and Water in the Environment

Professional Resources

Hands-on Science for Grade 1 and 2


Grade 1 strands: Rules, Responsibilities and Relationships, Local Community

Grade 2 strands: Traditions and Celebrations, Features of Communities Around the World

Professional Resources

Hands-on Social Studies for Grade 1 and 2


Please ensure that your child eats a sufficient quantity of healthy and nutritious breakfast. Canada’s Food Guide website offers tips should you require them.

As our days are long and filled with activities, it is important that your child arrive to school well-rested and on time.

A healthy diet, full of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, protein, healthy fats, and based on minimally processed foods, is important to children’s health and success at school. Try to start each day with a nutritious breakfast!

Get outside! A growing body of research shows the importance of time in nature to children’s and adults’ physical and emotional health. Check out Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv - .

Limit screen time (TV shows and computer games). Check out . Instead, get outside, talk, play games, and read together. Engage your child in daily activities like cooking, setting the table, folding laundry, shopping, putting away groceries…


“There is a strong connection between reading to or with elementary children every day in English or in one’s first language and student achievement. As a result, homework assigned in the early grades shall more often take the form of reading, playing a variety of games, having discussions and interactive activities such as building, and cooking with the family.” – TDSB Homework Policy, 2008

Consider using the homework suggestions in the calendar accompanied by this handout.

Try to spend 15 minutes or more reading with your child every day. Read in whatever language you are most comfortable. Our monthly newsletter will include book suggestions. The Riverdale Library is a great resource, just up the road!


I would like to remind you that our school is a nut/peanut free place due to severe

allergies that some of our students have. Please ensure that you send only nut/peanut free products to school. If you choose to make a birthday treat for the class yourself, it is imperative that the utensils, all ingredients and all the containers used be very clean and free from any traces of peanuts and/or tree nuts. Your treats may be refused and sent home if their absolute safety could not be determined. This is only to protect the three children in our class with such allergies.


Grade 1

Grade 2