7th Grade Chinese
Ms. Shihong Zhang
Tel: 973-429-8300 Ext.2601
Course Objective:
By end of the course, students should:
-Develop an interest in the Chinese language and culture
-Develop basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese on topics of greeting, school, family, time and date, hobbies, shopping, dining, and transportation.
-Work toward Novice-Mid and some Novice High level proficiency in the language
Grading Policy:
Student absence can have a major effect on the progress of the course, your classmates, and your own performance as well.Student absence can have a major effect on the progress of the course, your classmates, and your own performance as well. Being late for class is disrespectful to the teacher and to your classmates.
1 point off Daily Class Participationevery TWO TIMES TARDYNESS
Class Participation
All students are expected to participate actively in language practice every day. Students’ class participation and performance will be evaluated daily on the following scale and a weekly score(20 points/week) will be given to you on skyward:
3-4 = Present with strong indication of excellent preparation and active participation
2-3 = Present with some indication of good preparation and participation
1-2 = Present with indication of no or little prior preparation and inactive participation
0 = Absent without permitted excuse
Homework (5 points per assignment, 20-25 points/week)
- 5- Assignment completed
- 1-4 Missing some of the work
- 0- didn’t do the assignment
Whenever there is any homework or assignments due, remember to put it on the right corner of your desk for teacher to check or submit it RIGHT AFTER you enter the classroom if it will be collected. NO late homework will be considered. You are entitled to earning extra points from quizzes or projects.
50-80 points Weekly vocabulary &session quiz on Friday: 30-50 points
Chinese Buddy each marking period or other Project 30-60 points
Unit test 100points
Discipline Policy:
1th offense: warning.
2th offense: 2 points participation grade off for the day.
3rd offense: 0 points participation grade for the day. Period 9 detention. Parents will be contacted and administration referral will be submitted.
No eating food or drink other than water allowed in the classroom. You will be asked to go outside of the classroom and come in after you complete the food and marked late.
Cell phone and electronic devices out without permission will be immediately confiscated and give back at period 9.
Make up Works:
You may make up a missing assignment based on school policy. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher for scheduling. Missed contacting the teacher and after the assessment has been given back to class, the grade will be zero.
Weekly Routine and Class Procedure:
Monday: Introduce new conversation with new vocabularies HW: quizlet
Tuesday: Expend the new vocabulary with the conversation. HW: quizlet & workbook
Wednesday: Weekly vocabulary pre-quiz, Practiceconversation. HW:Recording
Thursday: Performance task HW: workbook/hanout
Friday: Weekly session quiz, Weekly checklist. HW: varies
Students should quietly walk into the classroom and get the binder and other necessary materials out immediately. The class will stand up and greet the teacher when the bell rings. First, homework will be checked or collected while students work on their “Do Now”. Then, new materials will be introduced and followed by guided practices and individual exercises. By the end of the class, students are expected to do the homework independently.
Entering the classroom
- You are expected to be in your seat on time.
- Have homework and any materials needed out for the day before the bell rings.
- Begin writing the date and daily objective on your binder.
Do Now_
- It is a review material to be worked at the beginning of the day as soon as you have your class materials ready.
- You will have about 5-10 minutes from the beginning of the class.
Rules for going out
- A special pass will be given each MP for 4 trips to go outside of classroom.
- Put your special pass on your desk, Find an appropriate time to leave and return quietly.
- One student a time is allowed to leave the classroom. Look around to make sure nobody else left before you leave.
- Leave the classroom by using the general Pass.
- You may get 5 points towards a unit test grade at the end of the MP if the pass was not used.
Exiting the classroom
The last 10 minutes of the class will be devoted to highlight the materials,check oncomprehensive understanding, conclude the lesson, writing an exit prompt, and give out homework. No students will be permitted to leave classroom.
Materials needed
- Log in google classroom With the class codebiaao3k
How to join a class with a course code:
Web browser
- Sign in to Classroom
- Click+.
- Enter the code that the teacher gave you and clickJoin.
The class stream opens. If your teacher included a class overview, you can review it by clickingAboutat the top of the page.
Mobile apps
- Touch.
- Touch+.
- Enter the code that the teacher gave you and touchJoin.
The class stream opens.
- create an online quizlet account
- A 3-ring binder with pocket folders.
- 50 pages lined paper with 3 holes.
- Some color pencils or washable markers.
- Sandwich Zip bag to hold the vocabulary cards
The instructional units are organized through a series of pedagogic tasks with gradual approximations to authentic tasks that resemble real life situations. A wide array of multi-media resources and authentic materials will be used to deliver and transform each theme with high degrees of authenticity. Daily power point files, compiled authentic materials, and handouts serve as the major source of instructional materials; the adopted textbook functions as supplementary scripted materials.
I will be glad to assistant you at period 9 If you need additional help after class.
Recommended Online Learning Tools and Dictionaries
This provides a preliminary understanding of the writing system in Mandarin Chinese and construction of Chinese characters. After viewing the video clip, you will be able to identify at least 20 characters and learn the underlying meanings of the selected characters.
Note: you have a task pertaining to this video to complete by the end of the second week. In addition, there will be more to explore and discuss during the first two weeks.
This website is very helpful and user-friendly. You can type pinyin (ex. ni3 hao3) into the search bar, and then choose from the characters that show up with actual pinyin (accents on vowels). Note that a spaceis required between two syllables (ni3 hao3), or it may not work. You can also type Chinese characters or English and convert them to what you like. When you click on the character, a box to the right shows the strokes in order, as well as the definition of the character in English. You can also type Chinese characters and English and the screen will generate translation and examples sentences. There is also an option to listen to the word being spoken by clicking on the speaker icon.
This is a Pinyin Editor. Simply enter"Ni3 hao3", and the editor will automatically and instantly convert them to "Nǐ hǎo". It acts very fast!
This online dictionary features a search option for Chinese characters in which you can use your mouse to “write” the strokes of the character you’re searching for. In addition, it can generate a string of connected speech rather than single words. Other powerful functions include animated stroke order, example sentences, translation from English to Chinese and vice versa. Highly recommended!
You can translate easily from English to Chinese and vice versa. When you try to translate a full sentence, it gives a literal, word-for-word translation. Although there might be grammatical errors in the results, it is still recommended for Chinese language learners. However, it does not show strokes, and there is no option for hearing spoken words.
This is a super user-friendly free tool to convert a passage in either traditional or simplified characters to Pinyin with accurate tone marks in no time.
Note: During the year, we will introduce additional online learning tools and websites to enhance your word processing skills and search for things you need.