Issue 15 – November 2010

What an absolutely fabulous weekend we had in Kobe. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our hosts, the members of Japan Region, and especially to the wonderful committees that made the weekend such a success. Our Board Meeting preceded the ITW and your Region Presidents will be contacted shortly by the Division Vice Presidents to brief them on the outcome of our special “think tank – brainstorming meeting”. Our focus was on PREM & Training = Growth. The Region Presidents should then share with you the highlights of the meeting and what you can do to make a difference. We are once again facing a critical time in our organization and only by all of us working together will we grow and achieve our goal of 10,000 members. I ask each of you now – bring in one member this term; look for areas that we can extend to; send your thoughts to us for our future; come on get on the POWERtalk International Membership Express, take this opportunity to really make a difference and participate. ONE + ONE

Margaret Sutherland, President 2009-2011

Division III covers a segment of the world which runs from Iceland Region in the north to Two Oceans Region in South Africa. In between these lie Great Britain Region, Europe 92 Region (with members in the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Austria), and Hellenic Region in Greece.

All these Regions have quite distinct cultures and traditions, and use a variety of languages; but they have much in common, and they each have knowledgeable and enthusiastic members who enjoy what they gain from and give to their clubs, councils and Regions.

I have found that strong clubs tend to have certain things in common, and in the spirit of ‘Coach for Success’ let me share those things with you.

  1. Have interesting meetings and have fun during them. Don’t always do the same things – try something different: have an outside speaker, set up your room differently, have panel games or a party.
  2. Invite other people to your meetings. It makes meetings much more interesting and your guest just might join and add to the interest and fun of future meetings.
  3. Publicise your club in your community. POWERtalk could be the best thing that ever happened for someone out there; and that person could be the best thing that ever happened for your club.

Ruth Maltman

Vice President

Division III


PS for publicity materials search under PREM on the website.