Scituate Minor League baseball games shall be conducted in accordance with the official Little League Handbook except as noted below.
- In the Minor League only SLL has decided NOT to enforce the 10 run “slaughter rule” in the regular season UNLESS the losing coach elects to engage the rule. For the play-offs, a 15 run slaughter rule after 4 innings will be in effect. In addition, the losing coach will have the option to engage the slaughter rule at 10 runs after 4 innings.
- Minor League games are six innings and become official after four innings have been completed or if the home team is ahead after three and one half innings. Any game terminated prior to the becoming an official game shall be rescheduled and played at a later date. When the third out is made in the bottom of the inning, the next inning has begun as far as time is concerned. No inning or half inning may begin after 8:00 PM.
- Postponed games must be made up as soon as possible. Saturday and Sunday dates are available for this purpose. Doubleheaders are now permitted. Please email the league’s coordinators: Michael Tempesta , Greg Lisi , Mike Barthel , and John Turco and the schedule coordinator: Colleen Tempesta () for available fields and dates. You also need to make sure you notify the umpire coordinator who is Mitch Grenier to make sure you have an umpire. This is the responsibility of the Home Team Coach.
- Cancellations due to inclement weather are to be left to the discretion of the coaches and it is the coaches’ responsibility to notify players. It is the home team and coach’s responsibility to notify the league coordinators, scheduler and umpire coordinator (same email addresses above) that the game has been cancelled. Because make up games are difficult to reschedule, coaches should be reluctant to call a rain out. Rainouts should be called only when it is actually raining and/or the field is unplayable due to the rain. The decision should be made as close to game time as possible so that games, which can be played, will be played.
- 3 strikes/4 balls/3 outs.
- BATTING ORDER – ALL PLAYERS ARE REQUIRED TO BAT. The batting order shall remain the same throughout the entire game. Batting out of order will result in an automatic out for the batting team. In the event a player is unable to bat due to injury, it should be brought to the attention of the other coach for an exception to this rule.
The batting order consists of the entire roster of the team whether or not the player is assigned a position on the field. For example, if the ninth player on your roster is responsible for the third out of the inning, then the next inning the order will be players ten, eleven, and twelve. If a team has sent the entire roster to bat before three outs are made, the side is retired, except in the sixth inning. In the sixth inning, a side is not retired until three outs are made regardless of the number of batters.
When the teams playing against each other have a discrepancy in the number of players, for example one team has 12 players and the other team has 9 players, the team with 9 players will bat 12 players per inning, or until 3 outs are made – whichever comes first. It might be helpful to have your assistant coach keep the score book for your team and the other team in case any discrepancies arise in bating order or score of the game.
- Bunting is not allowed in the Minor League.
- Tie games count as a tie for the standings. There are no extra inning games.
- Four Walk Rule – The batting team will be assigned an “out” after four consecutive walks. A hit batter counts as a walk for purposes of this rule. Only the first two outs in the inning can be assigned through this rule. If a run scores on the 5th walk or 6th walk, the run counts.
- One Base Rule – One base is awarded on an overthrow. This rule is to be observed when the overthrown ball is in either fair or foul ground.
- No On Deck Circle – The Little League World Headquarters has ruled there will be no on deck circle. Players must leave the bench and go to the batters box before taking practice swings.
- Sliding Rule – Sliding to all bases is allowed in Minor Leagues. Failure to slide at a base where a play is made (2nd, 3rd or home) will result in an out. Head first slides are not allowed and will result in an automatic out for the batting team.
13. No Stealing
- The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position:
League Age Pitch Limit
9-10 60 pitches per day
A pitcher who delivers 41 or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day. A catcher who plays in the catcher position for 4 or more innings may not then pitch in that day.
- Pitchers league age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements: (NOTE – THERE IS NO MORE “GAME REST” RULE.)
- 51 - 65 or more pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
- 36 – 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
- 21 – 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.
- 1 – 20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest must be observed.
- Any player may re-enter the game at the discretion of the coach with the exception of the pitcher. Once a player has pitched, he may not pitch again in the same game.
- All players must play a minimum of two innings (six outs) in the field before the end of the fourth inning AND all players must play a minimum of three innings (nine outs) in the field in a six inning game.
- Every team makes the playoffs. Therefore, the regular season does not mean that much. Please play the children in as many positions as you can so you are ready for post season play. You might be surprised by the results.
- If a team fails to field seven players ten minutes after the start of a game, or during the entire game, they forfeit the game.
