Woodland High School
Sam Lowder
Orchestra Director
800 North Moseley Drive
Stockbridge, GA 30281
(770) 389-2784 Office
(770) 389-2790 Fax
HANDBOOK 2014 – 2015
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to the 2014-2015 Orchestra Program at Woodland High School! I hope you had a safe, relaxing and enjoyable summer. I kept busy playing cello at a bunch of weddings, teaching at ENCORE! Orchestra Camp and taking a wonderful trip to New York where I saw two amazing Broadway musicals and then up to Canada where I saw some beautiful lighthouses and had my share of delicious seafood!
I am always excited about starting a new year with so many opportunities for learning through music.
I remain committed to providing my students with educational excellence! I am also still teaching Orchestra at Woodland Middle School. I look forward to the challenges and rewards that come from teaching at both schools!
This handbook is designed to provide you with important information about the WHS Orchestra!
I will also communicate with you through Edmodo, Remind texts, via email, phone, or in person.
Please be sure to check out the orchestra website for additional information throughout the year.
In addition to your support and encouragement, your input and comments are always appreciated.
If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please complete and return page 5 of this handbook on or before Monday, August 11, 2014.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Sam Lowder
Woodland High School Orchestra 2014-2015 Calendar*
August 6 /
Tux Dress Sizing and Tux Fitting
During orchestra class / Yes, for someFriday,
August 22 /
Orchestra Composite Picture Day
During orchestra class – Concert Attire is required / YesTuesday,
August 26 / Southern Crescent Youth Orchestra Auditions
Auditions begin at 5:30 PM at Union Grove Middle School / No
October 2 /
Fall Concert
6:30 PM in the Woodland High School Commons / YesSaturday,
October 18 / GMEA District All State Auditions
Time TBA at M.D. Roberts Middle School / No
November 8 / Solo and Ensemble Performance Evaluation
Time TBA at Charles Drew High School / No
October 29 /
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra & Varsity Field Trip
$15.00 for ticket and transportation + lunch money / No10/30, 11/13, and 11/14 /
Spivey Hall Chamber Orchestra Workshop
3 Rehearsals/1 Performance – Times and Location TBA / NoThursday,
December 4 /
WMS 6th Grade Orch. & WHS Orch. Winter Concert
6:30 PM – Woodland High School Commons / YesSaturday,
January 10 / GMEA Final All State Auditions
Time TBA – Westminster School in Atlanta / No
January 17 / GMEA Final All State Auditions (Inclement Weather)
Time TBA – Westminster School in Atlanta / No
February 5-12 / Orchestra Fund-Raiser (pending approval)
Thank you in advance for your support & assistance! / No
February 26-28 / GMEA All State Orchestra
Time TBA at the Athens Classic Center / No
March 9 /
WMS 6th Grade Orch. & WHS Orch. Pre-LGPE Concert
6:30 PM – Woodland High School Commons / YESMon.-Tues.,
March 23-24 /
Large Group Performance Evaluation
Time TBA – First Baptist Church in Jonesboro
/ YESThursday,
May 7 /
Spring Concert
6:30 PM at Woodland High School / Yes*I will make every possible effort to hold strong to these dates. I will send detailed reminders for each of these events or changes throughout the year via Edmodo, Remind texts, written notification, and email.
Due to the USDA’s new “Smart Snacks in School” nutritional standard rule, the Orchestra may not be permitted to hold our Bake Sales during school lunch times. We are currently waiting for confirmation. If we are granted permission, we will hold Bake Sales on the following Fridays throughout the year: Aug. 29, Sept. 26, Oct. 24, Nov. 21, Dec. 19, Jan. 23, Mar. 27, Apr. 24, and May 8.
Please complete and return this page on or before Monday, August 11, 2014
Woodland High School Orchestra School Instrument Contract
A limited number of school instruments are available for use during class, rehearsals, concerts, and possibly to check-out for home practice, depending on availability. The maintenance fee for solely using a school instrument is $50.00 per school year.The maintenance fee may be made paid in full on or before Friday, December 19, 2014 or in two installments ($25.00 each) on or before Friday, December 19, 2014 for the first payment and on or before Friday, May 22, 2015 for the second payment.
Students who rent/buy their own violin or viola are expected to use them in class and at all rehearsals and concerts. Students who rent/buy their own cello or bass may use a school cello or bass in class (with no maintenance fee) but are expected to use their own cello or bass at all rehearsals and concerts.
Misconduct in class, mishandling or damaging instruments or equipment may forfeit a student’s privilege to use a school instrument or remain in the orchestra program. Any replacement/repair cost(s) due to theft, loss or damage that occurs to an instrument/equipment, while in a student’s care, at or away from school, is the financial responsibility of the parent/ guardian.
Woodland High School Orchestra Handbook Contract
We have read the WHS Orchestra 2014-2015 Handbook/Syllabus (a copy is also located on the WHS Orchestra website.)We understand and will adhere to all rules, procedures and expectations of the Orchestra, WHS, & Henry County Schools.
Student (Please print name neatly)GradeStudent Signature
Parent/Guardian (Please print name neatly)DateParent/Guardian Signature
Woodland High School Orchestra Tuxedo/Dress Order Form
The concert uniform for gentlemen is a standard black tuxedo. The concert uniform for ladies is a solid black concert dress. Black Tie Formal Wear (a Henry County business) is our tuxedo vendor. Tuxes may be purchased through BTF or elsewhere if desired. The cost of the tuxedo does not include the required black dress shoes. Dresses are only available for purchase through the school’s vendor to avoid variations. The cost of the dress does not include alterations. Any hemming or alterations will be your responsibility. All Orchestra students are required to have correct concert attire.Payments may be made in the form of cash, money order, or check payable to WHS.
If paying by check, you must include a valid address and phone number, the student’s name and grade on the check.
Please complete the order form below.
______$120.00 Complete Tux (coat-pants-shirt-bowtie-cummerbund; does not include shoes)
______$100.00 Coat and Pants only______$80.00 Coat only______$30.00 Pants only
______$17.00 Shirt only______$17.00 Cummerbund and bow tie only
______$12.00 Cummerbund only______$7.00 Bowtie only
______$70.00 Formal Concert Dress (does not include alterations)