Science, Technology, and Society (or closely related) undergraduate majors and concentrations in the US

  1. Arizona State Polytechnic: Science, Technology, and Society Program
  1. Brown University: Committee on Science and Technology Studies
  1. Butler University: Science, Technology, and Society Program
  2. Cal Poly Pomona: Science, Technology, and Society Program
  1. Caltech : History and Philosophy of Science Program
  2. Carleton College: Environmental & Technology Studies Program
  3. Carnegie-MellonUniversity: Department of Engineering and Public Policy
  4. Claremont Colleges: Science, Technology, & Society Program
  5. Colby College: Science, Technology, and Society Program
  1. CornellUniversity:Department of Science & Technology Studies
  2. Georgia Institute of Technology:Science, Technology, & Culture Program ;

School of History, Technology and Society

  1. Lehigh: Science, Technology, and Society Program
  1. MIT: Program in Science, Technology & Society
  1. Morrisville State College: Science, Technology, and Society Program
  1. New Jersey Institute of Technology: Science, Technology, and Society Program
  1. NC State: Science, Technology & Society Program
  2. Northwestern: Science in Human Culture Program
  3. Penn State: Science, Technology, & Society Program
  4. Polytechnic Institute of NYU: Department Technology, Culture, and Society
  1. Princeton University: Program in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy
  2. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Science & Technology Studies Department
  1. Rochester Institute of Technology: Department of Science, Technology,and Society/Public Policy
  1. Stanford University: Program in Science, Technology & Society
  1. SUNY Stony BrookDepartment of Technology and Society
  2. University of California, Davis: Science and Technology Studies Program
  3. University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Science, Technology, and Society Initiative
  1. University of Massachusetts, Boston: Program in Science, Technology, and Values
  1. University of Pennsylvania: Science and Technology Wing (STWING)
  2. University of Pittsburgh: Department of History and Philosophy of Science
  3. University of Puget Sound: Science, Technology, and Society Program
  1. Vassar College: Program in Science, Technology, & Society
  2. Virginia Tech: Department of Science & Technology in Society
  3. WesleyanUniversity: Science in Society Program
  4. Worcester Polytechnic University: Society, Technology, and Policy Program