- Any coach who fails to meet the minimum number of innings in the field requirements, forfeits the game.
We expect the players to wear the uniform and hat that was given to them by their sponsor and Scituate Little League and NOT any other hat and/or shirt. We would also ask that the children tuck in their shirts for safety reasons. Do not print children’s names on shirts!
All Minors batters must wear helmets with face guards in spring games. We are fine with players bringing their own helmet, but they will not be able to hit if the helmets do not have a face guard.
- Each team is to supply one new ball per game.
- The home team occupies the first base side and the visitors the third base side of the field.
- Only the head coach is allowed to discuss the play with the umpire. The umpire is not always right, but respect their decisions. Judgement calls made by the umpire are not open to objections by the coaches or players (i.e. balls and strikes). Any abusive conduct towards an umpire will result in dismissal of the coach.
- Second year umpires will be behind the plate the entire game, while first year umpires will be on the bases the entire game.
- If you have a concern with an umpire, please report this to Ed Fiddler, Scituate Little League Umpire Director.
Scituate Little League has field permits for the following times at the following fields, issued by the Scituate Recreation Department. This means we have the right to use these fields during these times over other organizations.
Gates6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.12 noon to 8:00 p.m.
(*Please refer to Gates permit for exceptions to these times)
Roach Field8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.12 noon to 8:00 p.m.
Cushing 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.12 noon to 8:00 p.m.
St. Mary’s8:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m.8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.12 noon to 8:00 p.m.
We are planning to use Gates, Roach Field and St. Mary’s (weekends) for games and practices. Cushing will be used as a practice or make-up game field. Once the season starts, there will be limited practice field availability. Consult the field coordinator for reservations.
- Any unacceptable behavior by a coach, player, or parent will not be tolerated and may result in an ejection, forfeiture, and/or suspension from the League. The coaches are responsible not only for their players but the player’s parents as well. Remember to honor the game. Throwing helmets, bats etc in frustration are not examples of acceptable behavior – players should be talked to and if necessary disciplined.
- Coaches or players shall not attempt to distract any opposing pitcher or batter.
- Every player, unless he is at bat, coaching, or playing in the field must remain in the bench area.
- No food, alcoholic beverage, or smoking will be allowed on the field, surrounding area or standing during the game. Any coach detected as being under the influence of alcohol will immediately be relieved of his duties.
- No helmets or bats are to be thrown or rolled across the playing field. Hand carry all equipment.
- Coaches should be mindful of taking proper steps to insure that the safety and well being of both the players and spectators are being maintained.
- Enforce the wearing of all protective equipment, especially for catchers. Catchers must wear athletic supporters with cup.
- Behavior unbecoming a representative or coach of the Scituate Little League will result in immediate suspension. Improper language will not be tolerated.
- Each coach will insure that proper care is taken of all equipment.
- It is the responsibility of the winning coach to email results of the games to Mike Tempesta and Greg Lisi the evening after the game.
- A coach may, at any time, petition the Board of Directors to hear or act on any issue pertinent to his team. The President or League Coordinator will notify the coach of the outcome.
- One coach will coach third base, and one player, not a coach, will coach first base with a helmet on.
- Games should start promptly at 6:00 P.M. Line-ups should be made out before the game and catchers gear put on before the inning is over to speed up play.
- It is the responsibility of the home team coach to pick-up umpires’ gear before and immediately following each game. They should also rake the field and put the pitching mound and plate cover down if inclement weather is expected. The visiting team should rake the field prior to all games. If any of the bases or umpires’ gear is missing, notify the League Coordinator.
Hats and Uniforms:
- When passing out hats, have a magic marker and write the kids initials on the inside lid. You’ll be amazed how kids argue about which hat is theirs. When passing out uniforms, line up the kids, tallest to smallest, and pass out uniforms accordingly.
- Make your line-ups before the game and keep records of what positions the kids have played. Try to rotate the kids into as many positions as possible. Obviously, we don’t want to embarrass or cause any harm to a child. You want to ensure he/she is in a position that will give them the greatest chance to succeed and to not get hurt. All players that would like a chance to pitch, should really get that opportunity during the course of the season. They will remember that experience!
Mike Tempesta 1-617-272-6745 (or 781-545-0274)
Greg Lisi - 313-268-0709
Mike Barthel - 781-378-2122
John Turco - 781-544-7310
Mitch Grenier - 781-710-2850
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